So fit, why shouldn't I smoke weed?
Is only doing it on the weekend acceptable?
I would consider myself a healthy, well-rounded student.
So fit, why shouldn't I smoke weed?
Is only doing it on the weekend acceptable?
I would consider myself a healthy, well-rounded student.
because not every is America where weed is legal faggot
Do whatever you want, OP. People are drinking onion juice for fuck sake.
>"smokings bad"/Thread
Enjoy your cancer and decreased athleticism
>hand is black
>So fit, why shouldn't I smoke weed?
never combust, only vape
lmao, grow up
Cannabis is the greatest supplement there is.
can u please elaborate beyond, "weed is tight lol"?
Not OP but as someone who struggles/used to struggle to get my calories in when bulking,the usual "munchies" that come with smoking/vaping weed ( vaping is vastly superior,health and high wise ) tend to help.
Beyond simple weed you got certain strains and CBD oils ,which can help recover physically and psychologically from a workout,relieve the stress put on your CNS and bring relief to DOMS
I don't claim to know much about weed, I tried it 1 time in the form of an edible and didn't like the time-skips i experienced but reasons for it that I can think of:
> Supposedly gives you a deep sleep, allowing your body to effectively recover
Reasons against it:
>Makes breathing harder, don't give me that shit of "It's just a plant bro, it won't do anything to your lungs, you're inhaling smoke, the friends I have who have smoked for a long time have smokers cough and wheeze heavily when they run
>Accumulates to large amounts of money being spent on it, just like cigs and alcohol.
I can't smoke weed because I'm mentally too unstable. I always get these nightmare loops or even worse. (and no it's not about breed, I've tried many enough).
What Veeky Forums drugs is there, if any? Booze is shit, it just makes you fat, lowers test, and gives you insomnia.
Should I try ether?
beer? it has carbs
fair enough. are there other ways to induce hunger besides munchies? that is my main struggle (eating enough) and I wish I knew how to safely increase my appetite
most psychedelics have negligeable health effects if you're into them (imo the best kind of drug)
stimulants like mdma or other amphetamines can be fun in parties but you can get a pretty bad comedown and hangover
alcohol is a pretty shit tier drug but it's more social than any other so it's not too bad from time to time in moderation
weed can kill your motivation
>So fit, why shouldn't I smoke weed?
Because smoking any substance for any reason is unhealthy.
just vape, bro
>vaping is vastly superior,health and high wise
>and high wise
A reminder that anything besides coffee and psychedelics is degenerate tier!
can you elaborate? instead of just shit talking? you didnt even bring up a counter point
>Why shouldn't I do drugs
Fucking degenerate
It's true. Vaping or ingesting edibles reduces your exposure to carcinogens by over 96%. Stop putting ash in your lungs.
after a good woorkout, eating and having a shower, there's nothing better than smoking a bit of weed... the relaxation of the muscles and mind achieved is amazing and after gaming a bit and getting a bite to eat i sleep like a baby.
dont recommend it before work out at all though.
no trust me dude you will become a filthy neet it will make you super lazy trust me dude
vaping is shit and if you don't know it you know so little you shouldn't even be arguing about this subject
>Smoking weed even makes stoners' sperm lazy.
Because it's for lazy degenerates.
i wanted to hear your argument. Again you didn't say anything with substance.
I'm not the same user, but smoking gives you a more effective high than vaping.
only degenerate hippies with no self control smoke weed
He might be implying that the high you get from smoking is better because a few pulls from a joint or a bong are way more intense than a few pulls from a vape.
I think each have their ocassion, i much rather smoke when im with friends and prefer vaping when smoking by myself at home.
Only degraded wage slaves with weakened psyches drink alcohol
ok cool something with an actual thought.
I fucking hate smoking pot., even bong rips. I get high yeah but i can feel my thoat,lungs and sinus get fucked up every time. It lingers for a couple days i get headaches and shit. Id rather have a kinda different high then fucking up my system like that.
edibles are out of the question cause it fucks me up way longer then i want to be
except I don't drink alcohol either, you undisciplined little child
Weed is aight if you do it on weekends, you'll be lazy as fuck if you do it every day. Had two mates start smoking when they were 15 and they still haven't got jobs.
Spirits, hallucinogens and amphetamines. Stay away from benzos and opiates they'll fuck your shit up
now you're talkin'
Is vaping any good? I'm still living with my parents and I wanna smoke weed discretely in my room
Gotta agree with you there, I smoked before lifting and I was just sat on the bench staring into space kek
i only get headaches if i smoked huge ammounts the day before. It would only last until a bit after eating breakfast or lunch and my worst weed headache has never even compared to a regular run of the mill hang over.
