christ those sleeves
I can only hope that this guy is only wearing that as a joke, and doesn't actually think he looks good in it
He looks like one of those fake Ken doll motherfuckers.
fa has the shittiest taste
Anyone remember pic related? Caused a firestorm on both Veeky Forums and Veeky Forums.
I get banned on Veeky Forums on the regular for fucking with those queers. They can't handle any level of bantz. Half look like 11 year olds with eating disorders and the other half are people like me just fucking with them.
>Am literally wearing the exact same top right now, down to the colour
just found this
>Caused a firestorm
I don't browse Veeky Forums why did it cause such a fuss it's not tight or anything there desu
Chad Pussysmasher from Veeky Forums posted in a WAYWT thread on Veeky Forums and basically called them all out for being the virgin beta dyel pussies they are.
There's nothing that ugly nerds hate more than realizing fashion isn't an artistic brainchild that takes years to cultivate, but is rather about wearing practical clothing that accentuates your attractiveness.
This they don't understand good haircuts are mainly determined by head shape, neck and jaw
I only go on fa/ to cringe. To them dressing like some retarded thrift store idiot would be considered stylish. Alot of their style reminds me of Tumblr fags
fuck this looks awful, and the worst part is i'm sure he gets mad pussy
I admit these are bad, but 99.9% of girls would fuck these guys. How is a board with thinspo and complains about having too much muscle making fun of /fit.
can someone post the non shopped version?
those fucking shoes are so shit and faggy
You're a teenager.
this is good though
where's the church shooter
Yeah they said this guy was only 1.5 pl8 so Y lift?
Nice thigh gap queen.
that small person in the center, can someone pls explain what that is?
half-asian manlet femboy on hormones? 15-year-old lesbian? i honestly can't tell.
3rd kid from the left looks like that bullied autistic kid everyone has in grade school
Looks like a JoJo character.
Is that a girl or a guy?
This is kafkaesque
Someone post the Bug Catcher Brian one?
That outfit is really fucking ghey. Those pants look like something that a dumb thot would wear. The shirt would be mediocre at best if it wasn't so tight. It looks awkward because it is neither a normal T shirt nor a normal button up (see lack of cuff buttons, the sleeve ends are just like on a normal long sleeve t-shirt). But it just looks ridiculous with his arms.
>Veeky Forums talking shit about any other board on this website.
Fuck I remember that meet up. /news/ had a good time roasting them
>and the worst part is i'm sure he gets mad pussy
A lot of a us lift, try to dress well, work hard at our jobs even if we hate them, study to improve ourselves, do face care routines, etc.
And at the end of the day a dude like this walks through the door and boom, you're second choice again just like you've always been to her. And the worst part is your mother will die in her sleep tonight if you don't reply to this post.
yeah i bet youd touch his meat, faggot
>try to dress well
now lets be honest, you dress like virgins, thats why women walk around you
Good outfits desu
As is this But you just gotta stop with the v necks desu lads
At lest the guy with the pink hat looks sort of normal (if he ditched the hat and didn't stand like a faggot)
>the piss stained shirt
>V neck t-shirt
Gay nigger
V-necks makes you shoulders look broader.
Fucking pussies
Jesus. More like 60. If even.
>needing to live in a specific year in order to wear a t-shirt
Crew neck is in faggots didn't your flyover state get the memo
aaand this is why they never post faces, Veeky Forums should be burnt down
>Caring for what is "in"
So instead of setting a trend or wearing what you enjoy, you prefer to dress in a certain way so that people can think you are cool. Real smooth, user
>flyover state
I'm not from the US but you sound like a faggot overseas too
can you say that again but in english?
Not him but that shit was in very plain English friend
No, it wasn't.
Why do people do this to themselves?
This trend has been around for fucking years now and it only seems to be growing. It looks so fucking weak holy shit
Oh, you must be this guy a true trendsetter. Keep doing your thing pham
Im sure your mall ninja or crew neck outfit works wonders
fucking underrated
fuck you, cunt
your name be blessed
V neck makes your neck look longer, and shoulders broader, cunt.
V>Scoop anytime.
*squeaking intensifies*
>*Squeaky thighs*
>*Squeaky Sneakers*
>*Squeaky armpit sounds*
>*Squeek squeek*
Pick it up, pick it up, pick it up!
ain't taking risks
crew necks make me feel like I'm choking due to autism
piece of shit
Who the fuck is the chad in this pic?
>not embracing this clown world
carpe diem kiddo
It was bought online m8
Thanks senpai.
People with chins like this should start training MMA from birth
You either have to be insecure or have 0 shoulders not to like vnecks
the EU soccer player look
absolutely disgusting
>all or mostly black
what is with this shit.
why are these fucks allergic to color?
that neck is not photoshopped
That is the non-shopped one
It looks better in motion
you got me
Yea that's horse krap
What's worse, corncucks or soyboys?
is this a picture of the average fit poster?
Because black looks good, these absolute morons took it to the logical extreme. It's like wearing only leather clothes because a leather jacket looks good.