Introverts and Pussy


Are any of you introverts that still get laid and have relationships even though you either don't have a social circle or only a very small one (1-3 friends)?

How do you do it?

>Pic somewhat related

Other urls found in this thread:

I am introvert only have a few friends and ladys for sex and date

pic related its me and ladyfrend i know

higher res pls

this pic made me really sad for some reason. They just look so dead to me...

Does hmanga count

Be attractive. I moved for grad school almost two years ago and I have a small circle of friends (can count them on a single hand), don't really interact with many people. It doesn't matter if you're an introvert if women approach you. Surprisingly it's asians that approach the most

pic is literally for ants

Being an introvert doesn't necessarily mean that you're socially awkward - it just means that you expend energy by socializing while extroverts get energy from socializing.

I'm an introvert and most people are shocked when I tell them that because I'm in an extrovert's industry and am usually the centre of attention whenever I'm in a room.

Because I'm an introvert, I don't talk that much but it took time for that to come off as confidence instead of shyness. Whenever I talk now, people usually listen because I don't do it unless I have something funny or important to say.

Anyway, it's an extrovert's world so learn to break out of your shell so you can reap the benefits that extroverts do. What inspired me to start working on myself was the fact that extroverts get access to the best women, the best jobs, and the best opportunities in general because people gravitate towards them. I can be that guy, but I need a lot of time on my own to be able to do that.

Most of my good friends are extroverts that like how I'm reliable and can blend anywhere because I like listening. I meet new people constantly through them and form bonds with some of them.

Combined with being a pretty physical person (hugs, massages, arm around shoulder, let her sit on my leg) I fast-track into intimacy with women and get a clear idea of if they're interested quickly. It means I know if I can make a move early, so I get a bunch of one night stands or in-town-for-a-weekers and then move on with the occasional booty call or sex if we meet again at an event.

It's a weird mix of opposites I guess.
I'm physically extroverted but conversationally introverted.

You order sex from internet. About friends, I have none. If I die, only human being who is worried is my boss, becouse she needs to found replacement.

>How do you do it?

>lowering my standards
>using practice gfs
>browsing arcanine to feel better than the scum there for a guaranteed self esteem boost
>pretending to be Prince Charming to 3/10 women to make them fall in love with me

Practice gfs give me the self reassurance that made my anxiety go away, which meant I was able to message the 8/10s and not feel bad when I say some dumb shit that makes them unmatch, because the fact im messaging them in the first place is a positive feedback loop which means I message EVEN MORE women out of my league and get them, all because I feel like a god due to some pretty average and basic grills worshipping the ground I walk upon.

>How do you do it?
Only had sex with 3 women, 2 of them being somewhat long relationships (>3y) and the other, a long time friend. Being 24y, surely I've had less partners than most of my colleagues at school, but on the other hand, I think I had more sex than them. Btw, I've never actually hit on a girl, all of them I've met on casual opportunities (high school, college, working etc)...

It's because Asian people have no soul.

Im not really an introvert but i dont have and friends,i just pick up bitches online or cold aproach when im in the city runing erands

>Confederate Flag Phone Case
>the south will rise agin

Where do you find practice gf? Do I have to use Tinder? Because I'll tell you now, I'm so socially retarded I don't even have Facebook. There are no photos of me to put on my Tinder profile.

i feel bad for this girl

>the south will rise again
>this guy

pick one

That's natural most people pity hookers

Beatifully written. Im the exact same

not him but you have to go outside and just talk to low standard bitches, but only if you think is easier for you, if not try with anyone.
Tinder is a good place too but the people there is trashy as fuck, dont expect any quality women there

I have a lot of social circles that I neither actively maintain nor abandon. So I just engage with people if they happen to be around.