Edibles are nice but you have to find the right ocassion for them. A lazy sunday afternoon that will be spent inside home, gaming, playing music or whatever is perfect imo.
Vaping just doesnt work in social settings where you have to share, unless you have a volcano or something like that. Usually the tards that hate on vaping are people that have tried smoking from their friends portable vape in a round of 3/4 or more people, you will never achieve a nice high from those situations and it gets frustrating since you go in expecting to get blazed from all the hype of the people talking wonders about vapes. Compare that to getting assblasted from one bong rip or a few tokes of a joint and you get haters that think they are enlightened, not like those vaping posers that dont know how to get retarded high.
>Still smoking
Yes it is. Specially for discretion, when you blow out the vapour there is a bit of localized smell but it fades quickly, even in a closed environment with no air flow. You have to consider that the smell of the vapour doesnt cling to fabric like smoke does and it doesnt fill the room with that dank smell like smoke does... when it gets caught in the wind it doesnt get carried away like the smell of smoking does, it dissipates and blends into the air.
After an hour there might be a very very faint smell but only for the trained nose and even then it will be completely (and i mean completely) gone after half an hour.
If you have a window to blow the vapour out of your room, your parents could peek their heads into your room mid vaping session to tell you something and if you play it chill they will have no clue that you are hitting the ganja.
Cheers mate, I can lock my door so it's cool, would shoving a towel under my door prevent the vapour from getting outta my room? And how much does a cheap vape go for?
unless you have a very very tiny room i wouldnt worry about it, but yeah a towel will prevent the smell from "leaking" out.
If you are looking for cheap, check DynaVap... they make vapes that are heated with a lighter or torch instead of using a battery which greatly reduces the price. Dont go for the cheap electric vapes, keep in mind that a vape has a lot of delicate electrical components and buying cheap usually means poor quality which translates into the vape breaking or failing after not many uses. A lot of things can go wrong so avoid them like the plague, this is a case of cheap things costing you more money in the long run.
I bought a pax3 (wanted a davinci iq but they were out of stock) which is a high end vape and it costed me 275u$d. They come with a long warranty like almost all the pricier vapes. You are gonna have to investigate a bit though to find the vape and price that suits you the most, so i leave it up to you.
Not that guy but yea, shoving a towel under your door helps prevents the smoke from leavin the room. Keep ya windows open and blow the smoke out of it. Turn your ceiling fan on too if you have one and have some air freshener wit you afterwards and you’ll be gucci.
Take it from someone who does it all the time and has never gotten caught bruh. Get faded my dude.
Yeah man, dynavap looks neat, i've got a e-cig and I know you can get weed vape atomizers for them, you know of any of those which are quite good?
Heard about those adaptors but never tested them, i've seen them very cheap on ebay and other chinese shit sites so i guess its worth the try. Ask youtube, you will find much more informed opinions than my own there. I can only testify for the pax 3 since it's the only vape i got to test extensively... i tried a friends dynavap and it did the job just fine, although its a bit more tedious to operate at first, once you get the hang of it, its smooth sailing.
You can do what ever you want, but if it starts getting in the away of your education it starts becoming a problem.
But you're free to do whatever you want bro, blaze it up everyday if you feel like.
No, I have a pretty firm belief cannabinoids slowly retard people. I don't even hate drugs but it seems like those specifically have a unique blend of effects that invoke stupidity and sluggishness in individuals. My dad had a pot addiction when I was growing up so maybe I'm biased but I still hate the idiotic culture. Regardless. if you're going to have a narcotic hobby treat it like one, don't ever let it consume your life. Research responsible usage please.
Also depressants are the white man's drugs, the only exception is morphinan (if you consider opiates to be apart of the classification) thanks to heroin. The others are fine though, especially morphine and codeine.
Anything is fine in moderation and anything can be addicting. The problem with pot is that it makes you comfortable so you stop improving yourself eventually. I was a daily smoker for years, best thing i did was cut that shit out.
I smoke about x1-2 times a fortnight. It makes UFC super fun, sex amazing, and food taste great but it makes me into a full brainlet for a couple days afterwards.
When I've done too much too often I get anxiety attacks.
I went hard on it over Christmas and today at work I can barely add 2+2*4 together. I work as a data analyst so I have to use this part of my brain a lot.
So feel free to do it but it definitely has it's downsides.
i can barely smoke weed beause if i eat beforehand it makes me feel fucked up and even pass out sometimes unlesss i can get a shitload of burps out asap
i miss weed