
Mine just happened so I'll make it short and sweet
>walking down the hall at home (college Christmas break)
>mom says "your haircut looks good" because I just got one today
>she does a quick double-take
>"user, you look big!"
>pic related was mfw
>feels good
>be 5'11" 150 lbs getting back into lifting for the past few weeks so I have muscle memory + newb gains
>thanks mom and dad for my broad shoulders

Tfw I look in the mirror and I'm mirin' myself... and I'm not even big yet

We're all going to make it.

>finish up doing cable rows
>take up cable right next to it
>some qt girls go to do cable rows
>"WOW its so heavy!"


>I haven't really seen you with girls a lot user, why?
>I mean, you're a really desirable guy

She's a friend whos been living with me for a week or so. Too bad she's got a skinnyfat bf

>>I haven't really seen you with girls a lot user, why?
sounds more like soul-crushing bants rather than a mire

>leaving the gym
>girl somehow accidentally slaps my ass (i forgot how it happened)
>she apologizes and i'm like no worries
>as i'm walking out i can feel her eyes on me
She must have been miring hard.

>in da club for nye
>meandering around with my bros
>walk past a group of qts
>one of them stops me and grabs my arm
>looks directly into my eyes and says “you’re gorgeous”
>autism kicks and forget to say anything in response
>pull her in and kiss her anyway

Half an hour later

>on the dance floor
>get ass grabbed by two girls
>one asks if I’m a rugby player
>the other says I’m hot

Later still

>meet my old highschool crush that I hadn’t seen since I was 16
>have doubled in size both height and weight-wise since last seeing her
>she literally double takes and then asks if it’s really me
>we joke and go and dance
>make out and then go back to hers and fuck
>feel that feeling that makes you remember why you started lifting

All in all a good start to 2018 lads!

Holy shit is this what making it is like?

In fairness, this was in a small town nightclub. If I was out at uni I’d have far less success.

Very inspirational!

>be me
>mechanical engineer living in the midwest working for a firm hq'd on the east coast
>flown out for a company event, like the office episode where all the firms are competing in games and stuff
>lots of qt's around my age and older from the other offices are mirin and interested in this "country boy" with my "country accent"
>up-sell it and talk like my dad a bit to get the giggles and distance my upbringing from theirs keeping their interest
>office sizes aren't comparable at all in manpower so we're split into teams by selected team leaders
>my team has a very nice ratio of girls to guys, 3 girls for each 2 guys pretty much, like 15-20 people
>all the other guys on my team are these east coast soyboy sanctimonious type always apologizing to the women there for oppressing them
>easy time consolidating interest making up shit about working on a farm, saying no when asked if i lift weights, the girls are loving this
>through the day play these bullshit games like sack races and corn hole, one of the games is tug-o-war towards the end
>other team is more dudes than us but i'll make up for it
>lasted a minute but started to win
>forearms and back were lookin juicy through the cheap shirt company bought
>could hear people watching and cheering saying "look at user's forearms!"
>fueled me even further, kept feet planted and started pulling rope with excellent rowing form, engaging my core and lats and making easy progress now
>get them past the line and dropped the rope
>was still in town for the following weekend so went to a few bars with some of the girls from the company
>was kind of annoying having to keep my story in line about back home but the pussy was worth it/10

fucked a girl that friday and saturday it felt good

If you're making this up then you owe me 99 pushups. Otherwise, proud of you user.

>Pull out thick, long erect member
>Girls' eyes nearly buldge out of her head
>Mires errytime with erry girl

The one muscle that you can't increase in size without breaking. All your lifting won't give you the satisfaction of seeing that look on a girl's face.

fake and gay

Great story user. I’ve always found that picking up girls in a new place is exciting and more fun because you can use your upbringing and accent to your advantage. Seems to give you an instant upper hand if you’re just a little different to the other guys.

