How to stop talking to my faggot friends without looking like an asshole?

So I have a group of friends whom I've known since kindergarden/elementary and they're cool as fuck, or at least used to be. I'm someone that in some way matured somewhat; I started doing martial arts, started working out and go out. On the other hand these faggots still play shit like DnD, LoL and sing karaoke from some childhood show, so I'm wondering: is there a way to change their behaviours and make them cool, or am I better off alone while looking for new friends?

If I were you, I would slowly shift to a different group of friends over the course of a few months and then start hanging out with your new friends more until you eventually cut off contact with your old friends.

I can sympathize with you, outgrowing many friend as they waste time on tumblr and vidya. Funny part is, they always know that shit is a waste of time yet they still do it. I've linked them some resources regarding growing up/becoming fit/becoming a man etc. and I am waiting for them to do something.
Best we can do for our friends is to inspire them I guess, can't force the horse to drink after all. Best of luck

You're a faggot if you think you're better than your friends now cause you work out and go to bars. It's still just wasting time same as lol or dnd

Tittle is missleadin faggot.
Just do your shit you don't have to cut ties with them, mind your life and aid them if any of them asks for help.

As long as his friends are doing great in life then it's cool, and OP is a huge faggot, on the other hand if their hobbies/addictions are keeping them from making it then OP has a point.

are you fucking serious nigger? karaoke from childhood shows aside, why can't you do martial arts, workout and play DnD and LoL with your friends? those are all fun activities

let me guess.. you are 21-22 now.. you got maybe 3 years until you are so busy with life that you dont get to spend anytime with them and you guys all drift to the point that you talk maybe once every 6 months. Enjoy the time you still have with them.

kek in a few months when you're burnt out you'll miss playing lol with your buddies
do both faggot

martial arts got lame in middle school faggot. You arent going to suddenly be a badass just because of a few classes.
Karaoke is fun as shit.. seriously everytime I go more than half the place is girls just having fun, getting drunk then falling down on your dick at the end of the night... also pick a song you dont know and is in a language you dont speak.

You sound like a cookie cutter.
You do what the media tells you to do while your friends are just doing what they like and having fun.

Guy that does thai boxing here
Im sometimes anxious to be around people that are defenceless against me, my friends, family, I sometimes make multiple people uneasy (strangers) by just being my self, the exertion I put out which is not my choice is too intense. I have to be passive and completely fake who I am so I dont make other people anxious. Martial arts, when done right and if you have some genetics for it, will change your life. I have a very handful of times made other people that train with me not be able to comprehend the power and ferocity I exert. I can tell you this, that feeling of having that instinct and ability to defend myself, is at far greater vibration than wasting and rotting away in front of a video game. I say this not as a boast, but as something that has changed my life and Im sharing my experience of growing as a being. I share this for others in the hope that they can see they can do more and achieve more, because there is a potential in all of us that at the surface we cant see, we need to do things that allow us to see that higher energy we possess and to strive to become the true being we are

I know that feel.
People just don't understand the power level.
My old friends are all into games (the shittiest ones), superhero movies and eating junk, they are the typical numales, I can't cope with that.
My life was changed when I read Musashi by Eiji Yoshikawa when I was a teenage and started training in kyokushin karate, since then I am in a never ending self improvement journey.


You suck OP.

Your friends deserve better than you, you don't deserve better friends.

>is there a way to change their behaviours and make them cool
Nearly impossible, you won't succeed.
>I better off alone while looking for new friends?
Lifelong friends are hard to come by in this world, but at the same time growing apart from people can be a part of life. You have to think pretty hard about this and about where you'd like see yourself in life. Can you stay friends with these people without compromising the type of identity you'd like to have?

>On the other hand these faggots still play shit like DnD, LoL and sing karaoke from some childhood show,

You're on fucking Veeky Forums, and probably spend more time than you should on this website. You're not better than they are.

This. OP sounds like an asshole who thinks lifting and drinking makes him a real man, instead of just a guy who lifts and drinks.

It's a shock your friends even want to be near you if you're telling them to be real men instead of just chilling and doing whatever once in a while.

Go to bed Will

Send them a link to this thread

what if my childhood friends never ask to hang out and when i ask them they're always busy or cancel?

just dont doing it, i just dont care about my friends, i try to so i used them in my favor when i need something but i never talk to them besides being at work and they still think they are my friends, dont text them and dont call them

>doing martial arts
which one?

What is wrong with dignity? integrity? should we remain decadent hedonists forever, just to fulfill our childhood dream of having no responsibilities? If your friends are choosing a life of sloth & nihilism, are they worth your time? are they the sort of person you can learn & better yourself through? Maybe you can teach them, maybe you can keep them around out of charitable pity; but they've cast out the discerning, challenging light withing themselves that tells one that their actions & their time has value - more value than anything in the world, and for this you must take them as they are, simple, selfish children. You wouldn't abandon a child for their naivety, but a child also brings with it endless promise, something an adult has long since shed - watch them as a shepherd, lead them to the good if they'll find it, but else remain fixed and beyond their influence.

