How does Veeky Forums feel about DUDE WEED LMAO?
How does Veeky Forums feel about DUDE WEED LMAO?
Ok in moderation. That doesn't mean wake up and toke a bowl and then do nothing. Some people can lift high some can't. Just like some people can get shit done after smoking and some just want to eat chips and be lazy after smoking.
Everyone I know that smokes is unhappy with their life in some way. I lift so I don’t anymore.
Every single person I know that smokes, smokes daily. Long time regular use fucks up your memory and shit so no thanks. Add in the fact it is a waste of time/money.
nobody i have ever known has made progress in his life after taking up weed
two dudes got early schizophrenia though
I notice this too. All my friends from high school who smoke have clinical depression. They smoke to cope with it, but it is so clear weed is what is causing their depression. When I quit smoking, my mind really cleared up.
This is why I quit. After a couple years, anytime I got high, I started hearing voices. If you have ANY predisposition to schizophrenia (being naturally lazy or having trouble with decision making is predisposition to schizophrenia) stay the fuck away.
I have no problems with it per se, but my life has made a turn for the better since quitting in november.
>read more
>get more done at work
>more aware of eating habits
>stronger willpower with abstaining from other vices
I can't say stay away from the stuff, but it definitely held me back
same here -- have schizoish traits and it gives me ptsd from past events that I would have otherwise moved on from emotionally while sober
also thoughts of everyone being out to get me, which is tough because some people legitimately are so it's tough to discern what's real and what isn't
after a couple weeks, i need it to just be "normal" but i felt normal before I was blazing so the obvious answer is to go without and save the money
>being lazy == schizophrenic
Unironically kill yourself, faggot.
dont lift high. you gun get hurt
I used to smoke weed everyday. Like, 3 - 4 times a day. I was in college. It had no effect on my grades or anything.
The reason I stopped is because it's expensive and it exacerbates moodiness in a lot of people. The reason I stopped for good was, as an adult, 99% of the people I know who smoke weed everyday are losers. I know like one guy that smokes weed everyday who is a successful professional.
I've smoked a fat joint with my roomate and then ran for about 50 minutes.
great way to relax, alleviate the soreness and improve the appetite
In moderation, it's ok. It's a vasodialator, and helps with recovery and relaxation. I used to use it before going to the gym, and it helped me power through a lot more lifts.
but using it too often did the opposite effect. it does stimulate the metabolism, but doing so burns sugar so you end up crashing sooner. You pick up the stupid high-brain habits even when youre not high.
it can mess with some people. THC and other cannibinoids act in the same manner as hormones, and some people this can cause issues. I personally lost my ability to get erections if I smoked within 24 hours, but I smoked heavily for 5 years before this happened. My friend smoked way more than I did, but did not get these effects.
if you can manage smoking like, 1-2 times a week, with friends and the like, then it's a non-issue. The problem is it's so easy to much smoke everyday, some people go into auto-pilot and just smoke.
I get anxious when I smoke now. I don't hear voices necessarily, but it feels like an 2 hour long cringe fest where I think about how badly I have fucked up with old friends or women.
>12/29/17(Fri)12:31:14 No.44125988
I have enough weed to fuck me up tonight and until the New year
I'm going all out
Also, this is my last time for 6 months
I lose about 10% of my 1RM when lifting high, but my form is a lot better. Definitely less likely to hurt myself.
I'm mid 20s making just shy of 6 figures in a low COL midwest area. Never smoke before or during work but just about every day and have had a pretty successful career. Very likely going to be given a VP position in 1-2 years when one of them retires.
It's fine. I just gotta make sure to get everything done in the day before I smoke because it's a struggle to be productive and I lose focus. I don't know how my roommate smokes how he does. We both smoke everyday, but I'll smoke once and about .2 most days. He will smoke multiple times a day at any hour yet still does schoolwork and workout whilst high. His grades are shit tho.
First 5mg is hitting me
Strap in boys
Am stoned 24/7 and pretty swole af.
Definetly enjoy it and attribute a good amount of gains to it.
Nah man I think the excessive smoking to is more of a symptom of their depression rather than a root cause. If anything causal was going on I'd imagine that its a vicious cycle kind of thing where they are depressed so they smoke too much in order to cope, and then there excessive drug use leads to more depression so they smoke more. So I think it probably is a contributing factor but most likely not the root cause of there unhappiness; remember correlation does not automatically imply causation.
for referance
Everything in moderation, and I really mean moderation, like no more than once or twice a week. Excessive use of anything is bad so if you get high more days then you don't, or if you frequently wake and bake, that's WAY too much, its just degenerate.
