Do you stretch before working out?


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I used to and then rip told me it was a waste of time. I think he's right, I haven't noticed any difference.

after workout, also, i do yoga that gotta count.??

i warm up by adding weight until i am at my working weight.
i stretch after I am done with my lifting.

why would you stretch to do those limited ROM exercises. What you do in the gym doesn't require flexibility. Gymnasts, divers and ballet dancers stretch. If you stretch it's not like you'll use the ROM you temporarily get.

yeah it counts. it's much better than starting stretching and molding mobility which is the only thing this board does if it does anything for flexibility at all .

warm up, dynamic stretching, lift, static stretching.

Once you've had a few injuries you will no longer be able to lift without a proper warm-up

hnnggg, love when women use a cap to hold their ponytail.

>stretch before workout

i do on off days

No, but I go running for 5 to 10 mins to get the body warm and pulse going.

that's pretty good. I would also do arm swings while running like the guy in 2:12. They are the GOAT of warm up

same here, run for a mile on the tread mill to get the blood moving, especially when it's like 50f in the gym. damn cold in there these days.

You wouldn't be saying that with hips, shoulders and hammies as tight as mine. Every lift feels like a whole different movement after stretching. Not static stretching, though

i don't work out and neither does anyone else on this shithole of a board

before during and before any exercise

I only stretch my hammies and hip flexors because otherwise it impairs my deadlift and rack pull

stretching before exercise can make you more prone to injury, should only ever stretch after.

I foamroll XD

Stretching doesn't actually do anything other than make you better tolerate the pain stretching causes you. I don't stretch but I do light weight warm-ups of the exercise I'm moving onto. Jog a little to warm up if you must or if it's cold.


This is bad advice. Do your stretches.

no but i do spend a good amount of time warming up with light weight

This is bad advice. Don't do your stretches.

Logic puzzle: If you could ask only one question to one of these posters to determine who was telling the truth, what would you ask?

I typically stretch and foam roll after my workouts, before my workouts I do warm up weight of whatever exercise I'm going to do.

I have really snappy joints, sometimes if i rush they hurt a bit.
im afraid of going to snap city, so not only do i stretch before, but i often do 15 second streches between sets
just to get the joints working.
is this weird?

I do a quick 10 minute dynamic stretch and doing light warm ups. static stretching before bed every night

Perfectly fine for a 65 years old woman.

No. Veeky Forums told me I'm more likely to hurt myself if I stretch first.

this. have any of you faggots do anything more agile than picking metal and putting it down? playing soccer, basketball or pretty much any other sport without stretching is suicide.

of course. don't be stupid