Is this possible natty? 11 months, 260 lbs to 210 lbs.
Is this possible natty? 11 months, 260 lbs to 210 lbs.
No ahahaha
Yes, but it's going to take a while.
what about this says not natty?
>this was him when he was 19
Should explain it
I'd believe he was natty
He probably went gym for a fair time before the first pic and only later decided to take that image and fix his fat cunt diet.
OP has been lifting longer and looks worse, so he's looking for others to say it's not natural to make himself feel better.
I lost 40 lbs in 4 months.. but he gained a shit ton of muscle in the process... so id say doubtful. his traps and shoulders exploded
Shoulders and traps scream no to me
If you think that progress in that time
is natty you should check yourself before you wreck yourself
Inb4 hard work dedication human body can achieve big things
The loss is possible, but I'm not buying him being 210 with and after being that fat in 11 months Natty. No. You could go from semi Skelly to 210 muscled in that time, or fatass to pretty fit, but I doubt at that weight.
I only believe it because you can tell he was already fit (but fat) in the before pic.
Look at the lack of face gains
traps and shoulders? They look completely normal.
It's just the weekly crossfit shill thread. Stop reading reddit for advice you fags.
Yes, as mentioned above he was ripped awhile ago, like 10 years.
Its fair to assume he was still lifting at peak fatness. In the pic on the left, just assume this is maximum bloat and peak obesity. He's really not that fat for 5'11 and 260.
Creeped his reddit account a bit, he had a video of him benching 425 at BW 210. I'm sure he was probably benching more when he was a fat dude.
This is probably just a 'casual' powerlifter who got sick of the chub and wanted to shred out.
The 11 months part
Strongly doubt it but maybe, some people are just gifted beyond normies. Have a close friend who tries so hard to gain weight and literally he just gets more ripped. He of course chocks it up to his good training and says everyone who is smaller than him just doesn't try as hard.
You can do that in 5-6 months if you're bulking(he obviously is) and you only have to cut 50 lbs.
>implying it takes 11 months to lose 50 lbs
Try 3
>Is this possible natty? 11 months, 260 lbs to 210 lbs.
Yes, it is, if he had been lifting for a considerable time (>2y)...
well you can't even tell how much muscle he has there in the before picture. It's a big difference between a fat dyel and someone who played college football and just got fat over 3 years.
left pic obviously shows muscle. dude was just bulking, its so obvious he was
Unless that dude was very athletic or had a fairly vigorous and strenuous job while being fat as fuck...then no.
Dude is half natty at least.
see and dude is natty. you can tell he has substantial musculature in the before photo if you know what muscle on a fatty looks like, plus he was muscular and lean when he was younger.
the guy basically cut.
No. He would have to be a genetic freak, but most likely he is lying about the time span or he was on gear.
>That neck
you guys are so full of shit. The shoulders/trap/neck would be way bigger if he was on gear.
The tiny neck with large muscular body at that age = gear.
That guy better have fucking trained from child on top of being a hardcore college and highschool athlete or there is no way to explain that body.
I just don't see it. He is either medium-high tier genetics natty with previous training or low tier genetics lazy gear head.
>That’s awesome!!! I think I lost more than 50 bc I switched out fat to muscle. I was a lot more diligent with my routine for the first 7 months or so. Keto diet, 16/8 intermittent fasting, a shitload of supplements (Vega protein, whey protein, casein protein, ALC, CLA, fish oil, multi vitamin, turmeric capsules, garcinia cambogia, green coffee bean, green tea) Gallon of water everyday. I got my 40-50 carbs from fruit and vegetables. Lots of fish, lean meats, and nuts. Bought a vitamix and used it everyday. Got some bomb wireless headphones (sounds dumb but gadgets help) exercise was Crossfit daily, treadmill, and weightlifting. Took pictures for progress and motivation, got a scale but the mirror is more accurate. Nowadays I basically do what I just described diet wise but Friday and Saturday I eat whatever I want Nice work and good luck!
this is his reply to the top post in this thread, this moron is absolutely pinning
>11 months to cut
Look at his neck.
The dude just bulked to 260 and then cut to 210.
Thats incredibly doable.