Always weaker and feel shitty, my whole life

>always weaker and feel shitty, my whole life
>start to get worse to the point of just collapsing or falling over frequently
>emotionally just a total mess
>over about 4 months i degrade and get worse and worse
>memed into a blood hormone test
>get results back
>in the high 400's
>told to just get more sleep
>and give up smoking and drinking (i have never done either)
>"normal range"
>for an 80 year old sedentary man, not a guy who has almost reached 1/2/3/4 after years of training regularly
>no way to get roids
>do a pile of meme supps from DAA, Zink, ZMA, B12, Calcium, Vitamin D, ashwagandha, Tribulus, eating more fats, eating more than half a kilo of test booting vegetables every night
>after 2 weeks i wake up one day, after a bad nights sleep due to noise from outside
>i have energy
>i feel amazing
>better than i've ever felt
>for days i feel this way, from what is at best a moderate test boost
is this how I am meant to feel? is this how a normal test guy feels all the time?

I'm going to move to a country where actual test is legal.

I'm not going to spend another day low test

UK, Germany, Thailand. somewhere i will find a way to get what I need

Thank you for meming me into this fit, since i raised my test just a small amount, i've felt better than i have in my entire life

>I started eating vegetables, taking
vitamins, and sleeping more
>somehow I miraculously feel better than I did before I started. This must be the magic of muh testosterone.

How is high 400s "low test" you chucklefuck?

average test for a 20-35 year old is about 650

400's is 80-90 year old man average

>1/2/3/4 in a year while cutting
>always have energy and good sleep
>expect high as fuck natty test
>297 ng/dl test from lab report
it's time to join the dark side

Ignore the skeletons. Raise you test even more by hopping on the gear.

You think you feel good now...

low side of normal is lower than normal

working out boosts test levels, if you are working out regularly and he claims to be near actual intermediate levels, his test without working out would be super low

there is nothing wrong with steroids, they are just another supplement., if you have low fish oil, you take fish oil. you have low vitamin d? take a pill. have low test? inject test into your butt.

>Mfw i have a sub 300 T level
And they still told me it's nothing to worry about

>low fish oil

omega oils alright brainlet?


Go to a specialty clinic. Your GP most of the time won't prescribe TRT.

Yeah, just end me. Costed me a gf too, and after a lot of exams i still don't know what caused it. The doc just made me do some routines check and and an estrogen one (it wasn't that high, just a bit under the lower valor)

I'm going to a specialist after new year, i can't fucking stand this shit

You're not going to find one in the west. If you want legal test you need to go through doctors shilling you and telling you have """"normal"""" test.

Your best hope is to go to a private practitioner, or get illegal test. Sustanon 500-750mg/wk should do the trick.

>You're not going to find one in the west
most of the EU it's legal to own, buy and use. just not distribute or manufacture

400 is not low lol. What’s your free test? I bet it’s high as fuck. You’re just a gullible retard susceptible to snake oil memes

Well I eat clean and get sleep but it all isn’t worth much because I have 168 ng/dL T

Doing a follow up morning blood test today. It’s gonna be a process of a lot more blood tests and doctor follow ups until I can get that sweet sweet prescription T

I get the impression you don't actually lift?

but also 10 nmol/L of SHBG so it balances out

I can bench 95kg, squat 140, dead 185 and ohp 65.

or you just buy it yourself for like, $3 a week

After years? That's kinda low my dude unless it'S for 10 reps or so.

Take some test and watch yourself curl 65, ohp 95, bench 140, squat 185 and diddly 200

This is the right answer all day long. I used to spend 300$ a month at a trt clinic, during a time when I couldn't do it the way I prefer and buy it all myself, and I'm telling y'all right now - fuck that shit.

Germany? The fuck you on about?
Try UK and Thailand.
German laws are tighter than your moms asshole.

The prop in sust is pretty painful tho

check thyroid hormones first

Yeah I think he'd be fine with some test-e, it's pretty easy to find like anywhere on the fucking planet.