But I don't see anything wrong with smoking a bowl with your buddies every other weekend or so, nothing wrong with having a little fun in life.
My dad smoked weed growing up and I hate my dad. The smell makes me puke and it reminds me of him. I’m a le 56% and I don’t ever want to give police any excuse to fill me full of bullets or tazer needles. I don’t drink or vape either.
Love it when I'm bulking. Hate it when I'm cutting.
Im bazingaad the whole day since ten years. Quit the smoking (((them))) four years ago for the vape meme and enjoy the health. Gains are great but i never do it before workout
I’ve been on ‘American Beauty’ regime for about 3 year, eat well naturally big just get my protien and worry about eating well 5days out of 7.
best response. if you use it for fitness it can actually come in quite handy
loooool fuckin same bro
I have a medical marijuana card and get high as shit every day. I only smoke now after I lift. I tried lifting after smoking a sativa and kept zoning out on the equipment so I don't do that anymore
Everyday before sleeping
weed is the GOAT recreational drug and is perfect for DOMS
I mainly smoke before gymming, I always push myself much harder, it affects everyone's brains differently though, some of my friends get lazy when they smoke
I was a dumb teenager when I first moved out. Sat around and smoked weed all day and slept. Terrible way to live. Smoke weed all you want, just don't let it change your life and who you are. It's hard for me to finish a day without smoking, but I'm satisfied with myself if I can contain it to the afternoon. I hope that I can change myself over time not to rely on substances to keep me occupied. Anybody who says weed isn't addictive just doesn't know better or is addicted to it.
Was daily smoker while at university. Caused me many issues so I quit. I might smoke once or twice a year if people are doing it around me and offer it to me. Otherwise it is a waste of money and braincells.
10mg in now
Starting to think about God and how much God wants us to succeed, the goals are in our hands. It is up to us
going to be an interesting night, my faith has been growing a lot more
Smoking a little and taking an adderall before working out is the GOAT combo for me. I get kinda spacey and relaxed, but the moment I start my set I get completely focused on the lift, helps me concentrate on form. Not saying I'd recommend it for anyone else but I've had success with it.
hahaha this thread
you guys really are on some pussy shit huh
>standing 4.0 gpa
>smoke weed every day since i was 14
respect bro
This is the biggest load of bullshit I think I’ve ever read on this site.
>being this defensive of smoking weed
i prefer alcohol desu, but then again i only really consume intoxicants when i hang out with my friends
I don't like the smell of weed either
Post routine?
Aw man, I feel you bro
>increase estrogen
>reduce testosterone
No thank, I'm not a numale.
top 10 international school flexing on you
kush ups every day
weenie hut jrs
>it's expensive
I live in California and I get high all day everyday for about $20 a month.
I live in washington same story
>smoking something that not only kills your memory (see joe rogan). But also increases your estrogen levels WHILE at the same fucking time decreasing your testosterone levels
For degenerates and the weak-minded.
I use high CBD strains and vape after hard rolling and sparing for recovery.
Freedom is double-edged sword. I don't like weed myself.
show us your bitch tits
One of the most potent nootropics out there, if you know how to use it properly.
But, because it's illegal in most places in the world, that knowledge isn't commonly available and so it turns a lot of people into drooling retards.
Then, the people who are responsible for it being illegal go "SEE, IT'S BAD FOR YOU."
Roids? Or took the neck pill hard?
>One of the most potent nootropics out there, if you know how to use it properly.
please explain further.
The kind of relaxation it induces makes you able to consider ideas you ordinarily wouldn't entertain, especially ones that you would normally find stressful.
By taking away most of the things that stress you, it gives you more mental space to evaluate ideas, concepts, feelings, whatever and to have genuine psychedelic self-insights. At the same time it removes inhibitions, so useful ideas that you'd often dismiss out of hand are actually considered and you find that you can discover incredibly easy and obvious solutions to problems that you didn't find before because of a certain bias you might have.
The painkilling effects let you push further in workouts and if you have a bit of an energetic strain you can really exceed yourself, especially if you work out in the evening and then use the rest of the high to chill out, eat some fucking food and have an amazingly soft night's sleep.
I'd say it's the most universally useful drug in existence. It has got a little bit of every single drug out there and it has something of its own that no other substance matches.
