Been working out for 3 weeks now and want to start incorporating pullups and dips into my routine. The problem is...

Been working out for 3 weeks now and want to start incorporating pullups and dips into my routine. The problem is, I'm just too weak to do them.


Other urls found in this thread:


Become less weak


also this

Negatives and lat pulldowns to work up to pullups, tricep pushdowns, ohp and bench will progress your dips but honestly i don't think dips are necessary

10 seconds on youtube.

Read up on negatives, do them.

negatives, assisted, lat pull downs, chest push down

Do them with supporting weights and do negatives, you will be able to do dips in no time, but pull ups will take little more time.

Negatives and lat pulldown are how I worked up to my first strict form pullup back in the day when I wasa a weakfag.

I had spent ages trying to use the assisted pullup machine and it did fuck all for me.

pushups and inverted rows

>bicep/wrist curls

If you have a gym friend, ask him to help you raise you up.
This summer a girl at the beach wanted to learn to do chinups ans she asked me for help so I gave her a hand by pushing her up, it works. Just have him put his hands on the sides of your ribcage and push the moment you pull yourself up, then stop giving you aid when you come back down.

Negatives are a good tool but the lat pulldown is really not that useful, the carryness of the lift doesn't equate well to the pull-up.

Do inverted pullups, change the angle to increase or decrease difficulty, the more paralell your torso is to the floor the more difficult it is and it carries better than the lat pulldown to a full proper pull-up.

7-8 months ago i was just like you, i was too weak and at the same time too fat to do even a single dead hang pull up. Yesterday i did 5x5 weighted chin ups with 30kg attached
What helped me the most was negatives and (dumbbell) rows. Most guides recommend doing pull downs and inverted rows. Don't do them, they're absolute shit(especially inverted rows, they make you look like a retard)
However, negatives can only help you so much; after you're able to do at least 5 reps, negatives won't help you that much
Next, you should aim for a fixed numbers of reps every time you train your lats, like let's say 30 reps. Doesn't matter how you reach that number, 30x1, 15x2 or 6x5. Start by doing few reps and many sets, and as you become stronger decrease the sets and increase the reps, till you're able to do 3x10, or even 3x8 if you're eager to do weighted chin ups faster
Also, i forgot to tell you that(imo) chins are better than pull ups, so you should do them instead. The most important thing is your form. Never do half reps, always do dead hang chins, they'll help you immensely

>Also, i forgot to tell you that(imo) chins are better than pull ups, so you should do them instead

Ripp plz go.

get stronger.
do negatives.
cut fat. Rembember this is about moving your weight about, the leanness plays a huge role in bodyweight exercises. I have yet to see a fat fuck doing more than 2 or 3 pullups.
Also, keep in mind that this is a compound movement, isolation work with weights will do little to help you on this one. Your best bet is to drop fat and do negatives.

For pullups,
1) lose weight
2) lat pulldowns are the EXACT SAME movement pattern and range of motion, with the only tiny difference being the lack of core engagement, and they are hands down the most reliable way to progressively overload by a fixed amount of weight every week. When you reach bodyweight on the lat pulldown stack, you're good to do bodyweight pullups.
3) DO NOT LISTEN TO THESE TRIPLENIGGERS . There is LITERALLY NOTHING wrong with lat pulldowns, as long as you make sure your grip, form, tempo and ROM is the same as it would be in actual pullups.
4) both when you are too weak for bodyweight or weighted and after that, it is recommended to train twice a week, once with wide prone grip and once with shoulder width supine grip. No reason to do only one of the two just like there is no reason to only do low bar squats or only flat bench press

For dips
Honestly don't worry too much about it. As long as you're doing some overhead or bench press variation 3x a week you will very soon get strong at dips, it's possible that one week you can't even support your weight at the parallel bars and the next week you will best out a set of 10 out of nowhere. Dips are way easier than pullups for the same weight and they're also being indirectly trained a lot by bench and OHP, whereas rows don't carry over at all in pullups imo.
If you're doing a split with only two pressing days a week, make sure to finish off with a fuckton of CGBP, pause bench or OHP after your main bench sets before worrying about meme isolations like pushdowns or flyes.

This guy knows what’s up. Lat Pulldowns are your best bet for progressing to pull ups.

Holy shit, are you stupid? Have you not seen one of pic related in the gym? What do you think sitting down and pulling a bar with some weight attached will do to your body? Improve your squats??

You can do them with an elastic band. For pull ups, tie it around the bar and step into the loop with one foot. For dips, you could loop it around the bars and step on it.

Start with a heavy band and do a ton until you can use a lighter band.

Tie one of those rubber bands around the bar and use it as assist.

Are people actually so weak they can't do dips and pullups? I see this shit on here quiet a bit but I can't fathom being so pathetic that you can't do pullups or dips, do you even live or do you just watch tv all day long?

Become an adult they're easy as fuck