What board did you browse before you came to fit?

And for how long?

Other urls found in this thread:

youtube.com/results?search_query=race and iq

do bb forums count?

/tv/, for a couple of years

but the faggots there are way too annoying for me


/pol/ for 2 years

what is the purpose of this gif?

Blacks have smaller frontal lobes.

/mu/ but i left because its full of fags

>one person represents the entire black population of the world


>t. nigger

/b/ 2008-2014
/pol/ 2012-2016
Veeky Forums 2015-now
Veeky Forums only board I go to now

not an argument


this goy gets it

/b/, /v/, /a/ and /ic/
stopped going on /b/ a few years ago, still go once in a while on /v/ and /a/ to talk about the few games and manga I play and read
still go often on /ic/ otherwise I'm ngmi

>implying brain size actually matter
I guess whales are leagues above us then
also what is the measure unit ?

>/pol/ is this dumb

scientific racism != science

try an actual peer-reviewed study, pigskin

/pol/ but it became way too black pilled and isn't as funny as it used to be

/r9k/, decided to stop being a slob and whining about my life and wanted to make it better

/r9k/ then /b/ then /v/ then /pol/ now Veeky Forums and /pol/
go to nigeria and after 3 days there say what you just said

sure, then i'll go to a shitty neighborhood in kentucky and get robbed by a meth head. what's your point?

/b/ for two years, then Veeky Forums for a little over a year.
>TFW it's been over 12 years and I've gone from an edgy, barely legal /b/tard to a family man expecting a second child.

/a/ 2010 - 2013
/b/ 2010 - 2014
/tv/ 2012 - now
/int/ 2012 - 2015
/pol/ 2012 - 2016
/gif/ 2015 - now
/gd/ 2015 - now
Veeky Forums 2016 - now

What a terrible argument. You guys always have to bring up the "muh bad wypipo", argument even when it has nothing to do with what were talking about. If were talking about the nigerian race here (which we are because they are also black americans) the guy you replied to is right. I didn't say you were going to get robbed in nigeria i just said literally go there and look at the people who live there. Anywhere in the country is fine as long as there's people. With that being said black people ruined my home town.

A fat neckbeard class mate introduced me to /b/ when we were in the computer lab. I didn't find it interesting and looked at other boards, soon found Veeky Forums. Many years of not lifting and browsing Veeky Forums followed.

how to tell gorilla and human.gif

this guy gets it

>nigerians are a race
>i don't understand colonialism, history, or it's effects

kys white boy

/b/ 5 years, /pol/ 4 years.

benn lurking around Veeky Forums for the past 6 months

>nigerians are a race
Do you think ethiopians and nigerians are the same? LOL. Maybe i gave you too much credit. I just assume that when i'm talking about russians people know i mean slavs and when i'm talking about english i'm talking about germanics
>i don't understand colonialism, history, or it's effects
Fuck off with that shit. Have you ever seen american history X? I bet you really thought that movie was super poetic towards race in america. Everything that happens in that movie is a cause and effect of black people. Fuck blacks. Ruin everything. My home town used to be safe, peaceful and friendly and now it a shithole where if you look people in the eye they'll fight you. Either way, just take a trip to nigeria and look at the people who live there and come back and say the whole "muh u can't judge da whole race"

>american history x

entire post discarded. get out of your basement for once and stop browsing /pol/ so much you fucking loser

niggers can't argue for shit
i guess you just confirmed grats

I go out of my basement every fucking day brah. You know blacks give neo-nazis an argument right? I'll give you a story of what just happened to me a few days ago (this is 24 hours after i had gone on a anti-neo nazi rant on my friend) Doing this in a second post because its long

>Blacks have smaller frontal lob-

/r9k/ followed by /k/ for about 2 years each. I've browsed /x/ for about as long but not nearly as frequently.

/r9k/ helped motivate me to improve myself and is the reason I'm here now

>be me
>go out of my basement
>walking home from gym in my town literally just minding my own business
>see two nogs and a white girl (two nogs were a quarter black so she could be their sister or something)
>As i walk passed one say "Hello"
>just stares at me as i pass him
>get a bit away and hear something like "White boy" Cant really make it out because of the distance but 100% heard white
>see hes looking at me
>Yell back "Whats up?"
>Think he says "Wanna fight?" but isn't yelling so i can't hear
>throws his jacket to the white (?) girl and starts walking towards me
Before i continue i'll give you some context, I don't workout neck, i'm bulking so my face is fat and my jacket was zipped all the way up so i just kinda looked like a chubby guy
>start walking towards him
>throw my jacket off
>white girl (?) says "oh shit"
>second nog starts laughing (who's recording this btw)
>he takes a few steps back
>Doesn't back down (obviously doesn't wanna be made a bitch but hes now stalling for time)
>just keeps asking me "Do you wanna fight"
>i just reply everytime "Do you?"
>After the 17th time and the white girl says "Were just kids" (only about a year younger than me" i say "I'm just trying to go home" and then he speed walks back and says okay and doesn't look back
I should and would have kicked his ass because i love when a bully gets whats coming to him but that nog was recording and i don't need assault on my record for some dumb ass quarter black wannabe thug. I can't ignore this shit man. I'm moving away from this area (white flight) because of how much of a shit hole its become but all i did was say hello to that guy. Thanks for the enrichment tyrone

Ahhh the tears of a salty black copecel

Veeky Forums for years but now I split my time between Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums

cant argue against scientific racism (i.e non-facts). are you retarded or something?

