>Just found out my little brother drinks soy milk
I'm honestly not sure what to do guys
>Just found out my little brother drinks soy milk
I'm honestly not sure what to do guys
Show him Paul Joseph Watson's "Soy Boy" video. If that doesn't work, beat the fuck out of him
>guy talks about soyboys
>eats chicken, steak, drinks beer and milk
>posts selfies like a 15yo girl
>soft, flabby, bitchtits
Yeah, fuck you and fuck that guy. Soy isn't the problem. It's animal agriculture farming practices that have poisoned everyone with estrogen.
keep feeding him soy and maybe if your feeling kinky you could crush some HRT pills and mix it in his drinks, turn him into a trap for your own advantage
nice fit related topic btw
no joke, this shit is fucking delicious. So sweet and yummy. Doesn't make me bloat like milk
the jews must really want us to be soyboys
yes, the plant estrogen in soy milk is the problem, not the mammalian estrogen in regular milk, yes
fuck him when he turns into a trap
Learn from him since you're clearly retarded?
>estrogen in soy and cow milk
Drink almond milk for maximum gains and no estrogen
>not drinking milk for the bloatmax
> Paul Joseph Watson's "Soy Boy"
I like how he cited actual experts and had evidence. Yo Elliot has a really good video on soy too. He had a really good point.
Woman who are post menopausal eat soy because it makes them feel more womanly, it gives them more estrogen. Why would a man ever want to touch that stuff I have no idea.
We've been consuming dairy since the dawn of domesticated animals. Soy in the west is a new thing, in asia they ferment it so that it loses much of the phytoestrogens.
That said I rarely have dairy anymore except for butter and cheese. I rarely eat icecream, I go through about a pint a month.
If PJW held left wing beliefs he'd be the posterchild of soyboys. He's skinny, has bitchtits, and has totally adopted the nu-male know-it-all quick speaking affect. Clearly there's more than soy at play (not saying anyone should eat soy)
>tfw lactose intolerant
I've tried lactose-free milk and it still fucks with me.
Thank god for their almond milk. You know the taste regular milk gets when you have it at room temp? Tastes like that, but with a hint of vanilla and a smooth almond after taste. Also like their almond/coconut blend.
He's an authority on the matter
fermented soy and unfermented has the same amount of phytoestrogens you mong
>asia they ferment it so that it loses much of the phytoestrogens.
Does this mean that milk and oats also fuck you up? Fuck.
Feminine face, feminine voice, feminine body and feminine levels or complaining, this guy has no credentials to talk on the matter.
i dont get all this active hate for soy milk. why dont we all just not fucking drink it and let the dumb goys who fell for (((their))) trickery and we can just not drink it. in the long run, theyre gonna have soy bitch tits and cuck morality whilst we all have ripped bodies and alpha thought process.
let natural selection do its work, were the ones who are clearly going to benefit from it
How old is your brother?