
Have you been training your neck lads?

Other urls found in this thread:


What exercises for training neck?

how to train neck and not look like a retard in the gym

How to train neck and not look like you're practicing for the national blowjob championship

are deads enough? 3x10?

do it at home

Bench with your head just barely not in contact with the pad. All you really need.

You’ll want to drop 10% of your work set before you do this since using your head to arch is one way to cheat the bench.

do neck curls, there's nothing you can lose from doing a few sets every other day. it doesn't even have to be done in the gym

i dont have a harness or weights

Big necks look fucking weird.

are you fucking retarded?


so just just cant fucking read which makes you retarded

>just just

get set of bands it's 20$

The only retarded thing is letting the judgement of normies effect your training.

t. soyboy

Buy a motorbike

they live for the approval of others because they dont respect themselves




up the weight so that you can only do 5 and do 4 sets youll see the thickness come along

When I bench I can lift my head easily, it doesn't affect the exercise at all

i will never understand why this guys is considered good looking


People who lift with their head on the bench tend to drive their head into the bench.

If you can move your head around while benching, how do you stabilize your rib cage without your scalenes? They attach your first couple ribs to your cervical spine.

He’s very masculine looking. Strong jaw, thick brow, etc.

he looks good in movies

I tuck my shoulders in behind my back. The weight gets distributed on the back of my shoulders basically, and with a slight arch down to my ass I stabilize with my feet on the floor

Can I put a sack of potatoes or something on my head to add resistance? I don't have any weights at home.

yes, you can use anthing really as long as there is some resistance. I'd suggest you start with bodyweight neck curls then slowly increase reps and eventually add weight

>bodyweight neck curls
Take me down to Snappy snap city where we powerclean and our form is shitty
Oh won't you please break my bones

I started this meme

>дa, now about those impudent peacekeepers in Crimea, Obibi
>I-it's Obam-m-m-
>Yes, Obongo
>Okay master


Head bang

So you arch your low back rather than your upper back and don’t stabilize your rib cage at all.

Pull the bottom of your rib cage down toward your pelvis as you arch and tuck your chin.

Yes I am been training it for a few years now. For most of that time I did not have a neck harness and just got one for Christmas. To be honest the neck harness is not necessary and I feel is actually inferior to some of the exercises I was doing before for the front and sides of the neck but is good for the back.

Best exercises in my opinion

Front neck: Lying band curl, plate curl

Back neck: Neck extension with harness, Neck extension with improvised belt harness thing in pic related

Side neck: Band side curl using pic related

I can do 3x100 curls with no weight now doing 3x60 with a 10 lbs resistance band hoping to have up to 100 reps then add another 10lbs with 50 reps and continue progressing this way. Is this a good way to go about it?

The neck receives enough isometric work from the major compound lifts, don't waste your time and energy doing specific neck exercises unless you're a professional boxer.

3 times a week for the past 2 months, my neck is starting to match my traps

>not doing progressive deep throating
never gonna make it

Isn't neck training fucking dangerous?


high volume, low intensity is superior for neck gains.

>tfw when born with a naturally thicc neck to support my enlarged skull that looks kind deformed from certain angles

Thanks brahs. Looking into it now. The pics definitely show how much impact and manlier a thicker neck is


What the fuck am I looking at?

I assume that it's the trapezius muscle that's sloping from the neck to the shoulders, it really gives a body builder a distinct look. Am I mistaken or does it also increase your height by a inch or two? It kind of looks like it's pushing your neck forward and up.


I'm probably the only one to actually train neck at my gym, and I look like a retard, I'm sure. But who cares? Just grab a 10 lb. plate, hold it on your forehead, and do a crunch with your neck.


Dont listen to this guy. He is just lazy


I ain't buyin shit nigga

>certain angles

enjoy your neck pencil

I am doing neck curls in my home without using weights and shit.
Do you think that is fine?

dont have to buy jeffs shit, total bro

he looks kinda like adam driver if he had a good jaw and neck

Whats a good neck circumference for a 5'9 manlet?

What is considered pencil neck?

What site?

PJ making his money

I'm not sure if you're trolling but traps don't make you taller

Cable pullups works wonders for me

t. intimidated soyboy


>the right pic
What, me worry?