be me

> be me
> 4/10 beta cuck
> start doing drugs
> even more beta
> now addicted to drugs
> get a psychosis suicidal, want to commit suicide
> get off drugs
> depressed
> lift
> still depressed
> getting bigger
> still depressed
> now im pretty fit
> I feel good
> Girls notices me
> Guys asks how much I bench
> Im improving socialy

Wow anybody can make it bro's 2018 is looking amazing. Love you guys

You look like shit. Go get high. I've gotten bigger and leaner than you during active addiction.

nothing offensive but you look like shit

bros* you fucking pleb, there's no need for an apostrophe

how much you bench bro

Don't listen to these guys, you look great

He doesn't really though

Actually you re looking way better than the average guy + better than the average on Veeky Forums (either skelly mirin or huge bozo) so great job bro. you can be proud of yourself.

And even more proud knowing what you have faced ;-)

Lol idc, i've only been lifting for 6 months. I'm not big yet I know. But idc, normies give me mires and shit.

Then why did you make this shit thread ?

Also you look like shit dubs confirms

What drugs were you using?
I'm a 4/10 beta cuck about to start /fraud/

good for you buddeh

Hey, you should be proud of yourself, please ignore those bitter posts, those anons are clearly jealous.

And for what it's worth I'm a female and think you have a great body, would smash.

better body than 99.8% of fit

I like Veeky Forums

they convinced me to stop drinking soda, now i've lost 30 pounds and gf appreciates it

How much do you actually bench? I look around the same as you and my 1rm is around 2pl8.

Kek, I believe you I look like you and normies are unironically miring.
Just flexing a bit and they get amazed, they have pretty low standards.


Looks like someone’s gonna make it, congrats user. Keep it up!

Go after a girl who just recently broke up with a guy and with whom i had sex after 2 weeks of meeting up?

She told me the last half year of her relationship she lost the spark to have sex, but i ignited it

Pump n dump or continue?

Normies really have low standards. I'm around twice the size of you, but getting the 8, 9 and 10/10 mires.

Ottermode here though.

...fuck, I meant Ottermode ~ nearly "low" Bear Mode.

You are each retards with retarded standards. He looks great, especially for 6 month progress and presumably natty.
The chances are you are some body dismorphic cucks imposing ur insecurities here with half the muscle mass he has, as a beginner.


Drop the thot

Doing good breh