Post yfw you see someone lock their knees during leg press

Post yfw you see someone lock their knees during leg press

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were they leg pressing 1500lbs?
because the only snap videos i've seen were from people using that much weigh

Someone get this guy the gif of the chick doing it

No but it's still a really bad habit to get into.

women aren't supposed to be in the gym, her own fault

thats fake btw



Bonus video (watch the red guy)


I just want to do a running cannonball into their knees


>Not doing Flamingo Press

she's got like doctor supervision (the suit wearing an id badge observing a woman workout?), im sure she is sick or recovering from injury

I locked put once at 80kg. Nothing happened. It was only one time and i got lucky. i havent gone heavy since

>tfw home gym master race. Also no mirror.



I've locked with one knee at 200kg, nothing happened

with both legs locked at 200kg it's completely fine

>Flamingo Press

>doing the leg press over the superior squat

You're supposed to lock out if the weight is heavy enough.. just don't hyperextend dummy.

Locked knees still have quad and IT band engagement, what you're trying to say is relaxed knees.