Got lots of fat

Where do I even start? I have fucking boobs and my thighs are ripply.

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I'm making new year's Veeky Forumsresolution to eat less. But I just can't see myself turning this around.

Proof it's me.

look what I did in just a few months, and I wasn't much skinnier than you to start.

Woah that's inspiring. Only a couple months?

The best start is stamina. Improve your respiratory and metabolic power by any sort of mid level cardio for about 4 weeks and then start adding small lifts. Lifting in the beginning will be ineffective if your energy transport system is sluggish and can't even take advantage of what you put in your body to build it.

read the dates fattie, 5 months.


I weigh 270lbs at 6'3"

Oh sorry missed the.

1 Read the at
2 eat clean at a small deficit
3 do a 16/8 fast everyday and a 24+h fast once a week
4 workout with heavy lifting for an hour every other day and do at least 30 min aerobic cardio in rest days
5 enjoy looking much much better after just a few month and go in

I started at your body and was able to get crazy gains after 2months. Now at 6months some old friends dont recognize me anymore and i just got sexually mired by a very hot girl.

Happy new yearr we're all gonna make it bre

5 months isn't that long man, and I wasn't even going that hard. Just get a good strength routine, do cardio til the wheels fall off and eat as clean as you can manage

you have the weirdest looking dyel body i've ever seen


Thanks brah.

does it make you feel good to take a cheap dig at some user over the internet? yeah I look weird but I take real solace that I'm not a shitty person like you.

Eat less energy than your body needs.
Our bodies are exceptional batteries, just figure out your TDEE and you will be drowning in dick.

damn were you ever really obese or is this basically your heaviest? im a reformed fatty and have a little cellulite on my ass (workin on it) but never seen cellulite on the front of thighs like that


Use the ripple

Fattest I've ever been. 270, 6'3".

change your diet, start working out, have a salad for lunch instead of whatever the fuck your having now. Start lifting weightssss

Start writing down what you eat every day

Try going hungry

also SWELL EM UP BRAH (get motivated)

Thanks for the music brah

>But I just can't see myself turning this around.
That is why you'll fail.

Find motivation somehow, otherwise you won't make it. It is that simple. I personally:
>Remember back in my bootcamp days, used to have a DI who would yell "I'm so fucking motivated right now!" before PT and it'd amp us all up
>Listen to heavy, thrashy shit
>Scream in the car on the way to the gym
>If all else fails, preworkout
You'll make it if you're in it for the right reasons. If you just want to look good, that is fine. As good a reason as any. But don't try to look good for anyone but yourself. Thots are a dime a dozen and once you make it you'll realize that and understand why you lifted for yourself.

What's your height? i look and weight about the same as you


6 feet 3 inches. 270lbs.

No I'm not.

wtf op is this your first time on Veeky Forums?
the guy was asking me, I'm ~5'10

Oh fuck sorry.


Ya I know. Sorry.

Dry fast nigga.

260 6'3
Lets get jacked together. Im about to quit my job thanks to shitcoin trading and will workout with ya. We will be 220-230 by summer.

Isn't that dangerous? The dry part at least?

Sure. I wasn't autistic enough to buy Bitcoin at the low but we can do this.

Same height but was 100lbs more than you. Lost 30 so far.

What are you doing? Just calorie restriction and exercise?

Yes and walking at least 2 miles a day to start then I added in weights to the walk. Normally go 3-4 miles a day with 60 lbs.

Also some,fasting in there, just a day or two every so often.

Knew about it sub 3 bucks but didnt buy until a few months ago. Have a few side businesses and long hodls that will give me a nice cushion. I was 280-285 about 4 months ago but stopped on the soda and sweets and have dropped about 20 pounds.

What shitcoins are you buying? Just bought REQ and VEN today

25% BNB since $2
50% XLM since $0.26

So are we all just gonna ignore this?


If you don't have enough to retire on right now, that's beyond stupid. Understand that bear markets and crashes happen.

I want to shoot you up with tren, train you to get bulging glutes and massive quads, put rogaine in you hair until its long and glorious. The passionately pump you with load after wet heaping load of cum every night.


Dry fast isn't a long term strategy. Just water fast for thirty days. Eat lite foods the next day. Then dry fast for about four to seven days

>Just get a good strength routine
like what ? I started doing this [spoiler][/spoiler] since I can't go to the gym yet but my wrist are killing me

You're up for a road that can take anything from one year to several years. You just need to remember that starting earlier is crucial, a year is nothing and time goes by fast. You don't want to be sitting there five years from now, having done nothing, right? So better start now rather than later.

First off look into calorie counting, basic nutrition, estimating energy needs (there is often a /fat/ thread around with links in the OP). When you have the hang of that, start doing a calorie deficit. Aim for say 1700 calories at first and track every_single_thing religiously. You should aim for roughly 2lb/wk rate of weight loss in the beginning.

When you get that train going check out exercising. Stronglifts 5x5 is a good beginner routine and uses free weights. Stick to free weights and compound exercises in general are the best as they recruit large number of muscle groups, and following natural range of motion while doing the exercise.

Good luck user

The good news is losing weight will be easy at first, keep weighing yourself, when you see yourself losing 3lbs per week you'll stay motivated

Keep taking pics every week or two so you can track your progress

The main reason people fail at losing weight or keeping the weight off is because they don't track progress and they lose motivation, they feel like all the effort they put in wasnt worth it, but if you have pics keeping track you'll have the reassurance of knowing it's working

that looks nasty but keep going my dude

I'm so sorry user