Is Logan Paul mode achievable natty?

Is Logan Paul mode achievable natty?

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that cutoff looks stupid af

Is this the fella everyone is going ape about?

Nothing about his life is natty to begin with, why would he workout natty, too? Not judging or saying it's bad, just an observation

yeah but first you have to go to a suicide forest and vlog about it before the gainz hit

I'd say yes but he's that kind of guy who would roid for this.

He’s an instagram kiddie. He roids for sure. They never work for anything.

A E S T H E T I C and lifting to fuck girls is worse than eating gluten-free and doing crossfit. Remember this.

Yeah, gotta do lots of dead hang pullups

His followers are underage girls, so yes.



Yes, but he likely is not.

whats with his shitty hair? Completely detracts from every single picture of him

He's balding and uses that hairstyle to hide it

Yes, he deserves it though

Yeah, but he looks dyel in clothes

user you’re on Veeky Forums, where we not only look at dead bodies but people dying for entertainment. What he did was baby shit compared to what we do here

New fag?

Are any of us dumb enough to post it on youtube to a fanbase comprised literally of 12 year old sexually frustrated girls?

Longer than you buddy
True I guess

agreed. and we would call him a pussy for not showing the dead body. everyone just loves to be angry. also, it's a reason for the non white fags here to be mad at a more successful, better looking, better built white man

I can smell the reddit on you.


hehe yeah this is our sekrit club :3 :3 we're so cool and edgy here on the 4chinz aren't we? Good times /b/ro.

can i get a quick rundown on why people are angry at this guy? just because he showed a dead body in a YT vid?

Okay you need to calm yourself too
Everyone started Veeky Forums from /b/ and saw rekt threads at least once

> Veeky Forums isn’t edgy

I'm so edgy I went on a counter strike server while named Digger Nick and used my microphone to play Alabama Nigger! Oh those triggered snowflakes, I bet they were all extremely frustrated by my antics.

Yep, literally just that. People are whining because teenagers watch it, even though it was blurred out.

It's stupid internet drama, like almost anything involving a YouTuber or twitch streamer. You'd think he fucking killed the guy himself from how people are reacting.

mom i'm on fourchin now. xD le anonymous

>goes to suicide forest
>records everything
>shows body
>"Sorry guys, this was supposed to be just a fun vlog."
>proceeds to upload to a fanbase of 12 million literal children
Gee those normies just can't take a joke.

He literally said he was going for the haunted aspect of the forest. Not many people actually expect to find fresh corpses in a haunted location

ohmahgud you sure got 'em good /b/ro, haha xd xd r we gunna go on a Raid tonight or wat??

>actually defending this cretinous douchebag

Youtubers deserve all the fucking hate and admonishment they get when they rarely do. Get a fucking job, don't film poor dead people with your dudebro fucktard friends so 8 year olds on youtube can gaup at them. Wish the whole e-celeb craze would fucking die alreadyq
>The forest has a historical reputation as a home to "yūrei" or ghosts of the dead in Japanese mythology. In recent years, Aokigahara has become internationally known as one of the world's most popular suicide sites, and signs at the head of some trails urge suicidal visitors to think of their families and contact a suicide prevention association.
A stupid youtube celebrity is getting devoured by stupid fans for being stupid. Why are you defending him?

>b but user, he's making a statement! he's so funneh and he's just being wild and young bruh! Dab on the haters, like comment and subscribe, don't forget to give me your munneh on patreon!

I’m just saying that we’ve seen worse
That still doesn’t mean that you expect to find bodies

he looks like a goob im sorry man and hes not funny

You know it's true. Tell me you were not completely desensitized when you were watching that video. That's the sign that you've seen some shit. From super slow motion HD ISIS executions to Mexican drug cartel torture to African barbarianism to Chinese social neglect to nigger kicking their newborn babies... Don't pretend user. This whole thing is just an excuse to hate on a, admittedly, hateable guy. This also applies to pewdiepie, who is known to browse /gif/. That asshole has no right to say anything about Chad Paul. Shit he even called someone a nigger while he was streaming

>internationally known for suicides
>trails warning hikers to not commit suicide
>Employees literally warning them about it before they start
>"Holy shit I can't believe someone killed themselves."
How the fuck are you more retarded than he is?

this is just a whole different level of retardation. You millenials are so far up your fucking arses, you defend someone who's making their living bein' random and dank on video for the the internetzz XD

I'm just saying it's completely besides the point, why even mention it? Internet kudos points? Hmm I wonder what sites you frequent?


I'm 24. His subscribers are pre-teens and teens. Me seeing death videos is completely different.
If you don't see the difference between someone finding /b/ and shitposting and accidentally being exposed to desensitizing shit and some famous youtuber posting a vid where they crack jokes about someone who killed themselves, you're an aspie

Alright okay damn, it's been a while scince i've been baited that hard. But this is just blatant at this point.


the fact you even need to point that out really tells us something about todays 14 year olds.

You're right. It is different. I acknowledge that what he did is wrong, but I don't think we have the right to shit on him as hard as some of us do.
Thanks for the (You), idiot. At least attempt to share a meaningful reply. Otherwise just leave a /r/downvote, you know?

