Where's the /fitchick/ threat?
Where's the /fitchick/ threat?
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here it is
Rip thread
sry wrong file.
pleas no ban modz
How much Fit Tea and teeth whiteners do i have to buy to fuck girls like this?
There are many girls who have bodies like this, they are realy not that special. With "girls like this" i assume you mean girls with bodies like that, not girls who post their asses on instagramm.
If your confident you can conquer one of their hearts. Where you source your confidence is another story. I source mine from my height 5.6.
If you believe in your shit, women will do to
Sauce please
>that dyel in the blue stringer curling with his back
>Using the machine this wrong
>Being this much of attention whore
I despise this thot
Are they all lesbians or just the majority?
Their increased athleticism and muscle power can give them an upperhand in hand to hand combat. However, if one was to keep the distance or say out number one the threat can easily be mitigated. If the /fitchick/ takes on a cardiobunny dexterity build one must rely on quick wit and keep their eyes on their flanks as cardio bunnies focus more on speed and maneuverability.
Damn who dat?
Thanks mah nigga, I appreciate it. How the fuck does one get a gf like that? I would marry her in a fucking split-second but I've literally never ever saw let alone talk to a girl like that.
Jesus, Lord have mercy.
Pretty great mom
>not /wheyfu/
I'm disappointed Veeky Forums
wheyfu threads have been getting deleted for some reason. seems there's one retarded mod
Is ass all genetics or do they have 4 ass days a week?
There’s definitely a number of girls at my gym who almost exclusively do leg/ass exercises and cardio.
This girl unironically does ass 3 times a week.
>You will never spend quality time with your Wheyfu building a home gym which you will one day pass down to your children and teach them proper form and fitness knowledge
ass could be bigger if she did an upward pushing motion instead of just lifting up
Total qt
How isn't her back exploding from that deadlift
that fuckin jiggle fuuuaarrrrk
>Wearing jewellery to the gym
why do ppl deadlift in squat shoes? just take them off
this is what i lift for
man I had to unfollow her because of that retarded chest tattoo she got
chad even wins at qwop
I dont even know who she is, post pics or share ig..
>following whores on whore media
you filthy beta enablers
oh shit that is a great body
turns out she deleted everything. here's the one other pic of her I have saved
>mfw just wanted to see how many reps that nigger was gonna do with 225
I am not gay.
>recording your own sets
>working a selfie in at the end
fucking reprehensible.
He is kinda cute tho
>hamstring jiggle
oh my goodness
>not going to the gym with your broleaders holding your pockets you looks faggots need to go.
a hair tie and a sticky mount for her phone
you sir, are brainlet of the day.
That thicc cunny is legitimately more active an fit and more serious about training then zyzz ever was. She's also not nearly as vain.
Yet the outright faggots and loser cunts around here worship that dead fairy.
jesus fucking christmas how do you have such big quads and still a thigh gap?
i think im in love
>Come to Veeky Forums to learn how to get rid of >tfw no gf feels
>get more >tfw no gf feels
Nothing will ever make me feel warm or full. Death is the only way to stop feels because I'll finally truly know that i will never have a gf and possibly not feel anything.
>"Squats and deadlifts are the only exercise you need for lower body bro"
Never skip calves day
who is this braphog?