
Post your routines

Are you seriously just following some random asshats "variant" of well known routine?
Why aren't you making your own shit?
Or just following Greyskull's version?
What are the benefits of this variant anyway?

I have transcended routines.
I just fuck around with weights until I can't lift anymore. All I do, is separate arm day and leg day. ...and pretty much never do leg day.


Phrak's GSLP is the most common variant of GSLP. It get rid of the dumb neck harness shit.

i dont understand routines
like, doing 3x5 benchpress, then 3x5 chinups then 3x5 squats and then what? you are done with that in like 15 minutes, the fuck am i supposed to do the rest of the day?

Push/Pull/Legs/Push/Pull/Legs/rest day

Basically all the non compound lifts are standard 3 sets of 8-14

-flat bench: 4 sets not including warmup, pyramid from 12 reps down to 5-6
-incline DB press: 3 sets 14 reps down to 8-10
-DB shoulder press, 3 sets 14-10 reps
-DB shoulder flyes
-front raises
-tricep pushdown
>Weighted dips 3 sets 10-15 reps
-tricep supersets, alternating grips pushdown

-Deadlift, start with 12 reps typically and end at 5, 5 sets including warmup
-bent over BB rows, 3 sets 12-20 reps
-DB shrugs
-iso lateral rows (machine)
-pullups, 4 sets of as many as I can
-straight arm lat pulldowns
-3 standard bicep exercises

-back squats, 5 sets, 15 reps down to 6
-front squats, 3 sets, 8-12
-weighted lunges with kettlebells, down and back, 12 reps per side basically, 5 sets
-hamstring curls
-leg extensions
-calf assistance

Oh, then 30 minutes of medium intensity cardio every workout day after I lift, cuz I'm cuttin

>how to double the gains on this type of program
do reverse pyramid instead.

Work up to a heavy set of 4-6, then deload and do a heavy set of 8, then 10, then 12...

your max set is not as hampered by previously built up fatigue.

>pull day
fuck the iso lateral rows and the straight arm lat pulldowns. Save your energy for some biceps and cut those down to one supinated curl some for of reverse or hammer curls, anything else is a waste for hobby lifters and natties

>push day
Fuck the front raises, there's already enough front delt volume. Also, skip the tricep pushdown following those front raises, and use that energy for dips and that last superset.

>leg day
no comment, you'll figure the quirks out eventually. I also hope you do legs/push/pull or pull/push/legs in those two orders

It really is more of a legs/push/pull if you look at it as my rest day is on Tuesday, legs is Wednesday. Should have said legs/push/pull

Also I probably will start doing deloading instead of building up, it just scares me that I'm gonna snap my shit up going in their and going heavy after my warmup set

2x5, 1x5+ OHP
2x5, 1x5+ Weighted Chinups
2x5, 1x5+ Squats
3x12-15 Incline bench press
3x12 curls
3x20 Tricep pushdowns

2x5,1x5+ Bench Press
2x5,1x5+ Pendlay Row
1x5+ Deadlift
3x15 Incline Dumbbell press
3x20 Facepulls
2x12 Plate raises

Alternate workouts but squat twice a week, Tue and Sat and deadlift on Thurs.

Pretty much Phraks with extra stuff. Seeing some good gains but I've been adding 2.5kg a workout and think it's starting to stall, is it worth getting microplates to increase 1.25kg a time? Think I have a set of 1.25lb plates somewhere which will be close enough to 1.25kg total.

You don't just do "some warming up" and then load up a shit-ton more and get to working, you build up towards your heaviest weight by ramping.

Example: Target is 100kg bench
20kg x 10 reps
40kg x 5 reps
60kg x 5 reps
80kg x 3 reps
90kg x 2
95kg x 1

Different people might get away with more agressive jumps, some might need even smaller jumps.

The difference is you just do a couple of reps with the lesser weight, instead of warming up followed by blasting out 12 reps with 65kg, followed by 10x75, 8x85, 4-6x100kg...

The difference in workload before getting to the heavy set is a whooping 1000kg, not even counting the warmup for the pyramid approach.

Recently changed to this. Was doing plebbit ppl before. Any thoughts?

