>invite friend to the gym after his break up with his ex >slut cheated on him with her old ex boyfriend >he tells me how he wants to get back at her >meet him at local gym, dude is 5'10 and 145 lbs >start working out and show him basic compound movements >"I'm too tired I dont wanna do this anymore. 5 minute break." >then goes on about his ex and I try to listen but he doesnt want to help himself and actually workout >try to give him advice >disregards it and when he showed me his texts to her and the guy she cheated with he's completely apologetic with the way he speaks >he said how the ex boyfriend was a huge part of the family and friends so he stuck around >he tried to be buddy buddy with the guy and showed me how they would text and snapchat and just in general have the dude around >he would have heartfelt conversations with his man >tell him he needs to man up and take it for what it is and to stop acting so trusting and vulnerable >in general show some fucking balls >"yeah but I don't want to be some asshole that doesnt trust anyone or the guy that is controlling over her."
Fuck me lads. I love the guy but JUST- I want to inject tren into his heart maybe he'll man up faster.
Colton Hill
I'm not even Veeky Forums but your friend needs some fucking testosterone in his system
Brandon Gray
I hate to see him like this but I also know he needs to stop being a bitch. I just have no clue how to help him. Ive been in his shoes so I get it but jeez.
Isaiah Bailey
Jesus Christ. There's really nothing you can do for him except wait a couple months for him to get over it and if he is still like this, you need to constantly make fun of him and call him a faggot, I feel like it's your duty as a friend.
Nathaniel Sanchez
give him some time, getting cheated on sucks
Josiah Ramirez
I had a friend with the same situation (except he stalked the other guy but backed away when he found out the dude was like 5 inches taller than him). He wouldn't stopped bitching, crying and being obsessed with his ex, disregarding any given advise and long story short, he has a boyfriend now. Stop him from being a pussy or he'll start craving dick
Brandon Edwards
You can't jumpstart soyboys on the path to natty aesthetics and life gains. Don't push him too much, be glad he came to the gym in the first place. Listen to his whining for a couple weeks, DO NOT offer advice for now. Once he's got most of the whining out of his system start giving advice, but not in a "you should do X" way but rather in a "when Y happened to me I did X and now shit's cool breh" way. Don't push the exercise, slowly increase the load. Shit, have you never motivated someone else before? What are you, 17?
Josiah Reyes
No I've grown up without positive feedback from anyone and have a plethora of issues. However in this case I havent the slightest notion how to help him and not coddle him.
Matthew Morales
Oh also >be me >nerdy skellyboi >get gf >slowly turn into functioning adult, change wardrobe etc after her wishes >gf of 5 years turns into leftie tree hugger >goes to tree hugger camp because she doesn't know what she wants to do with her career >meets skellyboi >reminds her of me when I met her >dumps me for skellyboi The first few weeks I didn't want to hear any advice. I mean, I'd heard it all before and people telling me that "it'll get better" and "there's plenty of fish in the sea" etc would have been pointless. Instead I did more shit with friends, just hanging out or going rock climbing or eating lunch. I didn't push conversations about the breakup on them, but when we did talk about it they were smart enough to basically listen, to give support (swallowed their comments about my faults and agreed with everything about ex being a cunt) and to not regurgitate pointless advice that I had read a million times online anyway.
Sis is big into rock climbing, she knew exercise was good for me. I knew it too. So I went, but she didn't push me to the max because when you're going through a breakup and you're in a negative mindset, failure just sends you downward -- and failure is inevitable when you're pushing yourself. So instead she let me do my own thing but made sure to show off her own gains and pester me about at least coming to the climbing club, even if I didn't push myself to 100%. Eventually I got my shit together and started lifting (again). More gains than ever, diet on point, mental state stable, consistently great mood, the happiest and healthiest I've ever been.
TL;DR Give him time Listen, don't shit out unwanted advice Be supportive Passively get him into lifting more
You don't often get a chance to help someone turn their life around but if you do it right they'll thank you for years to come and be there for you if you're in their shoes one day.
Lucas Turner
Wtf he's still friendly to the dude who cucked him?
Slap him in the face and tell him to stop being such a faggot
Thomas Parker
how long did it take you to get over it?