So you came to Veeky Forums?

>scientific racism
more like
>i don't like what this scientist said so i'll just dismiss it as racist

/k/, /x/. Veeky Forums /pol/ /r9k/ and /b/ in the olden days

Fuck you nigger, we don't care about you enough to study your "history", compared tonus you have none. Pick my cotton and die, pritive ape bitch.


lmao you're done breh

>too stupid to study history


He's right and you have to be blind to deny that niggers are a pure drain on civilization.
Every fucking one hates niggers.

They're maybe 1% of blacks, you're basically nitpicking

Hmm i guess im white

t. big frontal lobe

>Every fucking one hates niggers.

nah i have plenty of black friends. most well-adjusted members of society do.

you live on a farm or something?

all east africans look like that. Black africans arent homogenous.

I study real, i.e. European, history.
Not your babboon history, you fucking ugly unwanted subhuman shit.

Used to browse /b/ only but it's a den of degeneracy. Then I discovered Veeky Forums and /tv/ and I never looked back. Veeky Forums is becoming shit nowadays though. I don't know why people keep intentionally giving wrong advice or being assholes to newfags. We were all newfag dyels once too

then you should know a thing or two about the colonialism and its ongoing affects, but you don't because you're brainlet LARP'ing on an online gook cartoon board.

kys pigskin

>insecure /pol/ baby starts sperging out because he was too stupid to listen in history class


I wanna fuck a cartoon horse while another cartoon horse jams a huge cock up my butt.

I don't cate abiut your excuses, "muh colonialism". You little monkeys sold each ither into slavery and were always too stupid to defend yourselves in an organized way, this is how the Arab and European slavers got so many slaves.

I don't feel sorry for you and I don't have compassion for you. FUCK your pathetic past, go beg for some welfare or affirmative action, nigger.

It's Effects you tard, not Affects, that's the verb

>believing you get taught an accurate version of the truth in "history class"

Ok, Eddie

/b/ since around 2009

/b/ was my start then moved on to specific boards like here, /sp/, Veeky Forums, /x/

/pol/ starting from Trump's campaign in 2016 until earlier this year when it turned to shit

>tfw think this is was directed at me but replied to the wrong poster
>tfw i know people who browse Veeky Forums
For the record i had a 6 month struggle on weather or not i could hate black people. I was always right winged though

Came here from /pol/ (was there for about a year), now 80% Veeky Forums, 10% /pol/, 10% /v/ when I wanna relax

I was on /b/ for about a year btw

Came for Veeky Forums in 2010. I spent most of my time Veeky Forums and later moved more over to Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums after rekindling a passion for reading. I still browse Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums but Veeky Forums is my main board now.

>still too stupid to understand history


my bad, i'm phone-posting

/b/ since 2010 /pol/ since 2011

Veeky Forums, /tv/, Veeky Forums, /k/ nearly the same time

they do on average though

can you imagine not being aware of iq differences between races in 2017


>but is no longer considered scientific

holy fuck, is this a meme or something. What kind of retarded retoric is this shit. you can't deem things scientific/unscientific.

science is about postulating a hypothesis and then using the scientific method and often some statistical analysis to measure how likely it is that your hypothesis is correct/incorrect.

you can perfectly create two test groups where in one test group the subjects have a white skin colour and in the other test group the subjects have a black skin colour and then postulate several possible differences between these groups.

Just to give an obvious example, I could postulate that there is a difference in skin colour between the test groups. This is obviously correct because of the way the test groups are designed but you would deem this result 'unscientific'.
lmaoing at brainlets


>chedder and sour cream
my man knows whats up, utterly patrician taste

>americans defending fat fucks
>on Veeky Forums of all places

true pottery

youtube.com/results?search_query=race and iq

The illuminati, we are on to you.
The earth is round, stay asleep.

Off topic . Net.

i'm not a burger and i don't like the fats user, its all in your head.

What I see very clearly everywhere I go is that niggers are literally a cancerous disease that shits up every place they're present.
I don't care about their "history", the only part of their "history" that matters to me is the part where we deport or kill them all.

and I see that you probably should stay there

I don't even want to hate black people they force this shit on me someone got lucky or i've goof'd up pretty hard here lads

The Earth is round you dolt.

-The Lizard People

Shit you owned him! Racists btfo!

You can be sure that whether you hate them or kiss their ass all day like the liberal traitor pussies, THEY hate YOU. Go on black twitter and get a piece of their mind.


I don’t argue with niggers

are you legit retarded?

Word. Is this even a /pol/ opinion?

relax, unlike him I dont go on the internet just to upset people


>scientific racism = science
Yes nigger
Not a hard concept to grasp unless you’re a nigger like yourself

Lizard people are literally subalien
>not being greymasterrace

I'm watching you, boy.

Don't know, don't care.
It's the reality I see wherever shitskins are present.

And you don't care! Even better! You told him to get /out/ AND you don't care! I can't believe how fucking owned he was by your apathy, good work user. One planet, one race!

Started with /b/ back in 2006. Did that for a couple years as a retarded teenager. Around 2009 I'd say I came to Veeky Forums, wen't to /new/ sometimes after that. Veeky Forums, Veeky Forums /k/ once in a while even now, Veeky Forums, /gif/ and I mostly go on /pol/ now to get angry and learn what's actually going on in the world.

This is either my cousin or the guy i know at the gym. Everyone else i know calls me ed.

You mean when niggers were pets for white people?
Yea I remember the good old days