What would his routine/cycle look like? Also goal body thread

What would his routine/cycle look like? Also goal body thread

PPL with some test and a couple years.

How much test though?


Depends on your current looks. If you are 6', past noob gains, knows how to eat properly, maybe 2-3 cycles of 500mg test.

Bout tree fiddy

only the chest and bf% seem /fraud/

does injecting test means you are no longer natty? what if i increase test trough just diet, would a diet rich in protein plus the onion pill would work, or just an aproximate?

goal body right here

That dude's pretty jacked. I'd need different lighting and a front view to give a good r8 tho.Also it's a shame for that chest gap

Taking test, tren, clen, dbol, and anavar are all natty. You're automatically natty if you claim to be.

ok nice, but what about my other question?

Do both. Onions will increase your test almost as much as taking roids. Follow all ofther meme diets and programs as well. Most of the information on Veeky Forums is by people who are really stong and big and have a lot of good expertise.

Taking artificial hormones = no longer natty. Test in a bottle is still artificial test.

whoa, thanks sempai, would the sticky sufice? or do i also do ss and gomad?

>does injecting test means you are no longer natty

well enough for today, thanks for the laugh, good night

Assuming you keep training hard and eating properly, is this physique maintanable without gear?

>Cant see his legs
>"Must be on PPL"
These are the people giving advice

A little less lean than that, yes.

are you fucking stupid?

500mg test is nothing

pls post your body and how much your running jesus christ

I'm not roiding, man. If you need test to get that much muscle mass you're fucking dyel. However you need test to keep that much muscle mass while 10% bf, also to not have parts lagging much behind. 500mg 2-3 cycles would be enough if you're already lifting for >3y.


1 onion a day is more or less equivalent to blasting a gram a test per week and is still natty

yes, test is actually made of onion juice, that's why squeezing onions is illegal just like cutting poppy blossoms

Heavy OHP and heavy dips

>This delusion
You've already said you're not on gear so maybe you should train a little longer natty before making assumptions

Naturally in about 2 years if working out hard and diet is on point.
3 years if half assing it and eating w/e.
On test maybe about 2 months doing w/e.