Is it possible? Tell me it's possible.
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Protip: It's not unless you got a lobotomy.
INFJ masterrace
Fuck you. It's possible. I will get my shit together. This will happen.
I used to be intj metal fan dyel and now I'm enfj or enfp or something
INTJ is the unironic masterrace
These things are retarded and mean nothing. It's just a glorified version of astrology. If you have social anxiety, it's because you never learned social interaction properly growing up so you have to teach it to yourself now. You're not a "personality type" any material you're a "star sign", you're just shit at things you've never developed properly and good at things you have developed.
You can do it but it's going to be hard. You need to change your thought patterns by proyecting what you want them to be.
Fake it till you make it, so to speak.
ENTP and I dislike ENTJ's bad. Become and ENTP masterrace like me.
t. a libra
> You're not a "personality type" any material
>you're just shit at things you've never developed properly and good at things you have developed.
You're an idiot. People born in similar conditions develop differently because our brains are wired differently. Different major events change people in different ways. Over time a mix of what your original personality and your developed personality make your current personality. Sure this can change over years but overall it stays the same. This isn't some horoscope bullshit, it's a test to see if you're more introverted or extroverted, if you plan more than you just go with the flow. These are real personality traits.
I'm entj and believe me it's not as good as ppl make it out to be. While our strengths are very useful in the corp world, we suck at emotions and shit.
>nature v nurture
an act can only be so good next to the real thing best play to your strengths
>Over time a mix of what your original personality and your developed personality make your current personality
That doesn't even make sense. What's your original personality? If you can change it, then that means that it IS bullshit. Introvert and extrovert are bullshit terms too. You can learn to be "extroverted". If you're not, it means you didn't develop social skills properly and you have to learn them later in life. It's all made up.
he is right you know.
I'm Taurus
Intp here
You seriously gotta find ways to ACT on reality. I've found tantrism mixed with a bunch of other practises help me with spending more time outside my head.
There's a whole world out there for you to have fun with, keep the internal autismo for yourself and for when you can have some time just for that. Keep a notebook on yourself, write down seed-ideas for later and move on. That way you'll be way more productive on all fields.
>Tfw found an extrovert crafty gf
>Mfw we complement each others
ISTJ coming through
Prepare to be quietly judged for not setting regimens for every minute action
It kinda is. I was stuck on my INTP shadow so to speak until I began lifting and improving myself in general.
Types are static however, so if you're actually an INTP instead of a depressed ENTJ you can still work on improving yourself.
says im ESTP even tho my pinnacle of socializing is going to a bar once a week and talking with randoms
Everyone has default personality traits that can be changed through habits later in life, but that doesn't mean you turn into someone else. Your core values are still there, which either came from genes or somewhere in development stages. Introverts can seem like extroverts because they're skilled at socializing, but they will still enjoy their alone time more. The terms aren't bullshit, how they are commonly used is bullshit.
Learning to be extroverted is not a personality type, that's called acting. Actors can be any personality on screen, it's what they prefer off screen is their actual personality. I can't believe I need to explain something so simple.
Also this. Being shit at Si and Fi we literally see sensibilities and feelings as invisible. We might not know whenever someone is upset at something we might have done or fail to understand and live up to people's expectations.
I'd honestly be ESTP instead of ENTJ. If being INTP is hell on Earth, ENTJ is like being on Heaven but with a little voice in your head telling you that it isn't true and you're actually in the deepest realms of Hell
Comfy personality discord for those people in need of help with autism and Veeky Forums feels in general.
Try taking lsd if it's a prohlem, it's opened up my ability to read emotions and have different perspectives, honestly life changing.
Like not exactly, because you'll systematize differently, but you can certainly try to develop those traits and have some success. The real test of character for an INTP would be trying to develop situational control of ESFP characteristics, which may develop a better rounded character
t. INTJ that acts like an INFP so people will like him
Entj here, how do I drop autism and fulfill my role properly? I have to pretend to be and introvert and ler the retards lead and all of this feels like absolute shit.
Try to be likable in order for them to rely on you for leadership. If not, I guess you could try the way of the lone wolf. It has worked out for me pretty well.
If you still have time, maybe you should enroll in leadership and organizational activities.
Ummm ask more questions, make less statements. Care about how people feel, its 75% of negotiation
>dislike ENTJ's
Its not possible to change your personality.
