Is black guys being more muscular than other races a meme?
Is black guys being more muscular than other races a meme?
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Theres tons of DYEL niggers around just open your eyes and stop believing electric jew
Yes. No other race is even close to as muscular as whites.
t. worked in Africa
Blacks are the most ugliest race with literal chimp faces so many of them try to make up for it by trying to get muscular
I find that a lot of darkies just look more musclar even though they are weak
Been involved in Muay Thai/BJJ for about 10 years. Sparred with a lot of jigaboos who look shreaded but found it very easy to throw them around, its like they have bambi legs
The biggest muscle is the penis
What do you mean proof? It only makes sense i live in asia and whenever people see blacks they look at them disgusted or cover their noses. besides everybody has eyes and it is no secret that blacks look like monkeys and is the reason why libs go ape shit when blacks are called monkeys. You C O P E ape
something something two world wars
something something all good men died something
So you sparred with a bunch of black guys who were all muscular. Gotcha
Asthetically speaking they looked musclar but were actually pretty weak, not sure what you dont understand
Those Asian women subconsciously or secretly would kill to get fucked by those black guys so your opinion is worth nothing
you know you are pathetic right. im not even white and dont care for pinkdicks but people like you are truly pathetic. whenever your race is criticised this is the only thing that you can come up with. a porno company where woman are paid money to have sex with your race. they even ask more more money than they do with other races because even those degenrate pornstars consider you subhuman and ask for more money. learn to make an argument and not chimp out like an animal. maybe other people will respect you.
They ask for more money because they know a hotter scene demands a higher paycheck.
>i wish about women fucking my kind on siberian coconut farming forum and maybe they will fuck us in real life
coping this hard
>Calls someone an ape
>While typing like an ape.
Call names all you want, but you know I'm right and you wouldn't be invested enough to argue otherwise.
jesus christ man why do you act so retarded. women actually ask more money with blacks becuase they refuse to do scenes with them and many people from porn industry have spoken out against it. you could have just googled it yourself. like i said come back with an actual argument
no one's posted any proof one way or the other
African American adults are nearly 1.5 times as likely to be obese compared with White adults. Approximately 47.8 percent of African Americans are obese (including 37.1 percent of men and 56.6 percent of women) compared with 32.6 percent of Whites (including 32.4 percent of men and 32.8 percent of women). More than 75 percent of African Americans are overweight or obese (including 69 percent of men and 82.0 percent of women) compared with 67.2 percent of Whites (including 71.4 percent of men and 63.2 percent of women).
excellent comeback B R A V O
The obese blacks could also have lots of muscle mass
You didn't say anything to me. I just noticed how emotional you are an how terribly you type, so wanted to chime in.
This is retarded. Even studying blacks is a waste of time
Look at the drummer at the star of this vid. The tribe had no technology and the vid is from the 60s. I doubt he even did any recreational exercise.
>you know I'm right
No you know im right that your kind looks like apes. the only factual statemet is that my people think your kind is disgusting subhumans and the african exchange students in my college is looked at in disgust and no one will even help them
100% meme. The reality is that they are actually the most obese race
And are heavily predisposed to heart disease
i've heard so many women talk about wanting to get fucked by these chimps. they've always been sluts and losers
Blacks aren’t more muscular, but there are a few reasons the public thinks so
1. They make up the majority of pro athletes (the reason for this is very complex but actually has nothing to do with race). So pro athletes are mainly black, and pro athletes are also usually muscular. So this tilts public perception.
2. Darker skin makes muscles look more defined. It’s just an artist trick, they don’t actually have more muscle. Same reasons why bodybuilders use spray tans before a show.
3. While older African Americans are actually more likely to be obese (again, for reasons that have nothing to do with race) younger ones are leaner (for reasons that also have nothing to do with race). Leaner people are often thought to have more muscle, just because the muscle is visible.
So pro sports+ skin shading + leaness
how pathetic can you become man?
How are you going to act proud when both races are in an absolutely disgusting health state, currently?
Blacks most likely evolved to covet calories, especially from sugar, due to living in an environment where food is scarce for millions of years. Their bodies, the same as all human bodies but more pronounced, have not evolved to suit the abundance of food we can find in out world now. This is why candy makes us so fat. Sugar is naturally rare, but not now, though our bodies don't know that.
This is actually a good thing for blacks if you are intelligent enough to keep it in mind. It means they can live longer with less food. That's on the topic of food and starvation, I'm aware blacks still have issues with heart disease.
to become clinically obese due to muscle mass youd have to be a proffesional body builder running grams of gear
>You are on Veeky Forums so good chance there is something wrong with you
no fit used to be a good board until morons like you started to shit all over this board
Says the guy who just outed himself samefagging strawmen about black guys
These three posts are good candidates for reporting as they violate global rule 5.
Dark skin makes it easier to see muscles.
Look at bodybuilders on stage, they all paint themselves.
Nice larp faggot. You think we cant understand when you copy my name and reply with this muh dick.
