New Years Day General

>mfw just hit a 275 single for bench

So how's your first day of the year going so far Veeky Forums?

I wanna die
I regret not killing myself last year

Don't worry user. You can turn shit around and now's the best day to start

Had a 4 hr long fap, felt amazing, the test is flowing through my earthly being

You're right
Next week I'll hang myself

>spend wonderful evening with friends and gf in a remote location this NYE
>finally arrive home, am alone now
>feel generally miserable, irritable
>doubting my general direction in life
>doubting gf

Maybe I'm just tired but fuck, I wasn't expecting this today

Today is the time for nofap brother. Join us.

go for it you depressing sack of shit

Get blood and hormones checked. Hop on vitamin d3 asap you're probably lacking now that it's winter

Will do

Drank too much yesterday, so all my plans fucked up because I'm physically feeling like shit.
I also cried before sleeping because of my ex. Now I'm feeling much better in that regard.

I wish I had a home gym or that the gym oppened today. I feel like exercising.

that is.. actually disgusting user. you should feel ashamed.

Homegyms are patrician if set up correctly. Really look for what you need and not what you feel like you could try just for fun. Also look for second hand stuff it reduces costs by a shit ton. Ebay, craigslist, etc.

And don't forget the mirror

>come back to my house after staying with family to work out in my home gym
>it's freezing because my heat must have gone out while I was away
>can't hold onto barbell since it's too cold

Maybe I'm just tired. I haven't slept nearly enough in the past 2 weeks. It's just that at times like this I start to think that if I'll ever get children or something, I'll be a miserable fuck because apparently if I'm not able to get enough sleep I become a horrible, irritable person and become a nihilist essentially. So I start to doubt the point of anything I'm doing, and I start to not appreciate the things I have. I'm not at the point of thinking about suicide yet, though I've been in dark places before, but I am thinking about utterly ruining my life in terms of career, relationships, etc. Idk why I'm like this.

OP reporting back in (i'm still at the gym)

>about to start shoulder part of workout
>see this

H-happy new year amirite?

>what is spine decompression
go back to /r/fitness

Finally hit 60kg for 5 sets of 5, moving it up to 62.5kg next workout
Not great but I'm getting bigger and looking better

>Slept well
>Had great coffee
>Perfect -5 winter day
>Good gym session
>Baked some bread
>Stewing chicken curry now

'S good. Back to work tomorrow, then lower body workout in the evening. Studies starting soon as well, need to finish off my Masters this year besides working. Maybe I'll meet a nice student girl there as well.

still looks autistic as hell

All the gyms are closed, its been two days, will i lose my gains?!

Yes user you'll have to start from zero

looks comfy
what's autistic is taking photos of strangers in the gym to impress other strangers on a squataholics anonymous support group

Can someone tell me what the fuck this machine is and what its actual purpose is?

If you really want spine decompression just hang onto the pull up bar and don't go around doing some tarzan ass shit

That's actually a rope with lots of resistance on it for you to pull. I use it for forearms and i've seen others guys kind of training tris or back with it. It's basically just rope pulling. But the guy took some of those soft mats in the gym and wrapped the rope around his hips like an autist

sounds pretty comfy, user

Who's smashing the gym today?

It's nice. I've finally managed to carve out a little bit of corner for myself. Career starting in a good company, getting my Bachelors in Jan, then finishing my Masters by Dec. Reached 3/4/5,5 (haven't tried higher), get paid well, boss is flexible enough to allow for my studies, plus I can work from home around the lectures as well.

I got a really good cast iron pot for christmas, so running that in now. The apartment smells amazing, the smell of fresh bread and a spicy curry is comfy AF. On a cut ATM, trying to go down to 85 from the 91 I was at today morning.

So the year is starting very well for me.

I’m smashing your mom

I've currently had 2 pints of beer and am now moving on to smashing a handle of cherry spiced rum. Good day

That might require more upper body strength than Tarzan has. Could also be that he either did arms today and is thus fatigued, or is resting his arms today. Hanging upside down is also good for circulation, and deadlift recovery. It's also fun.

This really isn't that unusual, user. It's one thing to have a quick chuckle, but you sound mad, which is pretty autistic.

>tfw restday today
yesterday was the best day to go to the gym. i've been going for 9+ years and like clockwork the day before the 1st of January is the most empty. only the most hardcore dudes are there.
>tfw among their ranks now and going to be knighted by top gym king

I'm definitely not mad
But I rarely come across "bizarre" shit like this
I found it rather funny and thought: It's new years and I literally see this shit first day of the year. Felt like I was in a SIR comic


Bump for the good feels

>Tfw got mired by a thicc milf at the gym today.

lying in bed, sick as fuck. haven't been to the gym since the 24th feeling depressed

>gave a girl the couch to sleep for NYE
>woke up on the floor surprisingly not hungover
>just gonna rest/read and re hydrate
>actually looking forward to work, this qt schedules her day around when I work - we flirt but nothing else, maybe one day more.
>tfw no gf and happy
>lifts going up, grades going up, not throwing up
I honestly feel happy for once in a long time. I hope you all had a good New Years as well. It doesn't matter what you did, just enjoy this life.

new years just makes me depressed
>gym's closed today
>gained 3 kilos from all the eating

I'll start tomorrow.
No really