2018 Frame Thread

Can I turn into a beast in 2018 with this frame? I've been underfed most of my life and feel it's affected my frame development permanently. 20 years old

Nice frame bro
No Homo
Serious note you have broad shoulder and their are not narrow

Seriosuly dude, you have such a good hourglass figure, and broad shoulders.
Trust me man, yes you can.

you could also become a nice trap if with that nice wide hips you got there.

Don't put on too much muscle. You look hot like that

Yeah I originally thought the shoulders were the only thing I had going for me
>Hourglass figure
I thought it was good for women mostly
>wide hips
see above
Surely my arms need more muscle though right? I just want to fill my shirts out/at least look like I work out

Go to a light ottermode. Also post butt

Good or no?

Born to take Big Bavarian Cock on a daily basis

Loose the underwear so I can evaluate better.

No ban for me, you'll have to use your imagination


Imgur it

Being saved to someone's computer is the highest recognition I have ever received. This is quite a motivational moment.

Your welcome now post a pic like this

I feel like I will become slightly gay if I keep browsing this board, did the people who like traps sexually speaking come here straight?

Good joke m8
Don't be coy now user

you won't become gay. men just become shaped like women when they get really muscular.

you must post more of your body

I am only a bit shy
I will post more in a year after I make it

Become a trap in a year you must

I believe in you user.
Stay safe, please.

But you're cure enough now