I mean, you can't always expect to have your time to yourself, as you have implicit responsibilities (with respect to your career and your generally being an individual who has to be around people at some point) to socialize. At least, don't intrude; but also don't be aloof either. You'll find that people will like you pretty easily if they see that you're interested in getting to know them (at the appropriate level, of course) and what they have to say. Doesn't have to be potential sex partners either.

That being said, I'm still an autist who tends to retreat whenever anyone shows a genuine interest in being with me (and I never seem to get attracted to them precisely because they're attracted to me). Casual sex and flings are easy enough though. Gets annoying because I still get lonely at times, but I can never bring myself to open up. Ambiguous kind of hell, tbqh.

explain how to get casual sex bro

it is the power of alcohol? lmaoweed?

When I was younger and more outgoing I dated this girl and we're still together (7years). Now I don't have many friends (maybe.. 1-2 max) and spend 50% of my free time with her, we fuck pretty much daily still.

If I was single now I would have no chance at getting a good girl like this again, it's much harder when you grow up.

Did you save the thumbnail or what?

That's an escort right

Easiest option is to get good at Tinder.

Otherwise select opportunities where you can be social and pick up girls, even if it's only once a week.

I'm 24 too but I only had sex once with a prostitute. Never had a girlfriend and never kissed. Ive given up.

Confidence. Less inhibited because neither of you care about the other's opinion and you just want to fuck. Remember to not be an outright dick tho.

It's either people I know who seem sexually interested in the first place or tinder.

0 friends. Have had 4 relationships in the past year and a half. Active sex life; dead social life. I play a few instruments and am also interested in a few academic subjects at school, which occasionally produces girls interested in me. I’ve never made the first move or asked a girl for her number, yet I’ve managed to have sex with multiple girls. It’s possible, but you must enjoy isolation. If you don’t have hobbies/aspirations/proclivities, you aren’t going to make it as an introvert.


I have no issues with what you posted OP, it just took a little time to get there.

Train yourself to talk to people.
Until you are good at it or at least not terrible anymore use alcohol.

You gonna make it bra

this guys name is hank yoo, he is a Korean guy on discord and he calls himself a libertarian fascist, and believes he's going to lead a militia to over throw the government and become president of the United states, he is a huge autist and homosexual. god I hate you hank. You're such a turbo autist, also yes, this is an escort

Yeah, introvert that's had three serious gfs and now have a gf and a son.

I talk to people, and I don't act like a fucking sperg.

oh yeah also, in case you wanna talk to hank yoo here's his discord invite

Sorry pressed send too early. Personally i acted more confidently to begin with to attract them. Then, if they liked the real me, they stayed. At least for a few years anyway.

Craigslist. Not really pussy but I have a shemale fwb who doms me on the regular. Feels good man

You develop social SKILLS
Introversion/Extroversion DOES NOT refer to your ABILITY TO SOCIALIZE AND COMMUNICATE
It simply refers to preferred, setting, general social habits, etc.
An introvert can be a phenomenal speaker and even salesperson as compared to an extrovert --it's just 'less likely' because introverts are less likely to put themselves out there.
Start taking a day a week and go out, talk to some folks, etc. Eventually, you'll be more comfortable making small talk.

If this is too hard right now, start with simple, "How's your day going?"

Nah dont give up buddy. Fuck a ton of hookers. What difference does it make when all women our age are sluts anyway? At least hookers are honest whores. You'll find after a few, that you place less value on women and they'll pick up on that you reek less of desperation.

I went from having a large social circle in school to having 0 friends nowadays. I'm quite a decent looking chad too.

Currently dating an average looking chubby girl, but I have to be realistic in that I'm not going to get that 10/10 girl we all froth over with the large social and everything else to go with.

more like a microbiologist

>You'll find after a few, that you place less value on women and they'll pick up on that you reek less of desperation.
>sex on a steady basis
>less things to worry about
>more time for lifting and shit

I'm an introvert, managed to hookup with a girl from work. Didn't work out so now I am using online dating with no luck so far (only started a week ago).

what about stds