srs, if youre a manlet or even natty you have no chance with women,period. EVERYONE was 6'2 8/10 facial aesthetics chad with good facial hair/beard. just lol @ lifting for women... lol
Went to night club, everyone was 6'2 8/10
5'5 140lbs and I pulled a qt 18 year old, apply yourself
But can they squat 4pl8
Good physiques too?
Mirin bro.
Also you sound pathetic your mindset sounds like you are a giant pussy anyone who is that much of a pussy needs to man up or just kys.
>going to a night club
If you do one night stands you're a retard and if you try to get a gf in a night club you're also a retard
Why the fuck are you there checking out dudes?
mirrin delts, better than a handful of fraud posters
Then i guess i just got to work a little bit harder just like the other 90 percent of people who aren't in the top 10 percent.
You look sad in this picture, I night with my penis would cheer you up assuming you like ginger men.
Not today my man
Does this guy skip traps on purpose
Why you racist against us copperheads?
At least I'm not a nigger
/pol/ go away we are all aspie brothers in arms.
theres only one way to get nice traps
Yes you are.
The worst kind of nigger.
A snownigger.
An entire deluded subclass muttrace of "caucasoids" who call themselves whites who're little more then brainwashed house nigger slaves of the upper echelon.
ce faci frate, din ce oras esti?
Can you please not respond to racism with racism mate? The majority of us whites find hat he said disgusting also so its wrong to attack our race based on what he said.
Never go to clubs. Waste of money, time, and effort. They are built to gratify female ego, the women there aren't worth your time. Go to the gym, you probably won't find a quality woman there either but at least you can better yourself.
Are you sure?
>us whites
C O P E lanky facelet im only 5'6 but got laid on new years because handsome face . Keep crying
>lifting for women
>doing anything "for women"
You lack results because your objective was flawed.
What is your routine?
I am white mate I'm Irish not Jewish.
I don't think this story is true, user.
Is this attractive to most people
Pic related just blows her out of the water
Most people find More than one type attractive.
who is this girl user? also its plebbitors they are into the most degenerate shit
Is my real height my morning or evening height?
Mars.2001 on insta
JESUS CHRIST i was born in 1994 and still look like dyel 17 yr old
I'm 35, skinny, ugly, and still managed to spend new years eve with a cute 22yo. Youre a dumb troll.
Here's your 'you'.
Why does one night stands make someone retarded? Sounds like you’re projecting here
I don't take these threads seriously because I can just go to any busy area in my city and see a bunch of normal/short guys with gfs
If you had of said that had to be hot yourself to (more than likely) get a hot chick fine but you said "no chance with women" which is false.
Im 6'6 and I lift but my face is a 4 and I get with hot girls. Height aside, I wasnt getting these girls when I was stick thin, Im now getting a lot of attention since I started lifting
Post face for inspiration
I'm surprised Veeky Forums is racist when we see minorities like op going through the same autism as us everyday.