What is the most patrician DOMS and why is it traps DOMS?

What is the most patrician DOMS and why is it traps DOMS?

i'd like traps to dom me if you know what i'm saying

God-patrician tier: traps AND glutes simultaneously

ummm no, sorry sweetie. it's hamstrings

>tfw currently experiencing this

Goddammit I wish the she-man in that pic didn't have dick

i want to be trap but i would pretend im a girl, find female friend who feels comfortable with me and then when were watching some shitty show for females like game of thrones i would start touching her and because all women are lesbos she would get into that and after shes horny shell be only thankful i have a dick
but i wouldnt use hrt or any other bullshit like that id be all natural

Not really, traps are difficult to stretch so you're just sitting there feeling them progressively tighten unless you can find someone to massage you.

>tfw no bf

You can tell who is new to lifting on Veeky Forums bc they post about DOMS
No one who has been lifting consistently for more than a month experiences DOMS.

fem doms > trap doms >>>>>>>>>> mom doms


It can keep happening for years if your inconsistent with your lifting.. Thats how you know your doing something wrong desu


ive been training my hamstrings for 2 weeks in row lately, then i had 3 days break, then i hit heavy rdls and have some soreness. Not intense but they are there.

I usually have some soreness after doing heavy rackpulls because its about 20% heavier than weight i use for deadlifting, and i do shrugs afterwards so in total its much bigger stimulus than just diddly.

I want to kiss her feet!

Quad DOMS is obviously the king of DOMS, since squats are the king of exercises.

Waiter! My testicles require sauce!

>Currently having neck DOMS
Fuck this is painful

same lad

currently experiencing abs doms..fuck i can barely pee

Delt doms are the only true doms

Enjoy not being able to move your fucking arms

Why is she so perfect bros?



>tfw trained traps after a long break
>tfw trained them unevenly
>tfw assymetrical doms

That's pretty genius and desperate.

shut up!