OK, How much FUCKING protein do I take per pound of body weight...

OK, How much FUCKING protein do I take per pound of body weight? Just give it to me straight because all these fucking websites keep telling me different things, this video with physique competitor Jeremy Buendia says 1.5 to 2 g per lb yet other webistes say only 1 g per lb, I dont fucking get it. youtube.com/watch?v=tOAoQ0SjdZE

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>varying results from several scientific studies
>asking for a definite answer in an Icelandic lamb lifting board

It really smokes my salmon

2.5-2.75 carbs per kilometer

You don't need protein. One pound of body weight per ounce of carbs is enough protein for the bench press in most gyms without an enrollment fee.

.6g-.8g per pound. you can probably go a bit lower than that and still be fine. high protein diets are a meme shilled by the (((supplement industry))), you do not need copious amounts of protein. the majority of what you should be eating is whole grains.

0.8g per lb of lbm is enough, if you dont progress with good programming and a moderate surplus, then increase protein SLIGHTLY, one thing at a time. I always did 1g per lb of lbm.

this, it's basically a case of rapidly diminishing marginal returns above this range

1g/lb lean body weight

any source on that? would love a study or something to throw in my powderbro's face


0.7 g per lbs is more than enough. Take more than that and you’ll wreck your kidneys eventually

.75 raw onions per kilowatt

Not him, but here you go:

Contains multiple peer reviewed studies. 0.64 is the minimum and 0.82 a generous markup. The lower rate is fine if coming from complete protein sources, lean to the higher if unsure.

People usually overestimate the amount of protein they need bc bodybuilders on juice typically need the 1g-1.5g per lb that you are referring to. In reality natties only need like .7 to .8g per lb

I just do 205g a day

It's 1g per lb or lean bodyweight so you need to know your bodyfat percentage.

If you are 200lbs at 20% bf then you need 160g of protein. (200lbs - 40lbs of fat = 160lbs of lean mass).

Is there any solid evidence on this? Theoretically speaking, that's possible but most studies I heard of were observational, and there were alternative explanations for the positive correlation between protein intake and prevalence of kidney stones.

In fact, there's no maximum recommended protein intake as far as I know. Instead, it is usually stated in such a way that it is the residual nutrient intake after meeting the recommended amounts of carbs, fat, alcohol and overall calorie intake. But maybe there was an update...?

2 g / lbs, just don't triple scoop if you value your life.

Steroid users have wildly different and unstudied protein synthesis caps.

A normal adult man can use roughly .75g per lbs of lean body massage per day, but more does no harm and is suggested.

thankyou based user

Doesn't actually matter, you are probably eating more than enough already.

They don't need it either, they all just eat mcdonalds and pretend to eat "high protein" to sell the supplements of whomever is sponsoring them


thats me, thanks now i dont even have to do math

1g/ lean lb bodyweight is plenty. Should come out to about the same as

1.5g to 2g/lb of bodyweight is definitely only for those individuals on a steroid cycle. In most cases naturally you should aim for 1g/lb of lean body mass (this is more than your body can actually use unless you have God teir genetics, however I go under the philosophy of fill the cup over rather than under fill the cup)

One kilojoule per cubic meter of bodyfat


>per kilometer


1g per kilo of lean body mass.