A: Pull and Cardio
B: Pull and Push

Pull: 5RM Chinups, +2-4kg every workout
Push: 10RM DB Bench, +1kg (per arm) every workout
Cardio: 5km jogging

1x100 LTE, 2x50 rear delt rows, 2x50 forearms whenever I feel like like doing isolations, most likely 2-3 times a week.

Yesterday I got 9kg x 5 on chins with a bit slow last rep, today got 13kg x 5 on chins easily.

go back to the plebbit routine, god fucking dammit

Is this a good routine?
4x10 bench press
3x10 dips
4x10 ohp
3x10 lateral rises
4x10 barbell curls
4x10 barbell rows
4x10 squats
3x10 deadlift
4x10 hamstring curls
4x10 calves


I'm cutting right now


3x10 deads is stupid and you're not doing pullups/chinups

Nice grocery list. Pick one (1) push, one (1) upper body pull and one (1) leg exercise. do them low rep high sets for volume, so something like 10 sets of 3. You are cutting, you want to preserve as much strength as possible. Scratch your shitty isolations and all the useless compounds. Focus more, don't fuck around while in the gym.

So I'm doing too much?
What would be a good routine? The ones in the sticky seem to be more on muscle gaining

the fact that you're posting that as a viable program is dumb. look at the picture on the right: that was an old tripfag named OCB. he was on steroids

do you think that program made OCB's physique, or do you think it was maybe the gear?

he's natty and small af in that pic, on some kinda cutting agent

good physiques are made through hard work and sweat, routine is less relevant than you think

Have you stalled on SS yet? If not, do fucking SS.
It doesn't matter if you are cutting, just go on a big deficit (don't binge faggot) and get it over with quickly.
Your goal is STRENGTH. That's what will put mass on, you don't need this volume unless you've lifted for at least 3 years and know what you are doing.
Conclusion: SS or what I recommended in the previous post.
No more than 3 lifts per session.
After you stop cutting and want to add isolations, you can do 2 sets of 50 reps/4x25/5x20/1x100 for tricep pushdowns, rear delt rows, curls etc. BUT don't do too many in one workout. STAY FOCUSED, get shit done and get the fuck out of the gym.

Day 1:
Bench 3x5, 1x5+
DL, ramping up over weeks ie. 4x4@80%, 2x3 @85% etc. till PB week
Hammer Curl 3x8
Breathing Paused Squat for 10 breaths

Day 2:
Squat 3x5
Close Grip 4x6
Chin Up AMAP
DL 5x2/7x2 (depending on week) EMOM @ 60%
Reverse Grip Bench 3x6
Plank (if I can be bothered) 2x1 min

Day 3:
Squat 3x5
Bent Over Row 3x5
Face Pull 3x8-10
Breathing Paused Squat 2x10 breaths

Whole body routine

Workout A

Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Cable Row 3x5
Weighted Dips 3x8
Barbell Bicep Curls 2x10
Hanging leg raises 3x8

Workout B

Deadlift 1x5
Bench Press 3x5
Pull Ups 3x8
Lateral Raise 2x10
Triceps Extension 2x10
Planks 3x1.5min (1 each of front, left, and right)

Spread over two weeks as follows:

Monday: A
Tuesday: 5k run
Wednesday: B
Thursday: 5k run
Friday: A
Saturday: nothing
Sunday: 10k gentle run

Monday: B
Tuesday: 5k run
Wednesday: A
Thursday: 5k run
Friday: B
Saturday: nothing
Sunday: 10k gentle run

+ Stretching erryday

Goals: improve general fitness, flexibility, and dad-strength

Age: 38, Height: 5'11", Weight: 75kg

Will try ss then, thanks bro

please be helpful with critiques

If you can I'd do swimming instead of running, easier on the knees which is good with all that squatting.

>supplements (good goy buy more)
>grocery list
>running only once a week (enjoy constant DOMS)

Might as well follow the routines your mom posts on Facebook with 20 hip thrusts supersetted with 20 BW squats.

how the fuck is broccoli a fruit

oh shit meant to put fruit/veg nice spot user thanks

Really now

I wish I'd gotten this advice when I started and didn't know wtf I was doing. Didn't browse fit either. I was doing like 5 day splits hitting like one or two muscles each day. Seriously took me like 3-4 years of working out to really figure out wtf I was doing.

this is basically 5x5 except squatting once a week, imo too complicated. I would add squats into both (or just 1 if you're a fag), pick OHP and chins for A, bench and rows for B and just do ABABAB.