~I discovered I had low T (300 ng/dl) 6 months ago despite getting good sleep, lifting heavy, eating well and being only 26 years old. More and more I keep seeing the same thing, what have (((they))) done to us?

but low test is different. test is what separates good genes from bad genes. it is literally cheating nature

Any europoor user to indicate me how to have my T tested (in switzerland would be perfect). Is low T even recognized around here ?

Buy where?

t. gainlet

Nice self diagnosing pal, funny how you fell for the TRT shills in the internet telling you that if you feel bad and don't have 1200ng/dL of total testosterone in blood it is low test and you should hop on injections. You should really get yourself actually checked, get your testosterone again (it has very very inconstant levels and yours are far from low), you bioavailable testosterone, your free test, LH, FSH, estradiol, prolactin, thyroid panel, general bloodwork (anemia? Diabetes?) and many many other variables go into I feel shitty xDxdxddd.
My guess is you're probably trying to find an excuse to do roids.

>if you have low fish oils

I will be moving there in the coming months, is it really that hard to get them over there?

I'd imagine they have some kind of fucking nightmare gauntlet of security to get them through the post. Dreading it.

True point, OP wasn't all too clear on what they meant by "legal test"

Not sure what you mean, I never had a problem injecting. I used Malay Tiger for a while some years back

Genuinely curious, what do you have to back those claims? Elaborate how testosterone hormone affects genes and DNA

>if you have low fish oil, you take fish oil.
Boy you are stupid!!

Actually,you are the brainlet. You said it and it's there for everyone to see and it will be screen capped for all time. years from now,everyone will be laughing at how stupid you are and theorizing that you killed yourself at some point after you said this.

Where are you getting it at $3 dollars a week? I can afford $3 a week.

i had 560 ng/dl test 3 months ago i slept bad the whole week and did not workout at all, is there a chance that my test is higher now i eat healthy and get 9 hours of sleep

Just eat meat and vegetables you dumb faggot. Even if meat and veggies were actually more expensive than shitty food, like what retards like you say, it would still be worth it. Even if eating would be 400$ more a week its worth it.

560 is fine even if that was your highest. If you feel depressed, lethargic or shitty during your normal life look elsewhere, you balls are fine

i lol'd

literally screencapped and laughed

See i told you you brainlet

Don't listen to the faggots on this board. For christ sakes, they eat onions because of a "study" done on rats.




I hate to be that guy, but I can't tell you where. It depends on where you're at to some extent too. Not many sources like to fuck with international.

Just start looking, look look look and you will find.

My GP tested me and told me that 230 was in the "lower range" of normal. As a result he wouldn't give me test. Without hesitation I ordered UGL test and now life is good.

my hospital only gives trt for sub 100 ng/dl like lmao thats female testosterone

>Only for sub 100

When I was sub 300 I was ready to kill myself (depression induced by low test is very real). I can't imagine being sub 100.

>tfw I have 250 test and lmao 50 shbg
>doc gave me fucking zoloft and helex
>lmao@her lyfe
>throw them into le trash
I'm contemplating suicide every day


Test is around 800

does this mean I will die earlier?

Just got my results of 850 ng/dL but I'm an underweight lanky gainlet.
Although I guess it explains why I haven't killed myself.

>tfw endo refused to prescribe injections
>gave clomid instead
>1 month later and still feel the same
Just kill me.

>working out boosts test levels, if you are working out regularly and he claims to be near actual intermediate levels, his test without working out would be super low
The meathead meme is true

higher test makes you smarter, steroids are nootropics

I was around 420 ng/dL but was pretty swole at the time and had no trouble making gains for years. Convinced me that it's as much about being a good responder to test as it is about having enough.

>Take some test and watch yourself curl 65, ohp 95, bench 140, squat 185 and diddly 200
Do people really need test to put up my natty stats at 425 ng/dl ?

Those are not freedom units dumbass