What the fuck do I do now?
Skipped leg day for 2 years
Looks like you skipped meals too.
looks like you skipped every other bodypart too
leg day
Lean bulk bro
You have a good base (low bf)
you squat
go run ss for squats
>2 years for this
eat more twink
You're proportional. Your upper is as big as your lower (not big at all, no offense). Lift bigger, program, eat more.
Thanks for the tips lads I'm absolutely clueless about this stuff. Time for me to stop being a drifter and focus.
No way you've been lifting for two years. Looks like you swim once a week and do push ups.
Did you skip workout day for 2 years as well.
surely it doesn't look that fucking bad
nice shoulder to waist ratio
give me your stats
what's your shoulder routine lmao
Wtf where did you get that pic of me
My programs is:
5x5 OHP
Go home
10/10 posture though
Starting strength + gomad
Not joking
You have bigger problems, you need to start eating dude
Mirin shoulder and frame genetics got potential, where u from look like an old mate
oh it's pretty bad
You have such a perfect base to gain muscle I'm jealous OP. Slow bulk and hit everything, or just run smolov. In all honestly though you already have the perfect body to be a slayer, good clothes work well on that type of body.
SS+GOMAD of course, where do you think you are?
nigger you're legit anorexic, do you even eat solid food?
I'm not doing GOMAD guys it's a meme diet and I'm dairy intolerant
You have a good farme, but you look like a swimmer, not someone who lifts weight. Eat big if you want to be big bro.
GOMAD seems to be shit unless I was actually in autschwitz-mode. Medically I'm actually not underweight or anorexic so I'm probably better just doing a lean bulk right?
You don't look like you lift, you need a fresh new start
honestly take up cycling for a bit, hits the calves and quads pretty good. Then squats and deads twice a week for about 2 months.. your all caught up because you look dyel as fuck.