My gf told me recently that she is interested in a threesome. When I asked her with a girl or guy, she said with a girl...

My gf told me recently that she is interested in a threesome. When I asked her with a girl or guy, she said with a girl. She wants MFF.

I don't know whether this is really a good idea. Please give me some advices Veeky Forumsizens.

Tell her you'd prefer MMF with Jamal and Tyrone, while you watch in the corner.

she is a whore. dump her.

She wants MFF now, she'll want MMF next week and you'll be a hypocrite in her eyes if you say no to a MMF threesome after having it "your" way.

you are a lucky guy. marry her already. put a ring.


don’t do it

if you like her I wouldn't do it

I did it with an ex and it nearly broke us up because she is going to get jealous

I made this thread 2 hours ago user

If you are degenerate and don't give a fuck about the relationship then fuck yes do it, either way it sounds like she doesn't care about the relationship... so fuck it, go for it.

Make sure Tyrone has a BBC too

Who are these girls and where can I meet them?


t. Tyrone

beta male couldn't put her gf in place...

good job user. now you can not have threesomes.

Hope you don't have any long term plans for her.

Clearly girls in relationships during 2017, where sex means nothing anymore

this, it would be ok if you just fucked but if shes your gf then just dump her, or distance yourself from her while still fucking her but don't be in a committed relationship with the bitch

why do girls play such stupid little games if this is true?

why not be honest and more direct?

The fuck you on about

Just saw the same thread but otherway around. Mmf.
You trying to pull something here

>dump her while still fucking her

is this real life?
or is it just fantasy?

OP here.

I am a different user actually, not related in any way to the other thread.

Because if she just comes to you and asks to grt fucked by another dude while youre fucking her she looks like a whore with no plausible deniability, if the MFF threesome happens first she at least has some deniability

This x1000
She'll make an actual cuck out of you

Do ffm threesome than dump her
She isn't worth it

Sounds like she isnt satisfied