>african american IQ
Wow, all whites on this site are really insecure
some nigger just copied my name i used on /tv/ you idiot
I think "tired of bullshit" is a more apt description rather than "insecure". Whites are starting to think of themselves as a racial group, and when that happens the race war will begin. This is why a lot of people on Veeky Forums are training. They want to be ready when the shit hits the fan.
Sure thing samefag.
>How are you going to act proud when both races are in an absolutely disgusting health state, currently?
I'm not proud, those are just Amerimongrels. They'll always be fat. The difference is just striking and African-Americans being muscular is a terrible meme not based on any reality.
>its another negroid C O P E ing
Are you retarded?
>living in an environment where food is scarce for millions of years.
What are you talking about? They lived on the equator and never had to develop farming because there was always a banana on the tree due to extremely mild winters.
Yeah this namefag sounds like he's in some real pain
Dr.Whore post a body pic
Faggot. You're being baited hard here. Dis nog is just coping. We can all see you've won here let him neck now
He wins when he posts a body pic to prove he BTFO blacks with his own physique
>being this retarded
Proof? Just go outside. The average black is dyel like everyone else.
You seem to be getting a little bit emotional there user. Seems like you are failing to think clearly.
you probably look like shit
>black boys making these threads in this sacred season of the year because they can't get women
actually, it's not even black guys who make them, but some pathetic soyboy faggot that spams this shit across boards
No one cares what you think
The pic you uploaded clearly implies a pride in being Caucasian. The difference is that striking, you see fat people everywhere in America. They are all losing, so why give a shit if blacks are losing a bit more? Who cares? That's like bragging you only have to eat a shit sandwich but the guy next to you has to eat a shit sandwich and drink a glass of piss. But whatever. Our end opinions are the same. I just don't believe you articulated your message very well, if that was in fact your message.
Your new years resolution should be to stop trolling, or learn to troll better. Either way this is awful and you should feel stupidity and shame.
*isn't that striking
Also, you don't seem like you've spent that much time in America, so your opinion about anything happening day to day in America isn't well conceived
Not really sure how this relates to the OP. We are talking about the muscular nature of Afro-Americans.
I wasn't talking to op. I was talking to the guy I was talking to. You stupid in the head or something?
Stay on topic.
Get off my dick
some facts you can look up:
african americans
>have higher obesity levels on average
>have same test levels as whites on average, but higher estrogen levels
>are far more likely to use steroids than whites
>entire thread is full of insecure coping whitebois with small dicks
>are far more likely to use steroids
So, they're more muscular.
Interesting and insightful. I will spend some time researching these facts about african americans further.
oh and to rephrase, I'd rather say "some studies you can look up". It's there, but I'm not autistic enough to have this shit saved. They also have the "warrior gene" more often, which is linked to the crime rates
Don't be stupid.
Surely pointing out the flaws of others is more important than improving one's self. If we lower others, we don't have to go through the effort of raising ourselves. Don't you understand the strategic logic happening in this thread? Work smarter, not harder :^)
He is just some fatty /pol/tard with a small dick, don't bully him so hard.
Cringe this thread is...
>. More than 75 percent of African Americans are overweight or obese (including 69 percent of men and 82.0 percent of women) compared with 67.2 percent of Whites
is that supposed to be good?
no race war is going to happen
you should play less videogames nerd
He's free to play as much as he wants if there isn't gonna be a race war, you retarded cocksucker.
>lowtest whitebois avoid confrontation
tell us something we didn't know
The only way the muscular nigger meme could be true is if Blacks were less obese than Whites, not more.
you missed my point completely
>67.2 percent
that's fucking disgusting, try going to a real country and seeing their 20 obesity rate which is considered a lot
I didn't realize Veeky Forums was insecure AND uneducated.
Right, in a fantasy world it is possible.
Face it, American niggers statistically look like this:
I'm not an Amerimutt.
Takes one to know one
regardless we should be trying to fix obesity everywhere
WAIT dem african countries dont have high obesity rates dafuq? i thoughts all niggers wus obese?
If you're implying that I'm "one" that means you're "one" too for recognizing it. BTFO.
No, it really doesn't. But great 4th grade comeback.
Stay on-topic, you piece of shit.
I did say Americans. Obviously in African nations with too little food and much lower wealth/prosperity, malnourishment or undernourishment will be much more prevalent. Rest assured that if African nations ever reach the wealth of modern Western nations, they will instantly become the most obese nations on Earth.
Man, the white race is honestly pathetic. Superior my ass, just look at the failures in this thread. Also
>89 posts/23 unique posters
Stay on topic.
Dark skin makes people look bigger, which is why people seem to assume that blacks are naturally bigger than whites.
Also the black incarceration rate and other similar factors probably mean that younger blacks are more likely to workout than younger whites. But this is a cultural difference, not a genetic one.
They have lower bf than whites.
T.Arab so you know im not biased
AIDS also causes you to lose weight like crazy.
Are there black people in anime? No? Yeah, then shut the fuck up.