Well I'll say this, some of my closest friends distanced themselves from our original group for no other reason than they got hooked on weed. We're nearing the end of our college years, free time running slim and they've practically cut ties for no reason. It'll be a miracle if we keep in contact going forward, so I'd prefer to use the time we have and end our constant free time on a high note.

The chick in red is thick the way I like it

Invite them to do things you like. Honestly, you sound insecure and seems like you view them more as casual friends than real friends.

You sound like a fucking faggot OP. Your don’t deserve your friends. That said, the easiest way is just to find new friends and slowly cut contact with your old friends. Find some new like minded faggots so you guys can suck each other off about how mature you all are.

You sound like a faggot OP, but at the same time if you aspire to things your current friends don't relate to, you probably just need to ghost out for the most part. Invite them to the new activities you like, but you can't force them to like them themselves. If they don't like your interests, you're not going to have much in common for very long anyway. Just don't feel superior to people with your white belt in BJJ.

Ive had a similar thing happen to me recently. My “friends” started isolating me cause theyre fucking betas. Im fine with this, hanging out with them was just flat out boring and tiresome at some point.

OP are you me? My friends play vidya, sit at their parents home, and have bitchy childish drama. The last time we hung out one of them suggested we go to a toy store and they all were gaga over some gay star wars dolls. And ponies. I need new friends. They don't want to do adult stuff or go out. All I do is work and gym. It's so much harder making friends after college.

just be an asshole

t. am an asshole

>being so insecure about your masculinity that you can't play DnD
>buying into Veeky Forums this hard

Someday a man ascends to chadhood and has to cut ties with non-chad friends. That time is now, my son.

kill yourself

anyone who is willing to put up with me is a friend regardless of what they enjoy or don't enjoy doing. If you enjoy being with them, fucking be with them

this world fucking sucks man. You'll regret being picky when you've got no one left

>t. someone who has no one left

if you really really don't like them tell them that you feel that you have changed. You don't really feel like you have anything in common with them anymore. Emphasise the fact that you have changed. Being an asshole is a bad idea.

you guys are weak, you care more about what randoms care about you than your own friends

stop caring about opinions of others

Because going out drinking and working out, with pretty clear intentions of finding some random club or pub chick to hook up with is the height of integrity and masculinity, right?

You're just a more muscular version of those old guys that sit around at the rsl every fucking weekend and drink too much.

There's nothing envious about that. Great if you love it, but it doesn't make you a better person than anyone elsem

Don't forget your roots and where you came from, nerd

Embarrassing post.
As if shitpoting in this shithole is the pinnacle of adulthood.

I do boxing AND DnD. It doesn't have to be one OR the other.
Don't aim to change your friends, aim to improve them.

>be my childhood friends
>sitting around smoking pot
>we're all over 30, been doing the same thing since 15
>walked past my friend's house last summer, saw them all sitting outside whining about being bored
>hardcore Vietnam-style flashback to when we were 17, all broke, nothing to do
>say hey guys, wanna do something?
>can't, broke
>holy fuck it's been almost 20 years

I haven't changed either. I'm still sitting here on this shitty internet site whining about my friends. Still hung out with them last night.

Fuck you OP, you're truly a faggot.

pathetic subhuman
being narcisstic, getting hit in the face and drinking poison is somehow better than tabletop game and singing
better cut contact with them you dont deserve having any friends

U stop hanging with them, I ditched all my friends who were pathetic drug abusers, they pulled me into that shit, I got out and said fuck em.

you dont owe anybody shit

If they haven't begun following your example, then don't bother. Hang out with some of your friends from the gym or martial arts training.

>I haven't changed either. I'm still sitting here on this shitty internet site whining about my friends. Still hung out with them last night.
thats very sad actually. Hope you'll do something user.

"Follow your example"

I didn't know I was suppose to be my friends parents.

you're a faggot, this is why you're lonely.

Don't worry, they think the same about you. How do I know? I am just at the other end of this story. I am the guy, who still despises putting hoes before bros. So I have cut out all of those dipshits, who were talking all the time about how friendship was important and now they only see pussy, they don't have time to meet. Hell, they don't even wanna go to gym, because it seems that doing your shitty corporate job and meeting with hoes is enough.

tl;dr do something or do nothing, they will ditch you either way, because you will drift away too far

you like working out, they like vidya. the only real difference is that somehow you think youve become better than them and you have an elitist mentality.

i will burst your bubble OP, if you want to change friends go ahead. but its because you no longer has similar interests. not because you're cooler than them

Not OP but at least going out clubbing is experiencing something new and looking for all the things that life has to offer. People who have the same hobbies for years without improvement are just stagnant. I guess if they are perfectly content with what they're doing then it's fine, but if they don't change because of fear or laziness then it's a bad thing. If they want to be fit like OP then of course they would envy him, and he would have the higher moral ground because he puts in the work for it while they drown themselves in entertainment.