Post your best Soyboys here
Other urls found in this thread:
>soyboy general
>posts photo of sugar&creamboy
>all that junk
>American patriot
I think you mixed up your memes user
>those tits
>fat retard who plays video games all day long
> voting agaisnt your countries best interests
> patriots
He can probably lift more than you, OP.
You /pol/ or /leftypol/ faggots are passive-aggressive shitheads and I wish both of you would fuck off forever
EXplain how letting in random foreigners is in a country's best interests.
>those tiny arms
So this is the awesome power of the #swoleleft
Also the hairband on his wrist makes him look like a doll. Kek.
Fit does not care about either Trump or Hillary, but is there for Mother Europa
As opposed the right wingers that are literally dyel manlets?
Soyboys incoming. This ones the husband of that woman who wrote the GQ article about why being called a cuck is a complement. Kek.
This. 4/pol/ is embarrassing
t. angry beta male who's with her
Post body then mate. Are you #swoleleft?
not letting Hillary win is the country's best interest
Even leftist media admits the left is more dyel than the right
I top your soy boy with this soy boy
>remembering this sophie's choice of an election
But I thought vice is unreliable to quote according to the average /pol/ soyboy Inbreds?
>democracy fully sold out to companies, lives in a oligarchy pretty much since the founding fathers
>fucking severe malnutrition AND obesity for being classed as a first world country
>1% of country pop in jail
what is there to be patriotic about
>no glasses
>no beard
>not doing the soylent grin
Do you even soyboy tbqhfam
imagine being afraid that there are fewer white people around even though you're going to die in 60 years and it literally wont matter because you're middle class anyway and all the minorities are lower class
asså jag bor i uppsala (samma stad som han bor i dvs) och gymmar på samma ställe som han, killen är rätt liten egentligen lol
You're pick isn't a soyboy.
Pic related is a soyboy
>This is what Americans want to defend from the evil Muslims
Seems like a legit cool guy with good taste in tabletop games
Fucking low test faggot. You need to die a horrible,bloody death. maybe i'll cut you tiny dick off and make your mother eat it.
You are such a useless faggot
>imagine being this low test
How do you explain that there is a direct correlation between the percentage of white people in a country and how clean and safe it is to live in? Why do you think non-whites are so desperate to migrate to white countries? What do you think will happen in the long run? The white countries will become more like the migrants' countries of origin or the formerly white countries will magically stay as clean pleasant and a safe as they always were?
>Thinking anyone not actually retarded would defend a Kekistani faggot
You have any more kekistani soyboys my lad?
Triggered #Maga soyboy detected
An extremely rare closed mouth soyboy.
Yeah I'll keep posting them
speak normal faggot
There's a strenuous vetting process even most citizens can't pass, dumbcunt. Not random.
And immigration is excellent for the economy.
That dude is in much better shape that you you low test faggot. Go eat your onions before you get beat to death. Ugly faggot
>correlation is causation
white countries were shit for a long time. It goes in cycles. Don't be so naive.
No you're just low test. Being leftist is a symptom of low test in males. Raise your testosterone by lifting weights, eating a lot of animal fats and green vegetables and getting adequate sleep etc. and you will find yourself becoming more right wing.
Fucking low test,useless faggot dyel.My dick is diamonds at the thought of slitting your throat or burying an ax in your face.
>silver and not gold name tapes
> I am not racist, I'm only against illegal immigration
>And immigration is excellent for the economy.
>reee we need to raise the minimum wage!!
The only reason people struggle to make ends meet in America is because they're easily replaceable. Make up your mind you retarded communists. You can't have immigrants and a high minimum wage.
Jeg vil ikke tro, han er den love av gull. er han ikke 185 cm?
I know you're speaking Swedish, not sure if you can understand my shitty Norwegian, but is he really that small? he claims to be like 185cm
>what is the green card lottery
>what is family reunification visa system
>what is asylum
Trump wanted an extreme vetting process not Shillary.
king of soyboys
PJW has some serious bitch tits
>being in the military if you have a degree
Pic related is me... faggot. Post your body then.
>trusts mass media
>calls others soyboys
honestly, i'd let in a million arabs if only one of them opened up a food joint I could go to. Even if every single one of them were terrorists
> that tongue ring
> implying it’s surprising that self loathing dumb sluts with daddy issue vote republican
Like pottery
>It's another let's try to trigger /pol/ thread
don't forget to make another thread bitching about /pol/ shitting up Veeky Forums top lad
So you're saying it just a... coincidence that the best countries are the whitest countries? Pure coincedence? Also you didn't answer my original questions. Which do you think is more likely to happen with third world immigration?
>imagine being this much of a brainlet
>i dont trust mass media
>just the 2 corporations that differ their views slightly but that are still owned by mass media companies
>nothing matters lmao
This thread is making fun of trumpcucks and civic nationalists. Not /pol/.
Citation very much needed for 'immigration is good for the economy'
If there is an over supply of labour what do you think happens to wages? Do you think mass immigration causes an over or under supply of labour?
looks lil inbred for my taste
>Not a Soy Boy
Pick One and Only One
I'm right wing myself and kind of support Trump but this whole Kekistani thing isn't even affiliated with either side of the political spectrum, but believe me there is a spectrum involved that these people are in, it was started by le intellectual individualist radical centrists.
I can understand you perf but ill write in english anw
sure, he's ca185 but he is not even close to as buff as he is in his videos and pictures. I can admire some things about him (we don't have much in common, neither political nor strenght training philosophy) but the thing is that he's most often sitting by himself, and he's a really awkward guy to speak to
Both left and extreme right are loser soyboys that only care about race. Except a one acknowledge that they're soyboys and the other don't.
Libertarians are degenerateboys
Centrists are boys
Moderate Right are men
And people who don't give a shit about politics are the real men.
>Tfw you shit on everyone's opinions and praise yours without providing a proof because there's no proof that you need to provide a proof
Imagine being black and voting agaisnt your interests so bad lol
>this whole Kekistani thing isn't even affiliated with either side of the political spectrum, but believe me there is a spectrum involved that these people are in
Checked and truth!
who invited you faggot
Answer the questions then. If you're so clever it'll be easy for you to explain this curious phenomenon of the whitest countries being the best.
stubby forearms and sausage fingers. you can't be taller than 5'5"
centerist and liberals need to be sterilized.
not that user but more people+bigger economy, i think sweden had a 3%bnp raise last year (regardless of what you think of the imigrants) also, immigrants do not lower wages, bosses do.
I take it you've never heard of Japan?
There is a direct correlation between the wealth of a nation and how 'clean and safe' it is, it's nothing to do with race (btw, wtf kind of soccer mom bullshit is this clean and safe measure?).
It so happens that the majority of the wealthy nations at this point in time are white. But that hasn't always been the case throughout human history.
Btw, would you like to know the top 10 safest countries to live in according to the Legatum Institute global prosperity rankings?
10. Sweden
9. Austria
8. Switzerland
7. Germany
6. Norway
5. Denmark
4. Iceland
3. Japan
2. Luxembourg
1. Singapore
Ummmmm. Notice something strange here? Well I never, 2 out of the top 5 are Asian. Ummmmm, even stranger the highest ranked is Asian. Ummmmmm, stranger still America is not on it, it must be TOO clean and safe to even rank. So what is the correlation here again? Oh wait, that's it... it's that you're a fucking dumbass cunt.
Go back to your containment board faggot