Raise your expectations.
Powerhobbying General -/PLG/
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I hope op dies
starting to hit some of my long term goals all at once...
225 bench for 5
350 squat for 5
450 DL for 1
Next to get my deadlift to a clean 500
Welcome to the strong club, son.
Nigga what
Thats it. My cut starts today. AnonymousLean 2018
Gay boi
Me too, my dude. How much you losing'?
All of it
Only sometimes
I finally found what i want in a woman. Where do i get a woman like this?
Rest in piss, lad
Anyone else fat and ugly despite lifting for half a decade?
well considering my bodyweight is going to be 220 soon Id say i have a bit to go until I can say im strong. But progress none the less.
Forgot how much fun deadlifting is though. Been following SS so always squat before doing deads and grew to hate them. Did them first the other day and maxing out was nice
stop watching this garbage its melting your mind
That guy is a mouthbreather. kek
I want to stick my penis inside of a girl and release my semen inside of her vagina, filling her womb up with my semen.
Thank you all for listening.
same but with a girl (boy)
wowo you are gay ?
explain how i am gay
literally just started doing this shit and I'm struggling to do pendlay rows correctly, mostly because I have to lean forward too much to pick it up
what's better, leaving it hanging between reps or going to 1pl8 immediately?
are you attracted to this ?
Just masturbated to gay porn
Am I gay?
This shit all started when I first masturbated to trappy chan and went downhill from there
not being attracted to that is a surefire way to be gay
just be yourself
ha gay Its a trap and now you are gay ha you like traps making you homosexual ha your homosexuality is very obvious based on the answer you gave me to my previous question dont dare ask me why I have multiple images of this trap saved onto my computer I want everyone to know I am 100% straight and never had sex with another man
*licks lips*
what is gay about traps?
The male on male genitalia?
Not sure
that is clearly a woman though.
and it is totally not gay if her penis is smaller than mine.
Sumo hurts my knees, what am I doing wrong
Inb4 >doing sumo
I'm going to start tripping so I'm now responsible for my posts, in the hope that I will stop shit posting.
god I'm so fucking gay
nice blog
Post lifts
It isn't perhaps because you're weak, is it? It's not that you don't want to lie about your lifts because it's just another harsh reminder of just how weak you really are, right?
nice projection
Thanks for making it obvious I touched a nerve.
notice i didnt ask for your lifts, that was because nobody gives a fuck
i know that hit a nerve
You sound epic mad
Keep popping those SSRIs cause you sound epic mad
ill take the w
No kid, everyone just thinks you're a massive angry faggot. (Not even the guy you replied to)
>admitting to whiteknighting a nobody
atleast you tried kid. (Not even the guy you replied to)
Now this is a projection. (I'm not even the guy you replied, just pointing this out)
you know what projection means? (not the guy you replied to, just pointing out the misuse of a word)
(I'm not the guy you replied to) but its obvious you took the bait. You must be mad as fuck to be btfod by so many anons.
how am i btfo (im just a passerby btw), i just asked a question
you seem confused
Just admit it was you this whole time getting btfod by all these random anons (not me)
>(not me)
whos this?
>who's this
>earlier this thread
>nobody cares about you
Well well well, look who cares now.
(Not even the guy you just responded to, simply pointing this out)
oh hi, folks
Explain to me why you hate on Bugenhagen.
How does plg keep getting worse? Ever few 6 months or so I'll pop in to see if things are any better. Jesus Christ.
Are you fucking kidding me? Its better than it has been Rafael, it was truly worse when you were around.
Plg hasn't been good since 2015, it had a short life, but it was a good one and your faggotry, larping, lies and deception ruined what once had potential.
I sincerely hope you rot in hell you autistic fucking faggot.
That you have high expectations does not change the fact that you are strong, so long as "strong" means "significantly stronger than average". Don't diminish those who have worked hard to not get even as far as you, but more importantly don't diminish yourself. Humility is not self deprecation, don't make that mistake.
Holy fug
>Literally named after seeming like women
>Somehow gay to initially find them attractive
imagine being so low test that you don't want to fill a qt passable trap with your cum
lmao twinks
Garagebro help, do you recommend the 100 tri/back reps regardless of program?
Fucking Christmas and new year. Only age to lift once in 2 weeks.
So pissed off. I fucking hate this time of year. Nothing but a constant reminder of how lonely I am, and I'm not even able to lift the feels away.
Topkek he only recommends the 100 reps of upper back due to the fact that most people have weak lats and that lats are involved in literally all 3 competition lifts.
Lol except lats aren't used in the bench, be careful what you say with such confidence, because you just end up sounding like a tool
mental gde
[spoiler]I feel the same I want my gf back[/spoiler]
>Lol except lats aren't used in the bench
Sorry if this sounds like a stupid question
I've been making good, steady progress on lifts. Today I'm supposed to add weight to my deadlifts and squats, but still have DOMS (mostly legs) from thursday. What should I do, lift normally or drop weight or other?
proceed normally
soreness is normal and after a warm up you want feel them
>Lats aren't used in binch
>These are the people posting in /plg/
Okay man.
Stubborn and idiotic. Funny how these two things are commonly found together.
Deadlift every day user here. Today i attempted my 1rm after having done 180kg for 5 the day before yesterday. I was able to do 190 for 2 reps but failed to lift 200kg past my knees for like 6 attempts. It felt like i couldn't keep the bar close enough to my femur which created a moment arm that disadvantaged me from engaging glutes to lockout. At least it broke from the floor easily. Might try rack pulls from just below the knee.
Honestly, I'm pretty tired of deadlifting and would like to focus on squats and benching. On a positive note, I Overhead Pressed 67.5kg (~150lb) for 3x5.
>He's being unironic right now
topkek thanks for the laugh lad, probably will be best one before 2018.
>He's being unironic right now
topkek thanks for the laugh lad, probably will be best one before 2018.
is this the extent of your redditor wit?
Is this the extent of your redditor wit?
I haven't fapped in months Jesus Christ I want to empty my balls in some bitch RIGHT NOW
the best option is to ditch the pendlay meme immediately and just do generic bent over rows with a solid hip hinge, pulling through your elbows to engage as much lats and scapular retractors as possible on each rep, that way you might actually grow some muscle instead of fucking around with your hamstring flexibility and setup for months just so you can do a power move that you wont even be able to progress enough to benefit from
No wet dreams?
one but it's not enough
It woke up me and I had a massive headache because of it, I literally felt adrenaline in my bloodstream
this shit isn't healthy but helps with gains
jesus christ
you can tell by her eyes that she'd do anything
muh fuckin dick
>tries to seem clever
>makes himself look like a tool
Why should one not change a program the moment a lift stalls, instead of doing stuff like 20 weeks 5/3/1?
Cheers, usually DOMS don't last this long so I'm afraid of tearing a glute or something like that.
>At least it broke from the floor easily
>couldnt lock out
You're pulling with rounded back.
Opps meant to quote
nope, you quoted correctly.
I'm offering $100 through PayPal to the first person who can explain how lats are used in the bench press lmfao
Year after year we have this argument and nobody can ever explain how lats are used in the bench
Sorry sweetie
enjoy snapping up twink
how the fk do you get a 180kg squat on SS
He started as a 120 squatter and went up to almost 110 kg bw.
You're all talk, no bite. Just embarrassing.
Sticking point around the knee is a tech issue
you won't tear a glute doing dl because you have doms lol
Heh I know that, just a little bit paranoid
How much do doms affect lifting anyway? I've usually waited for them to be over or almost over, but I'm not sure if that's the best way to go about it
Lats work in stabilization and allowing to keep a tighter arch.