Here's a big hot pile of steaming shit

>eating clean is a scam goy
>it's only gonna make you sick
>you need to include refined carbs and processed foods in your diet

What the fuck are humans supposed to eat? Eating clean is bad, eating junk is bad, meat is bad, vegan is bad etc

Did you even read the article that you linked, brainlet?

They're talking about raw vegan, not just eating clean foods like a sensible person.

I did it's a fucking long article. They criticize "extreme diets or food restriction" and explicitly call out grain free, dairy free, and non celiac gluten free as bad for your health

Why do you people always act like it's jews? It's clearly a coalition of greys and reptillians. They just wear human skin is all.

>be you
>at the jim squatting 1 plate
>big poo in your ass from eating a lot of food
>get to the bottam of the reputition
>big hard popoo slides out of butt half way
>girl comes up and thinks its a boner
>slaps your ass to be cheeky
>hand makes contact with your shit stick
>it melts and squishes under her slapping strength
>shitpoo spreads all over your ass
>it melts through the back of your pants and covers her hand
>big brown patch on the back of your pants too now
>nutella shitspread all over the place
>girl screams
>you drop the weight down and it rolls down your back and touches your asshole
>big shit whiped all over the bar stuck in the knurling
>asshole is bleeding from abrasion
>shitsmudge particles entering the wound and travelling into your blood stream
>poo enters your heart and starts to spread through your body
>shit enters your brain and clogs it up completely
>you pass out and die on the spot
>your body relaxes as you die and your anus opens more
>more shitsludgeslime exists your body and poos all over the jim floor
>man you fucked up this time, idiot

>meat is bad
You gotta learn to spot bullshit op, and stop changing your opinion every time you read some queer shill study.

Cringeworthy attempt at green text humor
I don't think meat is bad. I just wanna know which diet is most healthy for human beings

Okay, why would you suspect that distinct subspecies evolving separately for a hundred thousand years (at least) eating different foods would all have the same "perfect human diet?"

what 2 eat for me

Get some bloodwork done, figure out if you're deficient in any minerals / vitamins. Then find foods that fill in those gaps... this will vary from individual to individual. I'm smiling really big because it's a question you can't be spoonfed an answet to. lol. Literally stop being a lazy faggot.

What do u eat

>you need to include refined carbs and processed foods in your diet
Literally not at ll what the article said.

The main issue is that there is no rigorous, testable definition of "clean", yet people [many of whom are not remotely qualified] are using this vague notion to give out diet advice to strangers.

Basically whatever except for obviously horrible shit... and I try to eat mostly real foods that are grown or had a face.
>refined sugar
>refined white flour
>much fruit / fructose
>no soda
>keep alcohol low
Just stop pouring terrible shit in your body, humans are adaptable and resillient

Eat venison only.

>Get some bloodwork done, figure out if you're deficient in any minerals / vitamins. Then find foods that fill in those gaps
this is gotta be trolling.

This just absolutely fucking killed me. I seriously can't tell if you're a genius or a retard.

Was actually a good read OP, ty

i bet when rob schneider invented the internet he didnt think of this

>As Younger slowly recovered from her eating disorder, she faced a new dilemma. “What would people think”, she agonised, “if they knew the Blonde Vegan was eating fish?” She levelled with her followers in a blogpost entitled Why I’m Transitioning Away from Veganism. Within hours of announcing her new diet, Younger was receiving irate messages from vegans demanding money back from the cleanse programmes and T-shirts they had bought from her site (featuring slogans such as “OH KALE YES”).

>She lost followers “by the thousands” and received a daily raft of angry messages, including death threats. Some responded to her confession that she was suffering from an eating disorder by accusing her of being a “fat piece of lard” who didn’t have the discipline to be truly “clean”.
But Op, did you read the article? That is not what the article said

Anything that doesn’t have flouride in it as flouride raises estrogen, anything that doesn’t contain soy, only whole milk, lots of red meats and whole grains plenty of fruits and veggies with no pesticides