First 3 supps are definitely worth taking, the other 3 i would try after the first 3. Also just cycle instead of run

>he's natty and small af
holy fuck the delusion.
the routine is absolutely less relevant. but don't kid yourself and think that the program posted there is going to build you up to look like OCB did. don't think that any program will get you to the level of development and leanness that he had without steroids.

>swimming instead of running

Thanks, I’ve actually been considering this.

I don't have the jpg but I follow Scooby's dumbbell PPL routine. I do it twice then have a rest day. I use very low weights to learn proper technique. I go as low as 2.5kgs with some exercises. It's better to do them with low weights but properly rather then go as high with weights as possible. I'm thinking of switching to another routine because I've been doing this one for two months now.

I'm new. Today I watched the biggest guy at the gym and did what he did but with less weight. ?/10

Basic 5x5

squat 5x5
ohp 5x5
deadlift 1x5
+assitance: chinups, closed grip bench press, bb curls, pullups, seated calf raises.... (I pick 3 every workout)

squat 5x5
bench 5x5
barbell roww 5x5
+assitance: pushups, dips, skullcrushers, standing calf raises, planks... (pick 3)

Add weight every workout
IF stall weight x 0.9 and start over

>small af
we do shitpost here on Veeky Forums but youre taking it a bit too far buddy
so unless youre going to post your body and unless its bigger than mast you can fuck right off you delusional DYEL mongoloid

nsuns 5 day routine with a bunch of accessories. What do you guys think

Phark's isn't that good tbqh. You can't add weight to chin ups in that phase unless you're maintaining weight. Rows suck. Neck harness is just included in most sample routines in the book, you don't have to do it. It is way better to go according to the book and incorporate accessory variants of main compounds, isolation exercises and so on. Phark's is like a worse SS.

Yeah, I'd like to know this too. This looks so short, like wtf. Do I take something like 90% of what i can lift and then rest for 5 minutes between sets?

Best beginner's routine for aesthetics?

I modified it from the Arnold Basic Mass Routine

Mon - HYP Chest + Back
Bench Press - 5x12 SS
Chin ups - 5x12 SS
Incline Bench - 5x12
Barbell Row - 5x12
Incline DB Fly - 5x12
Seated Cable Row - 5x12
Pec Deck Fly - 5x12 SS
Reverse Pec Deck Fly - 5x12 SS

Tues - HYP Shoulders and Arms
OHP - 5x12
Upright Row - 5x12 SS
Lateral Raise - 5x12 SS
Reverse Pec Deck Fly - 5x12
Barbell Curl - 5x12
Seated DB Curl - 5x12
Close Grip Bench Press - 5x12
Lying Tricep Extension - 5x12

Wed - HYP Legs
Leg Extension - 5x12 (Warm up with low weight, 8 reps each leg, increase weight with no rest and repeat until I can only just manage the 8 reps, then double weight, 8 reps no rest, that weight is my working sets)
Seated Leg Curl - 5x12 (Same method as previous)
Leg Press - 5x12
Seated Calf Raise - 5x12 (Very slow and controlled reps)
Standing Calf Raise - 5x12 (Same as above)

Thurs - STR Chest and Back
Bench Press - 5x5 SS
Chin ups - 5x8 SS
Incline Bench - 5x8
Barbell Row - 5x8
Incline Fly - 5x8
Seated Cable Row - 5x8
Pec Deck Fly - 5x12 SS
Reverse Pec Deck Fly - 5x12 SS

Fri - STR Shoulders and Arms
OHP - 5x5
Upright Row - 5x8 SS
Lateral Raise - 5x8 SS
Reverse Pec Deck Fly - 5x12
Barbell Curl - 5x8
Seated DB Curl - 5x8
Close Grip Bench Press - 5x8
Lying Tricep Extension - 5x8

Sat - STR Legs
Squat - 5x5
Leg Press - 5x8
Leg Extension - 5x8
Seated Leg Curl - 5x8
Seated Calf Raise - 5x12 (Very slow and controlled reps)
Standing Calf Raise - 5x12 (Same as above)

LIFTING: Simple Reg Park-ish routine focusing on compounds with a couple of accessories thrown in, 3 time/week.