I agree with all you said. I use my weed pen almost everyday and I've had great benefits, especially regarding my sleep. I used to lay in bed for hours before I fell asleep now I'm out in 10 minutes. I don't know why some people stop dreaming when they smoke weed often, I still have very vivid dreams.
I also love the dissociative part of the drug I feel that's where my best insight stems from. Overall a great plant that works better the healthier the person consuming it is.
You are retarded.
Come @ me degenerate losers
Because causing gyno, smoking weed will make you act like this dipshit. No one likes when people act like that.
I smoke a lot
Was fun to excercise high
Made running easy cause I'd just get into a meditative state
Well not really anymore cause I don't have solid contacts anymore
My last dude turned out to be super gay for me
So sober not by choice
>Tfw when no friends
weed makes me trip out everytime i smoke, after taking acid a couple times it's pretty much a light psychdelic, i have conversations with myself, hear things that aren't there, hear sound loop and repeat itself and it adds stuff to the music i'm listening to, e.g extra layers, counter melodies, vocals to instrumentals, etc
Seems webmd is garbage.
How long ago was your last trip?
you sound crazy bro
10mgs of what?
I smoke every once in a while. Used to smoke erryday, but my memory just got better with less frequency.
I like to smoke post lift for relaxation and I smoke sometimes to bulk.
Y ou first desu
>I won't believe what scientists and doctors told me because some -totally unbiased- hipster told that weed is good
Let me explain to you brainlet. Weed > happy feelies in tummy and everweh> dopamine > addiction
Tho it's not as addictive or dangerous as other drugs. there's still no reason to use it other than being a loser or a failure or a pussy.
not a bro guaranteed you sound irritating as fuck
almost a year
yeah nah, i'm completely fine when i'm sober, i guess my brain is just different to most people or something
>"MOOMMMMEEEYYYYYY user iz sayn bad stof abot my druggies. Pls make him stop he iz scare me nd i feel irritated
Smoked Sativa the other day. Best high I've ever had in my whole life.
My friends have been smoking me out to some bullshit indica strains for the longest time and I had no clue.
I understand why potheads are potheads now, at least the functional ones.
next level buzz killington
weed culture is for faggots
Define weed culture.
Literally everyone I know that doesn't smoke is unhappy with their life in some way as well. It has nothing to do with smoking weed.
smoking is retarded.
vaping, on the other hand...
How the fuck does decision making correlate with schizophrenia?
none of you guys dab?
you really trying tot ell me an inhalable plant is going to alter me physically
>inb4 carcinogens
smoking weed won't give you lung cancer sorry it won't
>be me, 25 year old autist
>dont really like drinking alcohol because im a massive lightweight and always end up throwing up/hangovers
>smoked weed a few times in my life back in college and enjoyed it because i actually thought things were funny for once in my life, felt good, no hangover problems or throwing up
>literally such a fucking autist that ive lived in the bay area of caliofrnia and dont know how to get weed
>about to become legalized on january 1 and still wont know how to get it or where to get it or how to smoke it
>sorry it wont
good argument
once it gets legalized dispensaries spring up in weeks, if it gets legalized january 1st then be february 1st i would expect to be able to google "user's area dispensary" and get a page full of hits
are you me
I associated with a higher risk of testicular cancer and that can't be good for testosterone production. Also, stoner reporting in.
>smoke it daily because i have a fucked up spinal cord/neck and it is literally the only thing that helps with the unending constant pain
>still get lumped in with DUDEWEEDLMAO teenagers and douchebags that make it their entire identity
wait till junior year and try that
I live in the Bay Area too. You can get a medical marijuana card online now for $40-100 granting you access to any dispensary you want or literally have someone deliver it to your house through online delivery services. I recommend getting a weed vape pen battery and pre filled cartridge. $40 a cartridge for 500mg of oil (around 300 hits)
>that fucking picture
W E E D. Memes are memes.
my buddy goes to usc and he gets weed delivered to his dorm ha
weed breeds apathy.
there will be times in your life where you need to put in a little effort and care about what you're doing, i think weed hinders this for most people.
but if it helps people cope with being alone, child-less, poor, stupid, anxious man-children then keep it up. life is hard, so why even try amirite?
sometimes you reflect on things more when you're baked but cool pic
i'm stunned at how many of you can't even handle weed i thought there were more lads here
If it is your drug of choice then once or twice a week likely has negligible side effects. Doing it every day is fucking retarded. Combusting and not vaping/eating is also retarded.
Mescaline, etc. is better.
It's good if you're getting stoned with your mates and having a laugh, but doing it by yourself is fucking boring.