Just fapped while standing up and focusing only on my body sensations. No porn, no imagination. Just pure mindfulness. Shit was wholesome. That's the ideal way of masturbating. Prove me wrong. Pro tip: >you can't.
The Fapping Blueprint
I fapped to that manga btw, its good.
My ideal way of masturbating is laying on my bed with my 360 vr headset watching 2 fine ass hoes take turns riding me and sucking me off. I can look freely around the room while still stroking then look back and theyre jumping on my dick fuck its so good. Nothing like laying back and getting satisfied by a new virtual GF after a long stressful day of work
Its actually helped too because its more like real sex than normie cuckporn
This is the future. And the future looks grim.
>Its actually helped too because its more like real sex than normie cuckporn
Didnt you simply dig your own hole deeper? The more "real" you make fapping, the less drive you get to seek actual sex.
Leave here and re-evaluate your life choices. Perhaps find God.
Laying on back, aching muscles squeezed, twisted and cracked as I nut all over my naked body.
This method makes me light headed and it takes me away. Feeling can last up to 15-20 seconds if I'm lucky.
Maybe I fell for some jew propaganda, but what is the point anymore? They already won, there is no way for men to get married without being robbed and divorce raped; ALL girls/women are spoiled brats who get lots of attention through their social networks, even the ugly fat ones. Relationships are not meant to last, and hookups require lots of effort for just a quickie or a blowjob with wasted club thots.
It's either:
>Spend lots of effort playing the numbers game for the slight chance of getting dick wet
>Openly quick pornhub, search for your favourite fetishes, fap as much as you want.
I'm in a month of noporn, but man, I just can't bother with real women.
Fapping while standing in a very hot shower is a real test of endurance
Much harder to cum because of both the position and the sheer temperature. Your heart feels like it’s run a marathon. I nearly blacked out once doing it.
For real.
Lifelike sex androids WHEN?
It's fucking fine. Best case scenario nobody fucks anymore and we all die. Worst case scenario everything stays exactly the same.
>getting married
found the problem
>playing numbers game
how do you expect to find a decent woman if you just treat every woman as the same and use the same approach. You need patience and you need to pay attention to those who are worth your time. Those who are in the periphery, within your grasp, somehow different. If you honestly can't notice that, then it is your own jadedness and stubborn attitude that has dug you into this whole you pretend to be fabricated by a big Other.
"to those who are worth your time"
>Implying there are women that are worth the time and effort
I haven't fapped in nearly a week and I'm going to fuck my girlfriend tomorrow night.
The true ideal is to remove fapping all together and focus on achieving climax for you and your partner.
>my dick
Got some bad news for you
only person to blame for not searching is yourself. the easiest thing to do is to give up and the hardest thing to do is succeed in spite of yourself. That's why Veeky Forums is baffled at how chubby dudes get qts
Bro. There aren't. It's like finding a natty mr.olympia nowadays. No matter how much I search it is impossible to find something that doesn't exist. Stop believing in unicorns.
whatever helps you sleep at night user
I managed to gf my oneitis, what have you done?
Is that even a bad thing? Women these days only want 6'3 Chads and nothing less. Boys are nowadays raised on feminism and soy. The average man has barely any chances of getting pussy unless they are willing to beta provide.
Fapping is the future.
Welp, I feel sorry for you. The more attached you are to her the more it will hurt when it inevitably ends.
You are soooo on the way to getting oneitis and being cucked for the rest of your life
Holy shit is that the girl from the fedora dance make her day video?
Yup, she literally dates a 6'2+ football Chad while the other cuck faps to BLACKED
>didn't read the follow up
cope harder
atm it's only going to end because of professional obligations and we both knew it going in. Doesn't mean that it wasn't worthwhile. Far more happier having had something rather than engaging in crab mentality.