CALISTHENICS/HIIT: Push-ups, chin-ups, sit-ups and kettle-bell swings done circuit style. Or just HIIT sprints. Twice per week.

CARDIO (LISS): 30 min jog, cautios pace (just over 5k), once or twice per week.

How's this for a semi-noob who used to work out hard in his youth and also has a very sedetary job and lifestyle apart from this and an on-point diet?



Bench 3x6
OHP 3x6
Rear Delt Flies 3x12
Barbell Rows 3x6
Pullups 3x8
Shrugs 3x8
Lying Triceps Extension 3x8
Chinups 3x8

Squats 3x6
Deadlifts 3x6
RDL 3x8
Hamstring Curls 3x10
*Quad Curls 3x12
*Hanging Leg Raises 3x20

Bench 4x8
OHP 4x8
Incline Bench 4x8
Pushups 3xF
Lateral DB Raises 3x10
LTE 3x10
Hanging Leg Raises 3x10

Pullups 4x8
Barbell Rows 4x8
T-Bar Rows 3x10
Shrugs 4x8
Rear Delt Flies 3x10
Chinups 3x10
*Wrist Curls 3x10

Squats 3x6
Deadlifts 3x6
RDL 3x8
Hamstring Curls 3x10
*Quad Curls3x12
*Hanging Leg Raises 3x20

Week goes like xULxPPL. I do Wrists and cardio on off days. Is 40 mins of cardio in a week enough since I'm bulking, or can I still bump it up?

I also do 274 pushups every day. Will this fuck my strength progress?

>no curls

also r8

try this one

I never understood working shoulders and triceps directly after a chest day...there's overlap in the pressing movements.

yeah, no. I'm no means a rippetoad but for the first 1 or 2 months do only compounds so you can really learn the lifts and develop your strength. Bench Press, OHP, Squats, Deadlifts, Pullups or Chins, Barbell Rows, and maybe some curls should be enough...then move on to a routine.

>1x5 deadlifts
come on son, "le CNS" will be JUST FINE

This tbqh

Oh my bad
At the end of pull or upper, I'll add in some curls if I have time.
However, when done right, pullups, chinups, and Barbell Rows will lead to plenty of bicep work

its a linear progression program. You increase the weight on every single exercise, every single workout. In the beginning, with baby weight, yeah, you can do it in 30minutes, but truste me, when you reach a respectable weight, you will need a lot of rest between sets. There will come a time that if you don't rest 2~3 minutes between set you will fail.

that being said, in a workout of OP's pic, lets put in 10min warmup and 5min rest between every set

9 sets in total, multiplied by 5 = 45min literally just resting between sets. It takes me 40~70min to finish this workout, but I do add 1~3 accessories at the end

50-60 miles per week
One rest day every three weeks (ish)
Long run of about 20-30% of weekly mileage
abs 3-4 weeks per week
then some bodyweight on top of that

>inb4 "dyel cardiofag"

skinnyfat soyboy here, I read the sticky and am gonna do SS any tips for a beginner?

Been adjusting my routine to what feels good. Anyone got any tips or recommendations? Been running this for quite some time now and been having decent gains, so I think it's alright. Absolutely can't squat in the same day I do deadlifts, it's too much of a toll on my lower back and it affects the rest of my workout and the following one.

2017 was first year I lifted weights very seriously and consistently. However, I've been doing a lot of research over break and have learned A LOT. I completely reformed my program into my personal PPL program. Please give me feedback, guys. I'd appreciate it. (abs and cardio are in my program just not included in this post)

Split: Push/Pull/Shoulders/Rest/Push/Pull/Legs & Shoulders/Rest

~~~PUSH A~~~
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press [3 x 4-6]

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press [3 x 8-12]

Cable Crossovers [3 x 8-12]

Skullcrushers [3 x 8-12]

~~~PULL A~~~
Barbell Deadlift [3 x 4-6]

Dumbbell Rows [3 x 8-12]

One Arm Dumbbell Rows [3 x 8-12]

Dumbbell Curls [3 x 8-12]

Overhead Barbell Press [3 x 4-6]

Lateral Side Raises [3 x 8-12]

Posterior Delt Cable Reverse Flys [3 x 8-12]

