How much estrogen tho

What does a grill eat to get this much estrogen in her body btw she is 14

How the fuck would she still be 14 after 3 years?
And to answer your question. By eating dairy and meat filled with fattening hormones.

>this is a 15 year old

What the fuck are they putting into their food these days?

>tfw born too early for abundant 14yo titcows.

wtf I'm pedo now

Seriously what are they feeding them these days? They're built like cows now. Just look at this teen

>tfw underage
Hah too bad for you pedos


Just want to snap off those claws and have her finger my butthole desu

these are also the girls who end up getting fat as fuck in a few years

The correct term is Hebephile you brainlets.
Those girls have clearly started puberty.


be short
be ugly


You guys are such perverts, you realize these girls aren't legal right? They're barely in highschool


I knew girls like this in middle/high school. By the time they graduate they look like they're in their mid 20s. In a few years, they look middle aged.

And that's not adding to the fact they get fat easy

Its the water, why else are the frogs gay

>Jeez user, you realize I'm 16 right?

I can only count up to 4 so that number means nothing to me.
Maybe one of these days I'll learn the next number.

that's legal here

Girls like that age terribly

Correct term is "Noramal"

stop following jewish tricks

I need more examples

try /b/