Caleb Price
how fags like that manage to get a gf and most of us cant
Luke Cooper
Getting over it is a process and it's difficult to judge when it's over. Like, I would hang out with my friends literally the day after. I'd stop thinking about it 24/7 after a couple of weeks. I blocked her on all social media etc. and abstained from stalking her. I feel that helped getting her off of my mind. 6 months to stop dreaming about her regularly. She sent me emails occasionally (my granddad died, or just "merry christmas" or "happy birthday") which would send me into relapses, otherwise I'd have stopped dreaming about her maybe 3 months in, Didn't really reply other than "thanks". I didn't want to completely ignore her just because I think that's douchey but I didn't want to talk to her either. About a year after the breakup I'd start replying a little in-depth and asking back how she was doing; at that point I could see her in calendar photos at my parents' and not get feels. Met her at a homecoming >2 years after the breakup and talked to her normally. No attraction, no feels.
Jeremiah Young
Oh also (the exact times are a bit hazy): >t+2 weeks = started looking after grills IRL >t+1 month = started fapping again >t+18 months = started seriously considering going out with grills again Still no sex or kisses or dates since the last time with ex. That was like 2 1/2 years ago.
Joseph Flores
>dating women and not being prepared to have your heart ripped out of you and shat on
it's 2017 guys
Aiden Parker
I should note.
When we were done with everything and he was headung home he mentioned how he was still in contact with her. APOLOGIZED TO THEM BOTH FOR GOD KNOWS WHY. and is still fucking her raw.
I guess he can just tear that ass up but then comes the dilemma of fucking a skank or not.
Adam Long
Wait what the fuck He is literally still having sex with the woman^Wcunt that cheated on him. WHAT Maybe some advice IS in order. Not just "cut all contact with the bitch ASAP you fucking cuck", but make him understand WHY. Ask him what he's hoping to achieve. Paint him a picture of what's going to happen (STD, babby+alimony, laughing stock of the entire male community). God fucking Fun game: draw your friend in mspaint or something. I want to know how much of a numale he is.
Jackson Moore
This. Guys obviously pretty distressed about it, and people react in weird ways when they're under pressure.
It's hard to completely cut someone you're super attached too out of your life, even when they do something as shitty as that.
Give him a while, just be supportive until then. If he gets unhealthy about it after a week or two say something.
Chase Walker
you don't know how she looks like, nibba. do not picture you highschool sweetheart when reading something like this
Nathaniel Lewis
Disgusted with myself that I had to download this.
>pic related >now downgrade the facial aesthetics for a bigger nose, less attravtive eyes, and some facial hair.
Liam Cox
It's 2018 you fucking neet
Parker Reed
This changes things drastically. You need to stage an intervention to get him to realize how much of a faggot he is being. It might be too late, but you got to try to get him to have some confidence and self respect.
Juan Stewart
Jesus Christ. Still, no-one is beyond redemption. Show him how to be a man.
Liam Carter
I love the guy. Damn sure. But I don't know if it's worth mentioning to him. He seemed hellbent on ignoring advice and just being the "nice guy "
I wish it were that easy. Irony is my uncle was the one that always wanted me to "be a man" so now that I stand tall and look like Rico Suave he keeps giving me praise for it. But that took my own effort. I dont know how to show my friend this same guidance.
Brandon Nelson
Honeslty slap him around and tell him exactly what a pussy cuck he is. He needs it
David Edwards
This, completely unironically
Elijah Robinson
OK, if you really want to help the guy, try making a game plan for yourself. You want him to be confident. Since we're on Veeky Forums, there are two ways to achieve confidence: Getting girls (not a good idea right now though that may come in later) and getting swole and seeing your gains. How does he get there? By lifting heavy. How does he get there? By eating right and exercising hard, regularly. I'd focus on getting some routine going for him. Since he sounds like a submissive little bitch, if you have to drag him to the gym 3x per week, do it. If you can think of better ways to make him go, do it. Make him take body pics, or better yet, rip his clothes off and take them yourself (don't forget to say no homo) so he can see his gains. Are you Veeky Forums yourself? Show him your body (again, no homo). Make him want to be like you. If you do shit with him and other people, put someone on your shoulders and squat them -- should be ez but skellys shit bricks when they see it. Have a pushup contest. Race him to places. Whatever you can think of to awaken his competitive spirit, do it. Don't OVERdo it though, and don't make it all about showing off how much better you are -- make it clear that anything you can do can be achieved with some training. If necessary, downplay the required amount and time to get him hooked at first.
In addition to that, keep in mind that he's in a bad place, mentally. Be supportive. That doesn't mean you should agree with everything he says. You can still steer him into certain directions by not really reacting to certain things that you don't want him to do, by giving positive feedback when he does things right (even if it's just showing up to the gym on time), and (later) by criticizing when appropriate, but try to combine the criticism with positive things.
I'm not sure if being assertive is the better approach (since he seems like a submissive bitch) or if letting him come to his senses on his own is.