Dumbbell Trap Raises [3 x 8-12]

~~~PUSH B~~~
Flat Dumbbell Bench Press [3 x 8-12]

Incline Dumbbell Bench Press [3 x 8-12]

Push Up Variations

Tricep Rope Extensions [3 x 8-12]

~~~PULL B~~~
Dumbbell Deadlift [3 x 8-12]

Seated Cable Rows [3 x 8-12]

Cable Lat Pulldown Machine [3 x 8-12]

Dumbbell Curls [3 x 8-12]

Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press [3 x 8-12]

Dumbbell Upright Rows [3 x 8-12]

Posterior Delt Reverse Flys [3 x 8-12]

Squats [alternate between hypertrophy and strength each week]

Dumbbell Split Lunges [4 x 8-12]

Hamstring/Glute Bench Bridges [4 x 8-12]

Dumbbell Trap Raises [3 x 8-12]

SS is good, and OP's pic is pretty much a modified SS, you might want to consider it too.

It has 1 less squat day than SS (on that day you only deadlift, which is very good, squatting and DLing on the same day sucks), it is more balanced with the upper and lower body exercises, and the AMRAP is a very good system.

I did both SS and GSLP and I liked the latter way more, but SS is great nonetheless. If you want to do it, stick to it and just eat and rest properly

Pls rate my vacation training plan:

> increase lower body strength
> increase upper body and arms mass

Warm-ups (everyday the same):
Box Jumps
>1x5 - 70% -> 100% 5RM - rest 3 min
>1x5 - 70% -> 100% 5RM - rest 3 min

Bench Press
>1x5 - 70 - >100% 5RM - rest 3min
>1x5 - 90% of previous set - rest 3min
>1x5 - 80% of previous set- rest 3min
>4-10x5 - 80% of previous set - rest 1min30s between sets
>Same as above
EZ-bar Curls
> Same as above

Bench Press
>Same as Monday
Behind the Back Deadlifts
>Same as above
EZ-bar Curls
>Same as Monday

>Same as Monday

Friday - Legs & back
>Same as Tuesday

Warm-downs (everyday the same):
Same as warm-up minus Squat and OHP
Rope Triceps Push-downs
>1x5 - 70% -> 100% 5RM - rest 3 min
Band work (superset of neck curls, face pulls, lat raises)
>5-10x10-20 - rest 2 min between sets

Progression plan:
Start with a weight I can easily put 8 reps or so, then progress from session to session until hit new 5rm, maybe 2 or 3 consecutives 5rm in a row if I'm feeling like it. Then, cycle start over and I'll switch Bench Press for OHP and Deadlift variations for Squats.
For example:
> DL current 5RM: 150kg
> 1st session of the cycle: 134kg 1x5
> 2nd ...: 136-138kg 1x5
> ...
> Last session ...: 154kg 1x5

Sheiko advanced large load, prep blocks only since I don't compete. Inflating maxes at the end of every block instead of testing. 24 weeks so far. Volume is brutal but manageable, program can be boring, but the gains are solid. Supplement with pullups and chinups

>45 mins resting
>people have the audacity to call this going to the gym

Veeky Forumss greyskull with chin-ups, pull-ups and incline db bench every workout

this seems much better

What isolations would you add to op's pic? Will be fine doing it 4 times a week? Cardio is ok after workout or better on days off? How would you progress if gyms smallest plates are 2,5kg?
I'm a weak noob, did upper/lower body routine with 8-10 reps for few months but doing squats and diddlys on one day is not enjoyable. Pls someone help me, i made hypertrophy gains in past months but barely got stronger and I'm confused what should I pursue

i know deadlifting after squatting sucks but it shouldn't be too much for your back to handle. is the pain back ache or muscle ache? if it's back ache fix your form

Sublime Text Masterrace

one week out of a 12 week program

barbell rows

leg press

close grip incline bench

3*8-12 Squat
Pullups/pushups in between
3*8-12 Bench
Bulgarian split/bodysquats in between.
3*8-12 Overheaad Press
Push-ups/dips in between
1*8-12 diddly
20 m running

Anything I should fix?