If you are a red blooded conservative then you cant just learn to be a bleeding heart liberal.
You can fake it though and make decisions based on the opposite of what you actually believe.
These tests just measure what your answers are to questions so just change your answers.
Hahaha lad
Hell ya nigger ENTP all day
Jesus Christ what kind of a pussy gives a fuck about that shit? Might want to get your tap water tested for estrogen and cut the soy, next thing you know you'll want to put on a wig and get called Sally, and I'm not going to see another good man get killed by the liberal agenda. I just fucking won't.
Sensors are untermensch
That's bs, though the core remains the same we can change as long as be believe in it.
>Not giving a fuck about emotion
Lmao enjoy the cold roaring wind that'll slowly fill up your hollow being as the years pass by
I think it's ironic that people on this board will be quick to dismiss psychology, sociology, anthropology or any other non hard science as unprovable nonsense and yet will completely buy into Myers-Briggs like it's an accurate reflection of the chemical composition of your brain or something like that. Even amongst psychologists there's dispute about the value of all personality tests, Myers-Briggs just being the most famous and intellectual sounding because of its letter naming pattern. It's really more comparable to astrology than any kind of hard science. If you don't believe me look at this article:
>does test twice
>concludes opinions based on results of 2 tests on sample size 1
>considers himself scientist, and tries to point out why test is wrong, when his test testing methodology is non existant
You need a partner, OP. It won't be true ENTJ because you will always have trouble finding the right choice (even if both are good) so you need a business partner/friend to give you the optimal perspective. Think of the Steve Jobs/Wozniak duo. Fucking Magic.
Geminis here. Whatever.
>you can determine a person's personality by 4 elements
Modern science & academias are basically a big bullshit stew constantly changing their mind about what's acceptable and what's not. In the end what works, works and what doesnt, well, it fucking doesnt. The form and shape means nothing.
Though it's true mbti is close to astrology on its aspect, astrology done right is pretty fucking knowledgeable.
In the end these stuff are supposed to be guidelines rather than definite self prophecies. Too bad very few see it that way.
Not the guy you’re replying to but I disagree. An extrovert is just someone who enjoys being around people and you can learn to enjoy being around people just like you can learn to enjoy anything else. I switched from an I to an E on these tests as soon as I gained confidence and learned how to find enjoyment in socialization.
>tfw when to intelligent
>Sensors are untermensch
Untrue. ISTP is the ubermensch. ESTP is ENTP minus the autism
> astrology done right is pretty fucking knowledgeable
Fuck this Myers Briggs shit gets to me. You self select answers based on what you think of yourself- then the test tells you what you think of yourself and you fucking clowns gobble it up like some sort of oracle's prophecy.
You can change. Don't define yourself and the rest of your life by some pseudo science test you took in high school.
>astrology done right is pretty fucking knowledgeable.
include me in the fucking screencap
Personality types are pseudoscience
I did the test with my gf so we could close to giving candid answers. I agree if you take it alone it's confirmation bias for your ego
They just do shit without giving it thought and just because they shout loud enough they think that they can get away with it.
And I love challenging peoples believe and have a good discussion. But ffs ENTJ's flip their shit if you do that. In my wide friend group there are three alphas, you know the ones that get the gilrls and decide what we're gonna do. Me and 2 other guys who are ENTJ's. They can't fucking cope with the fact everyone listens and believes me first and have been trying to one up me for years. It brings alot of conflict in our group because they'll literally get mad af and will fuck everyone over if things dont go their way. One guy even tried to fight me and started a slander campaign when he lost. I mean I should not have been fucking his ex but serves him right for being a dick.
i'm ESTP what now
I'm an INTJ AND a chosenite.
Classic race/class build.
I do business.
Only valid post in this thread.
Just tell them to suck it up and to think through.
I can't really see how are they alphas when they'd get mad at you to the point of character assassination.
Sounds more like ESTJ to me, user
i use these tests to see who i should interact with. it's quite simple, really. if you put any stock into myers-briggs personality tests or think big-five is for anything but modeling populations, I don't interact with you! ezpz
Why do you always have to be what Veeky Forums tells you to be? If you don't like the food at McDonald's you don't go there. If you don't like talking about things that don't interest you, don't talk about it more than necessary. You'd just end up like a tranny who everyone knows is essentially pretending but play along with. You're way too far behind in the social game to ever become a pro at it; not because you technically can't, but because you technically don't want to.
