Whats the point of getting fit when all you need in life is money?

whats the point of getting fit when all you need in life is money?

>invited to new years party
>check who else is coming
>besides some friends only srsly srsly rich kids
>nobody fit
>nobody of them has an education even
>they still can do whatever they want whenever they want and get every chick since every chick has a price thats below what they care about

Because you can still make money while also getting fit?

And then being fit + money > not being fit + money?

Y'all act like you can only pursue one goal in life.

I just want to emulate the Greeks and the Romans in the way they think and act.

>nobody of them has an education even
>srsly srsly rich kids


its just so bizarre to watch those kids

i mean of course you are right that both is better but it just seems so insignificant

rich parents?

went out on 24th of december and some 16 year old dude besides me ordered some bottles and just casually pulled out a fucking clamp full of 500 € notes. this guy had atleast 5k€ in his pockets by the looks of the stack

its just so unreal if you were raised in an average earning family

beat them up and take their lunch money obvs

Nigga the fit guy always wins. Money might beat you sometimes but in the end we all attracted to someone pretty

They maybe can get chicks but what kind of grills do they actually attract?
You cant buy love. Just fuck some of their rich friend girls and turn the tables or cuck them douches.
I know that most of them really are alone and just want love. Money isolated you

When your primary concerns are self improvement or accomplishment related and not about other people, money is only useful for your basic needs and is used to provide a stable base instead of satisfaction.

you have to struggle for yourself or the struggle is worth nothing at all. Those rich kids have seriously (and I understand how pretentious and fedora tipping this sounds) have been robbed of struggle and as such have nothing owned and earned of which they consider something 'worth' identifying with. People mock this conception of moral future and heroic pathway as something for the middle class or plebs but it has stood the test of time as something people long for. It is what I believe these same rich people will eventually sink themselves into with virtual reality to chase in that they'll ascertain how little they have when they have it all and they will NEED a reset. A second life, again call this looking into the mansion from the outside and projecting on the elite but history has more then its fair share of people who squandered their magnanimous wealth for the sake of its own existence, thereby lack of meaning within theirs. Too have everything is in a sick way to have nothing.

makes sense yes. or atleast i can imagine int to be true

also may i safe that image?

Poorfag cope

wth do you even mean by this? Besides the fact that they are very different from each other, within each there was a massive variety in philosophical schools.

The Stoa has both Greeks and Romans. Besides that, the Romans copied a lot from the Greeks

You do know that the Greeks and Romans were wrong about a lot of things, right?
Because they never bothered doing experiments, they just assumed that everything could be explained if you just think long enough about it.

Gelukkig 2018 trouwens

There's a few proto-empiricists amongst the various philosophical schools, but you're largely right - this is very much an era of pure thought unsullied by the base art of testing your claims. Inasmuch as it's one coherent grouping to begin with - Rome ain't Greece and for that matter Greece doesn't have a whole lot of pan-hellenic identity going on most of the time.

Because when they go out in the beach and see you they feel threatened.
Because their so-called sweetheart who's just in it for the vacation in Ibiza and the Free stuff her bf buys her is gonna be craving you once they see you without a shirt?
Because in the end noone dreams their life with a hot chick and money. They al ldream it with some1 who they wanna make their longlife woman. And trust me , its' hard to realise what a woman really wants from you when you have money.

Girls will marry the rich but still fuck fit chads.

ye i thought about that struggle aswell

but not only with girls. i guess friends overall are hard to distinguish from leeches once its "public" that you are stacked with money

Depends on the rich kid. The lucky-er ones will have capable parents who have instilled in them the value of struggle and will have raised them to appreciate the position they're in.
They can then use their wealth to have a life of freedom and discovery without being beaten down by the doldrums of the average pleb's working life.

The other rich kids, typically the descendants of nouveau riche types or long money families who, lost touch with reality hundreds of years ago, are a different story.
Those are the ones that live lives of excess, burn out on drugs or end up medicated/sectioned/dead and or generally fucking miserable at some point despite their limitless wealth.
It's like they'll got all the tools but no imagination. So they just spin their wheels chasing new highs until the wheels fall off.

Still think I'd rather be loaded.

everyone has perceived struggles. and most rich people think they have earned what they are given

>get fit
>dress decently
>go to parties
>be somewhat but not completely aspie as fuck
>get laid because girls like dudes in shape
it isn't that hard

Lots of things beat muscles when it comes to attracting females - money, status, height, face, confidence...

Doesn't mean you can't work out.

Family money

Honestly that kind of do-nothing rich kid is the worst. There are plenty of rich kids who actually make an effort, end up at a good school and do something meaningful. But there are also a lot who accomplish nothing and have to define themselves entirely by money, and then just post stupid pictures of them with excessive luxury goods (hurr Durr I'm wearing 10 Cartier watches at once) because without being wealthy they're nothing. That also fucks them up because it means most other rich people don't respect them and they're not at all interesting to anyone with A LOT of money.

Also these kids usually don't have THAT much money (maybe $10-20 MM tops, most of which they don't really control) so they have nothing interesting to offer someone much richer.

The end result is they have to be around normies and whores who all revel in the fact these guys have money.

I'm doing this right now and the hardest battle is
sleeping vs working out

but then I'm too tired and end up doing neither, and instead read these retarded threads with some eyecather on top

good point

lifting is a lot easier than making more money

Go, have fun... be "the strong one" and work on not being autstic.

But did you respect them? No? Exactly

>caring about the dominance hierarchy in any way
>being an untermenschen

having a good body is one of the few things you can never buy with money

I dated a girl who ran in those circles for a while when I was younger. Let me guess, everybody is 16-23? It's a few years later now and half of them have gone to rehab, one has lost his inheritence and the others are still losers. It's cool to have no education, no healthy lifestyle and just do drugs and party every day in your early 20s, but it really does catch up with them. Would you feel like a man if your parents still had to take care of you because you were such a fuckup?

Unless you're born into money getting Veeky Forums while attaining money is a great plan. Keep your confidence up, keep the work flowing, it helps in the long run.

because if you're in a field like business or finance being big actually greatly increases your chances of being promoted/being a good leader. So lifting (as long as you are like 6' and above) actually helps you make money. Notice how most businessmen like Trump are actually really big guys.

Making money is really easy, though. If you don’t know how, you can literally hire people to do it for you.

>normies and whores who revel in the fact these guys have money

you know you act like you aren't an average guy like us...

their legacy is that they did that without any prior knowledge. human knowledge is accumulative and we had to start somewhere. they started us off on more than "build big buildings, make beer/bread and religion" civilizations.

And you think your muscles will find you love? Come on now.