I'm doing a variant of Madcow with pyramid sets instead of the traditional ramping sets. I maxed out my Deadlift earlier in December so I'm switching to Hex bar deadlifts for the time being because they're fun af and I'm using a safety squat bar instead of a traditional Barbell. I add accessories on each day I lift usually at like 3 to 5 sets of 8 to 12 reps:

>Monday - decline weighted sit-ups, weighted leg raises, ab wheel to the side, and Supermans

>Wednesday - Chinups (20 pounds), shoulder raises, shoulder rows

>Friday - Barbell Curls, hammer Curls, Tricep push downs and pull ups, Calves

Off days I stretch to work on my shoulder mobility to get back to a regular Barbell for squats and hip/hamstrings/ankle mobility for a better bottom position (no homo).

Plz rate

Started a bit over 2 months ago. Basic strength training, and I train every day:
I carefully follow my bench, deadlifts and squat as to keep track of my progress, and the rest of the exersises are complementary, I do sets of anywhere from 10 to 20 reps.
Day 1: chest and shoulders, triceps
Bench 5x5, currently at 65kg, 1rm 80kg/1.5 plates
Cable flies
Incline dumbbell press
Dumbbell flies
Day 2: Back and biceps
Deadlift 5x5, currently 87.5kg 2rm 2 plates
Cable, t-bar, barbell rows, neutral grip pullups
Day 3: legs and abdominals
Squats 5x5, currently at 70kg, 1rm 100kg/2 plates
Leg extensions, leg raises, crunches

I increase the weights of 5x5s by a 2.5kg increment each time or I try to do one more rep per set. If I can't do it, as of now I have not failed to do it the next time. Anyway, should I make any changes? I figured that a simple program is easy to follow, and is sufficient for a beginner. I weigh about 82kg.



female? look alright but I would swap power cleans and deadlifts, in order to avoid doing two 100% 5rm on the same day

-Pick a pull, or floor/block pull: work up to a max, done.
(if doing an upper body pull work up to a max set of 5-20)
-Next day:
-Pick a press, work up to a max, done.
-Repeat; no days off.

Floor Pulls:
Trap bar DL
Behind the back DL
Jefferson DL
1 arm DL (bar between legs)
Bugenhagen Squat
Block Pull
Zercher Squat
Zercher DL
Full Zercher

Kroc Rows
Nether Rows
Yates Rows
T-Bar Rows
Rubish Rows
Trap Bar Rows

Overhead Press
Push Press
JM Press
Landmine Press
Z Press
One Arm DB Press
Pin Bench Press
Overhead Pin Press
CG Bench
Spoto Press
Pause Bench

>Monday - Lower body strength

>Tuesday - Upper body strength
BB Row (same as bench)

>Thursday - Chest & Arms
Incline 3x12
Chest press 3x15
Flyes 2x20
Arms 4x12

>Friday - Lower body
Same as Monday

>Saturday - Back &shoulders
Pullup/down 3x12
Dumbell row 3x15
Straight arm pulldown 2x20
OHP 3x12
Lateral raise (until I feel a pump)

Squat, bench, dead follows c6w programming
Linear progression on snatch/c&j until competition on straya day
Focus rn is on oly lifts so I knocked my dead and squat maxes by 20%
Caloric surplus

help me with accessories

You'll almost certainly want some form of row in there. Everything else is going to be based on what you think is weak/underdeveloped.

reeee i hate rows

Phrak cant even squat 2 plate lmfao

One rest day every 3 weeks? damn I'm at that mileage too but I couldnt imagine that I take one off per week

can anyone recommend me routines for obese people(fatties) 35%+ bodyfat?

Intermediate Routine:


Squat 3x5
OHP 3x5
Deadlift 1x5
Weighed Pushups 3x5
Weighted chin-ups 3x5

*Typo: Should be “High/Low/Medium”

>not bravo

keep the two main lifts
ditch the "abs"
do chinups and dips on every Deadlift day, finish with db lunges
do a bentover row and something triceps, like french press or skullcrushers, on the Squat day, finish with good mornings or a straight-leg deadlift aka jefferson curl

try this
heavy: squat 5x5, bench 5x5, dead 1x5
light: front squat 2x5, press 3x5, row 2-3x10-12
medium: squat 3x5 (split the difference b/w weights of front and regular squats from earlier), close grip bench 4x5, chin-ups 3xF

How the fuck are you supposed to get strong lifting a weight 45 times a day? That's barely any exercise. Even if it's near your max you'll be back to full strength in ten minutes so what's the point? Why not do something more reasonable like 10x5?