
What's the last book you've read, Veeky Forums? A real man can't afford to overdevelop his body but underdevelop his mind.

Fiction: Crime and Punishment

Non-Fiction: Security Analysis

Thinking Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman, Now I'm currently reading on Plato's The Republic and hoping to immerse myself on the journey of philosophy.

Ajax (Aias) by Sophocles. Reading some plays of Euripides now.

The Ego and Its Own. Nothing apart from that, I don't really read books because I don't find many things in literature to be interesting.


Lolita and How to win friends and influence people

I am reading The Wheel of Time, I am almost done with A Crown Of Swords (I honestly dont remember if its the seventh or eighth book this shit is long, barely through half of the story, not bad if you like high fantasy).


Animal liberation
Come at me you disgusting carnivores

War and Peace

Also I finished Mastery by Robert Greene a couple of days ago, I'd recommend it without a doubt, I'll start with 48 laws of power when I am done with WOT

i liberate animals from their earthly bounds user

The bell jar by Sylvia Plath

I read Oresteia trilogy of Aischylous recently, really interesting if you haven't read it already.

Just finished It. Quite a nice read, a lot better than the movie, if you liked that. Currently bouncing back and forth between The Executioner's Song and Hiroshima.



I try to read but I can't concentrate or enjoy the book enough that I continue since I can't picture whatever is described properly. I listen to audiobooks though which is better than nothing. Last one was 1984

I read of all Aeschylus' plays. Good stuff. I'l be skipping a bunch of Euripides and Aristophanes, though. I guess I'll read Sun Tzu, Herodotus and Thucydides after.

Jennifer Government by Max Barry. I've got about 50 pages left. Will finish it today. It's about a world where corporations run everything.... Definitely not prescient....

Redpill me on reading.

Shit, this gif reminds of that Rei character that only wrote in uppercase and italics.

A little under halfway through American Psycho right now.


No dude I'm in Canada


I'm reading Dan Brown right now. Makes me wanna kms since at the end of every chapter is a cliffhanger

Lately I've been into Salman Rushdie. Finished the Enchantress of Florence a couple of days ago. Just picked up his new book and I'm going to give that a go.

Martian Time Slip. It's pretty weird.

It's gud.

The art of war and other eastern philosophy.

Last two were Tolkien's Children Of Hurin and some memeworthy book about running by Haruki Murakami. Currently reading Crime and Punishment and The Book of the New Sun by Gene Wolfe.

Like watching a film but with your almonds fully activated.

Of Mice and Men

I am lifting to make big Lennie proud

Wilderness Tales: Margaret Atwood

I should take a look at that. I get the same feeling when I read Nietzsche. "Why would I read other books? They just make me worse."

That reading improves you is a meme. Learn solely in order to create.

Not if you have no imagination

Did You like C&P? Have you read any other dosto, I'd recommend The Idiot and Notes.


A Brief History on Ancient Greece. Gonna read Horus Heresy now.

>tfw you can relate to the MC way more than you wish you could


you liked this one? I enjoyed the story but it took some dedication to finish it

now reading wind up bird chronicle

The last book I read is Animal Farm by George Orwell. The book I'm reading is American Lion by Jon Meacham

Wine. All The Time. By Marissa A. Ross A non-snobbish, informative comprehensive guide to getting into wine.

Reading: Are You Dreaming? Exploring Dreams: A Comprehensive Guide

Just finished Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas. Liked it more than the movie.

Gonna Read American Psycho and see how it compares to the meme.

Gubble gubble

You don't really need any imagination to imagine things as they are described to you when you read.

What's up with white girls and wine? Do they think it gives depth to their character? Like anyone gives a shit


Just finished Dead Souls. Currently reading For Whom the Bell Tolls.

>tfw no Maria

Just finished Children of Hurin

48 laws of power and the art of seduction are both great, so get ready. Also, someone should make a virgin Dale Carnegie vs chad Robert Greene meme.

Last I read was Confessions of a Mask by Yukio Mishima. Really depressing book.

