Wtf is going on with Chul Soons pic on Instagram??

Wtf is going on with Chul Soons pic on Instagram??

hes a big guy

i hope he doesnt piano man


It looks like a small asian had on a big guys body.


for you

> Anonymous 12/29/17(Fri)06:32:31 No.44119280▶
>for you


Please elaborate.

Does his head look too small for his body?

is this guy wearing makeup?

He should read more books.

his head literally looks 2 sizes too small.


It is common in South Korea for men to wear make-up. There are even products explicitly marketed toward the male make-up demographic.

The way the west is going it will soon be a trend here as well.

But what exactly is going to happen soon?

i hate asians so much
just look at his fucking face
he looks like an alien or a robot
his face is so fucking ugly
wtf is wrong with him

he forgot head day

They tried it with the whole goth thing, emo thing then the hilariously failed metrosexual thing.
Tried to again with modern adverts.
But no one is with that faggot shit so they've been failing miserably.
The best they can do is go on constant cycles of jumping on and creating trends over and over again.
Hell, basically all popular trends in america are artificially constructed to boost sales or control certain demographics.


"macho-kun" hahahaha

u r so jealous

try not being small, u get less angry when u see a big man

underrated post

lmao nah make up on guys is just a korean thing, and also omar isuf

is that chink wearing makeup?

Man this guy would be so aesthetic were it not for his weird lower ab bloat. He's shredded but looks like he has a spare tire. That shit would get to me badly.

Small head is consider aesthetic in SK, a beatury standart , so this is why everybody (yes even males) there tries to outangle his head in pictures. He is a bodybuilder so it looks even more weird because of his large torso

wtf is this, lol nippon never fails.

Sadly, he's kind of had it his whole life, it isn't because of what he's taking

Has it been proven he's taking steroids?

look at the fucking picture you moron. Yes its confirmed by common sense.

he forgot to take the neck pill

this can be caused by injecting insulin in the same spot over and over

dunno op, you tell me


He skipped neck day

Dude has that low-key psychopath gaze.

Pic related.

He skipped head day by the looks of things as well



no he's not, don't believe the haters on here

top kek

For the longest time I thought this guy was just a photoshop joke. Had no idea the pics were real. Jesus christ

is this achievable natty?