Leave the powerlifters to us. We'll defeat them

Leave the powerlifters to us. We'll defeat them.

kek, theyre all probably not even above 5'9. the only thing they can defeat is 10yo kids

*snatches your squat.*
Nice try kiddo.

lu has such an amazing physique

I pray one day to look as good as the middle guy. Goddamn.

Where the fuck can I do proper Oly lifting? There is literally no commercial gyms that allowed this kind of shit.

>Where the fuck can I do proper Oly lifting?
In china, when you're 3 years old.

You can't start learning technique now, you need to have the technique perfected by the time you hit puberty and can start strength training at 12.

Don'"t be a defeatlet.

T. Drunk and disiorented
lying in car so don't take it seriously.

Google "weightlifting [insert where you live]". If that does not work try nearby towns or the county. Also they teach you oly lifting in all crosshit gyms, but the coaches may be subpar.

If you have space, in your house. You need some mats and bumper plates.

First off, you can do something for fun as a hobby even though you will never win an olympic gold medal. It will still be a very rewarding thing to do.

To directly address your retardation with an example, Rebeka Koha started oly lifting at 12, six years later she made 4th in the olympics.

Same with Klokov too, he did not start weightlifting until his teens.
Klokov said btw that he does not think he is talented. He won an olympic silver medal.

>you can't do olympic lifting unless you're going to be an olympic medalist
Retarded. Anyone can start oly and do good lifts and get a big pull, squat, and build a ton of muscle.

How the fuck are they so ripped when China's diet consists of mainly rice, soy and tofu.

Wow it's almost like soy paranoia is a meme

Or it is almost like they don’t have eat soy, soyboi

all commies roid like madmen

At a crossfit gym. I learnt all the olympic lifts, their required lifts (overhead squat, front squat, etc.) there. Once I learned all I needed to know, I GTFO afterwards and never go back.

Where do you train now?

12 is still pretty fucking young my guy

Rice + chicken + broccoli
Is the staple diet of a lot of bodybuilders.

Cook that all in a wok at the same time and you have stirfry.

Most asian stirfy dishes are a healthy mix of veggies and meats.

At a regular commercial gym, dropping barbells aren't allowed, I can only do regular DLs if I slowly descend the bar on the floor without any noise, I mostly do U/L bodybuilding split. I only learnt the oly lifts because I wanted to try them. I only go light (1 plate) because these lifts are no joke and will snap your shit up if you don't have the foundations in place (proper overhead squatting, etc.)

>. I only go light (1 plate) because these lifts are no joke and will snap your shit up if you don't have the foundations in place (proper overhead squatting, etc.)
Don't be silly


Is there any point doing things like snatch pulls without training the full lifts?
I mean the lifts are extremely technical as well as requiring strength and mobility, need coaching really, and I have things I'd rather train that oly form. So are the accessories like this worthwhile as lifts on their own? Like alongside or replacing power cleans, deadlifts, etc.

Yes, they're worth doing for power development. In the meantime you can learn the lifts by yourself.

Snatch pulls shouldn't replace deadlifts since the latter is limited more by technique than the deadlift and they won't replace power variations of Oly lifts, but they're harder on the lats and might help you with the motion of the snatch. You don't strictly *need* a coach to learn the lifts, it's just far preferable. Don't limit yourself.