>tfw have severe attention issues
>cannot remember things I read in books because of it, always forget because I get distracted later
>wanted to start reading
>bought a couple of very very simple books
>they were WWE yearly annuals from 2004 and 2008 found in a charity shop
>bought about 40 fucking pieces of paper
>started gradually making my way through the books and making notes as I went
>writing down wrestler names (Rey Mysterio, John Cena etc)
>decided if I could memorise at least 30 wrestlers then I would have improved my memory and focus
>fucking studied these things for hours, night after night
>started trying to remember 30 wrestlers
>couldn't do it
>had scraps of paper thrown over my fucking room covered in wrestling names
>started getting stressed as fuck, headbutting the walls etc because it was annoying me how unfocused I am
>parents came into my room at night and took out all the pictures
>fucking took my wrestling books and BURNT them
>told me I was banned from reading

Haven't bought books since. fucking hell I wish I had the attention for it

Reading does improve you. It gives you a greater wealth of information to draw from, and a wide range of perspectives to consider. It makes you more aware, more well rounded, and more relatable. It also improves your vocabulary and attention span.

But that’s if you actually challenge yourself with thought provoking and important works. Reading Rowling or Martin isn’t going to help anyone. Just reading to entertain yourself and escape reality and thinking that’s going to improve you is a meme. Not all literature is created equal and reading with purpose will most certainly improve your mind.

Sun and Steel by Mishima
Fight Club
The Goetia
The Disaster Artist
Total Recall
The Bodybuilding Encyclopedia

Murakami used to be my favorite author until I realized how pretentious he is

>remembering 30 wrestler names
Dude thats too Many in such a short time frame

You should talk to a professional user.

What if you can't even visualize what is described properly?

>visual novels are books

Audiobooks vs regular reading. Who wins?

The art of War and The Prince by Niccollo Machiavelli
The Antichrist
Theodore Momsen's History of Rome
The Republic by Plato
Under the Yoke by Ivan Vazov

I only read manly manga.

Fiction: le rivage des Syrtes by Julien Gracq
Non fiction: going back to the greeks after a failed attempt at the critique of pure reason, I understood the general idea but some reasoning are hard to follow because there are some words I don't know at all. Beside I did rush Plato, skip everything from Aristotle and resumed at Descartes, then skipped again Leibniz and the empiricists. I did enjoy Spinoza though.

My man, just finished Plato too.

Origins of Political Order
Political Order and Political Decay
Why Nations Fail
Twilight War
Army and Marine Corp Counter Insurgency Field Guide

Marcus Aurelius' Meditations
The Ottoman Endgame
Teddy Roosevelts Biography
From Russia With Doubt

>Graphic Novels
East of West
100 Bullets

Sherlock Holmes stories

he is definitely /ourguy/

regular reading, because it's really hard to cross-reference any important or interesting details in an audio file, while you can always mark pages and come back to them with little effort.
Reading is hard on the attention span and most of my "reading" is audiobooks, but being able to freely navigate printed text is possibly far more important in getting the most out of a book.


This shit is good

Currently reading Blood Meridian, and I just started Musashi. I'm also in the middle of Crime and Punishment but it's been a good while since I last opened it. Once I take a break from reading a book it takes me a good while to pick it back up again.

Guy actually gets laid though. Just like Mersault. I read these books about social rejects/abnormal people to identify with them or whatever, but they're still getting more pussy than me ;_;

The Bible, basically daily

Besides that, though, Based on a True Story, by Norm MacDonald

The new Phillip Pullman one - The Belle Sauvage

If you're into the original trilogy would recommend


>I read these books about social rejects/abnormal people to identify with them or whatever, but they're still getting more pussy than me ;_;

Jesus, that reminds me...
>have acquaintances that allegedly have severe social anxiety
>it doesn't prevent them from doing extremely social activities
>I have moderate social anxiety
>It pretty much dictates my life, and I'm socially avoidant and isolate myself

Something doesn't add up.

>Wheel of Time
The ride is far from over, you'll be flipping shit by the time you're at book 11 or 12. A bit of prior warning that eventually the series is taken over and finished by a different author, I don't like him as much as Jordan but he doesn't fuck anything up enough to keep the last few books from being great.

Thus Spoke Zarathustra, reading Man and His Symbols right now, moving on to Revolt Against the Modern World next.

How much Heidegger have you read up on?

Wheel of Time went to shit by book 6, everything before that was awesome.

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie.

None yet, he's on my rather long list though. What should I tackle first?

I always say pick up introductory stuff to the major 20th century guys and post-modernists, but I like The Question Concerning Technology. It's a cool analysis after you get through Thus Spoke and Revolt Against.

Thots? Do you like Sanderson writing? He's a major reason why I don't want to read WOT. Stormlight is God awful


Faggot ass pseudo intellectual cuck.
You might as well mention atlas shrugged as well.

>comparing non-brothe-in-law Nietzche texts to Ayn a shit.

Then you're brain dead

The Illiad
the Eisenstein book in the Horus Heresy series
and The Ego And His Own