Ey robots
Is this one still accurate?
IDK about that, senpai. Can't even figure out what I wanna do in my life as a career yet I'll be more than happy to help a random stranger at a party who offered me a cigarette get their shit together. I kinda wanna go the stereotypical INFJ route of therapist, but I hate the idea of Student Loan debt
Also this. An ENTJ probably wouldn't give a shit at all. ENTP and ENTJ is the perfect pair
MBTI is just a horoscope for fedoralords.
am ENTJ with slight INTJ and wudnt do such ridiculous childish things like ever
You know Wall Street is packed with ESTPs, right ?
What's the fucking deal with personal hygiene?
I'm autistic as fuck, but not washing makes you smell bad (and you smell yourself too, not only others), so you wash regularly. I shower every day (more than once when I sweat a lot), brush my teeth 3 times a day, etc, pretty normal stuff.
>caring about this horoscope shit
>and you can learn to enjoy being around people
No, you can't. You can learn to tolerate it.
>I switched from an I to an E on these tests as soon as I gained confidence and learned how to find enjoyment in socialization.
You didn't "switch", you just answered wrong the first time.
If "learning" how to socialise made you start liking socialising, it means you always wanted and liked to socialise, you were just unable to.
Of course, real traumatic events can change your personality, but based on your post, that's not what happened to you.
Fellow ENTP reporting in, senpaitachi
Master these things
Logical extreme
Be more conscious of reality and the practical effects of your ideas(it doesnt matter how great your idea sounds, if it never is applied in the real world it's irrelevant)
Concentrate and apply yourself to ONE thing, and stop daydreaming about a million possibilities
INTPs are basically autistc
So stop being autistic
As an INTP it is my duty to point out that based on your premises your theory can't be falsified. I.e. it's rubbish.
My hypothesis is that MBTI types are based on the degree of dominance of a person's cognitive processes. If a person changes these processes, the type changes. People are typically very set in their ways so changing types is very rare unless they are under extreme stress, but it is possible to retrain the brain to use a different "cognitive stack."
Admittedly this is the minority viewpoint and most people think types are set in stone. But they are retarded because I'm right.
>retrain the brain
There's your problem.
"Retraining the brain" is tantamount to acting. Actors aren't their characters.
>Actors aren't their characters.
How could I prove/disprove that?
also with me :^)
>be me, INTJ
>become ENTJ
I have evolved
The worst E is better than the best I.
>not ENTJ
Maybe you'll make it some day kiddo.
>being this wrong
Sorry I don't believe in tumblrina astrology bullshit to male themselves feel special and not like others
also my ex(underage teen) was an edgy INTJ and now I know that this MBTI shit is utter fucking lunacy and people who call themselves INTJ are insufferable cunts desperately wanting attention
I did it.
>God Tier
ISTP reporting
Whats it like to be human?
I'm INTJ and I wish I was ENTJ
master race reporting
I agree, sadly.
t. INTP guy
>not wanted to be ENTP
Enjoy your no gains to your body, mind, creativity and social life PUSSYYY
Implying "S" in any combination isn't the shittiest possible result
Could be a J and an S though, that'd just be pathetic
Still, RIP bro
You were always an E then, you were just too much of a depressed betamax to express it.
INTP here, here's an expert opinion
Great tier:
Cool tier:
OK Tier:
Fucking useless feelfags:
Yes it's possible. NT is the core, it means you're an analyzer/strategizer.
First move from P to J. This is the hard part. You have got to figure out what's important and focus solely on it. I suggest cleaning up your room, and throwing away every diversionary time-sucking thing you have (vidya). Limit your internet time. Stop googling shit that doesn't matter. Stop checking chans for hours upon hours. Make a schedule. Make goals and plans to reach those goals.
Moving from I to E is next. If you can go from P to J, then I to E will be easier. Make one of your focuses "human interaction and leadership". Learn to start talking to people. Go out, even if it's just the grocery store, and ask questions of the employees (where to find x). Talk to cashiers and clerks, and then talk to customers anytime the opportunity is there. Focus on this in the same way you would be going to the gym to train your muscles. Also try to get a job in either sales or management.
>INFP: The most beta male profile POSSIBLE
>Great tier
Please stop posting.
INTP autists belong in OK tier.
More like mad gains scientist boyz
Strive to become ENTP.
INTP is a close second
>t. INTP