Yes, but since he is who he is he probably isn't natty. Plus, he's balding so maybe he just went for it.

Saying nigger on a game in the heat of the moment is not comparable to filming and laughing at a dead body and then uploading it hours later. That is pretty much sociopath behavior.

(you) are the faggot in this argument


What was his joke? can't seem to find anywhere

I seriously doubt the dead guy cares

Annoying her apologised though, you should never apologise to sjws

Teenagers and preteens literally do not care about bodies, theyd see them all the time in the pre-civilisation days and when theyre kids a lot of them go looking for them out of curiosity

It's literally just dumbfuck adults who treat them like theyre made of glass

yeah, with every 9-12 year old girl

Logan Paul mode is literally pedo mode. Brb, calling the FBI

>You haven't?
>Japanese guy: One of my friends from Junior high, he killed himself here.

I just watched the video. How can anyone tolerate this dumb, stupid, sheltered cunt?







Where can i find original video where shit wasn't censored.

>heh, we're on the edgiest place on the internet kiddo... im definitely not from reddit

And that excuses his actions? Was this some elaborate ruse to desensitize the masses to make them superior humans?
No, he was fishing for controversy and got booty blasted by mad parents. Everyone in the equation is stupid, full stop.

You know what you were doing, keep this e-celeb shit on /v/ let Veeky Forums stay pure

just lift for 6 months. he's not even aesthetic


>being so retarded you don't realize he did this on purpose to get publicity

>he thinks those baby gains are aesthetic
get off of Veeky Forums

I'm aware of why he did it. I was mainly making fun of user for trying to defend it that way.

He's also losing whatever shitty sponsors he still has, there's a bunch of boycotts for his merch and, if you didn't know, adsense doesn't make shit for money anymore. So I'm not sure this bit of controversy was "smart."

is this dude balding, what the fuck is that hair

desu its pretty bad ass. used to dislike him, but kinda like him now.
>If I were in his position I dont think I wouldve had the balls to post that. Dude is clearly alpha af and does not give a single fuck about anyone's opinion.

This is the type of person that brags about spending his teen or even adult years on Veeky Forums

>deleted the video
>publicly apologized
>begging for sponsors and viewers
The guy let Ethan and Idubbz troll him out of millions of viewers. He went on a podcast and apologized in some autistic meme talk for 2 hours. Not very alpha.

you guys are so jealous its pathetic desu

>lmao you fucking idiot dead people are funny


Pic related is Veeky Forums before edgy kids heard about it.

yo i'm dieing, this shit just gets more and more warped as the time goes on.
i love these brainlet wojaks

Bump wanna see this too


im more mad at youtube showing no sign of wanting to delete his video but would censor videos about hate speech in a heart beat.


you're thinking of his brother, who capitalized on

>just lift for 6 months while roiding. he's not even aesthetic


What's up with people killing themselves in that forest? Seems like hanging yourself would fucking suck. Like if you fuck up and your neck doesn't break so you just hang there kicking around. Or what if it's not tight enough so you just hang there barely able to breathe but it's not enough to kill you it just sucks. Fuck that man.

There's a difference between being edgy yourself on a sekrit xd forum and showing a dead body to a bunch of 10 year old kids.

Best part?
There's a 100% chance that he went out of his fucking way to FIND that dead body.
When he found it he set up the little show so that he'd ACCIDENTALLY stumble upon it.
Dude is a faggot.
I honestly don't know why soccer moms and the Jap government hasn't publically raped his ass and gotten on Youtube's shit about it.

I guess if it's not about making fat bitches and gay bitches feel bad about themselves then it's not worth talking about.


Idk man, I got a guy that goes to my gym who's I could swear is Logan Paul's long lost brother or some shit (his own garbage Youtube channel that he won't shut up about and all) and he goes hard as fuck with his lifting. He probably still roids but don't underestimate the work ethic of someone with too much time, too much energy, and a crippling need for attention and validation when it comes to the gym.

woah we are so cool and tough


japs btfo

>Hating on a Chad for enjoying a sicknasty haunted wood and even managing to catch the specialty of the locale.

How base.

I'm honestly sick to death of hearing about this stupid forest. I live in Japan and all I ever hear from people is

>lol panty vending machines
>did yuu go to suicide forest?!?

Like dude.

Yeah, it's even further advocated by those who view Logan as ""Derr morally wrong"".
>Doesn't he understand that entering that sacred, symbolic, deep and religious super important forest is basically sacrilege and bad and stuff!?!?!?
Thus mystifying the whole thing even more for no real reason.

It'd be like him making a video of panty vending machines and then getting hundreds of responds along the lines on:
>Panty machines are an important part of the Japanese culture; you shouldn't demean them like that!!!

logan = eggman ?

>hate speech
It deletes patriotic finnish songs and songs with ww2 footage

Okinawa here so I get the same questions, except then I have to explain that Oki isn't REAL japan. It's like Japan lite.


his hairline says 'no'

People aren't mad he went there dick face. People are mad he monetized a video showing a dead body without consent of the family and joking about it.