If there is ONE (1) muscle group you had to never train again in your life excluding anything lower body, what would it be and why?

I vote chest. Chest has, without a doubt, the least impact on aesthetics. You can look great without a big chest, but this goes for literally no other muscle group

>bicep tricep

prove me wrong
pic related

Well luckily we don’t have to give up a muscle group, do we

abs retard.

Some of us do, user. Some of us do.

i choose facial muscles
enjoy having bigger abs than pecs

Yeah, I agree. Some bodyparts are impossible to overdevelop, like delts. The bigger they are, the better you look. A chest that's too big compared to the rest of your body, on the other hand, will make you look like shit. Having hanging tits like scooby looks terrible.

Chest for sure, pushups and dips will give you big enough chest but everything else needs to be big for you to look good

How his chest looks has nothing to do with how much he trained it.

Is it a gay thing?

Are you retarded

So funny enough...

I don’t train chest. I had a major shoulder injury and so it’s just not worth it for me anymore.


No pecs
No secs

Big pecs really dont look good and are not masculine. I'm with you, OP. Great back and shoulders with a lean, square, not big chest its what makes a good body.

Hamstrings. No-one gives a shit about them

lower back
I mean have you ever heard anyone say "woah check out his spinal erectors!"

Massive quad and no hams looks terrible
Yes, I have. They make your back look insanely thick

I dunno. I think the upper back is far more important. Your not even going to notice someone's lower back in clothes, upper back will be visible however.

Yeah, upper back > lower back, but it still looks insane

Chest because who needs man tits

This fascination with man tits is ridiculous, I agree. Sure, you need to train the pecks, but come on, at some point it gets silly.

But do you not like a JOOCY fucking chest pump tho?

Shoulder pumps are far better IMO

I had a chest pump once that was so painful I thought I had actually injured something. Never got a pump like that again.