Promise it isn’t fake, I was surprised myself with how everything went down on the night aha

yea for sure it's an upperhand, i've gone over to europe 3 or so times and it's unreal how easy it is to bang the hottest girl in the room even when you can barely break the language barrier, i would always say the same stupid shit like "in my country we would call you quite beautiful" or something and they go nuts for my dingaling

>used to work at costco during school
>not bad job, good pay, nice regular customers ask me about my family and stuff
>collecting carts and stuff in parking lot in tshirt because hot as fuck summer
>see old lady with big cart full of cases of bottled water and stuff
>didn't realize she was with her daughter until i got up and she came back from the passenger seat
>ask if i can help load her car for her
"isn't that kind of you user, (we wear the nametags) that'd be great"
>pulling out cases of water with straight back letting biceps and forearms flex from work
i swear the daughter's eyes about popped from her head when my brachioradialis popped out
>nice old lady wants to tip me but i say no we can't accept tips it's against policy
>she insists and shoves it into the chest pocket of the orange vest thing they make us wear outside
>lingers her hand on my chest and says something about being strapping or some other 1940's talk towards her daughter about needing more men like me
>felt fucking great

just being compared to a model of what men need to be fueled many pr's from there for weeks


Europoor detected. Enjoy your mutt mires

>Be 19 year old in-between jobs
>Helping out my mom with her work at this art fair+ other business(Basically lifting stuff around for her)
>Stop by some pompous club in the city to visit Godmother
>She's giving a tour of this club, showing the art and talking about the history
>Its mostly old people but theres short cute blonde with her mother, looks like she's 19-21.
I thought she was attractive and all but didn't think anything of it
>We're on the tour and I looked out of the corner of my eye
>I realize that this chick was not looking at the paintings, she's looking at me
>She keeps rotating her head back towards me, stares for a few seconds and then turns back.
>I turn my head and look down at her as she's doing this
>She blushes and turns away, but after a minute or so continues what she was doing.
>Keeps doing this throughout the tour, never exchanged a single word with this girl.
Feels like a huge missed opportunity but we weren't staying long so nothing would have come of it. Still felt great though.

Post pics pls

t.le 56% face

>Tfw go to a huge university and haven't got a solid mire in 3 months

>Keeps doing this throughout the tour, never exchanged a single word with this girl.
You didn't have to fuck her, but I would've at least talked with her.

I know user but I'm an autist who almost never talks to women, and when I get attention from them I just sputter out something like "Y-you too" while trying to figure out how to get out of the situation.

>HS senior (inb4 underage, 18) play first season of rugby league
>been at the gym for around a year and a half beforehand, about as meaty as most of the div 1 players
>coach comments on my performance both defensively and offensively
>team mate comments "course they couldn't get past him, cunts got the biggest shoulders in the world"

>coach asks if I'd fit a medium jersey
>other team mate "try a XL m8, no way you're fitting a medium over those lats"
>tfw mired by chads

>people look at me like i m some sort of fucktard

>not putting highest weight on the cables after you are finished for extra mires
not gonna make it

Country accent? I live in the Midwest too and I've never heard it called that. Personally, I would consider the southern accent to be country, but really nice gains story anyways.

I’m not big at all, so I don’t know why I got mistaken for a rugby player (I’m actually a swimmer), but here you go user

6ft/75kg (was about 72ish when this was taken)

she was laughing at you

Bro mires are honestly the best mires, on New years I got complemented by a big bloatmax powerlifter on my lifts. Felt good knowing I was going somewhere.


yea people on the east coast can be super retarded, they act like there's no metropolitan area between new york and los angeles.

lmao my dad grew up on a farm but i had soft baby hands until i was 16 and started working

>doubled in size in height and weight

Yeah I'd give you double takes if you were ~12 feet tall too

looking good pham nohomo

Hahah, not at all user, honestly

it meant all the more to me that it was coming from bros t b h. Felt genuine.

>first time in the gym
>go to the supermarket
>old hag asks me "can you please reach these oats for me"
>of course i'm happy to oblige
>ladies already mirin

damn I didn't know it was gonna be this easy

Kek, nice bro

Did you rawdog her?

Pretty good. Keep on lifting

I saw this one a few days ago already

it was me yes, haven't had a mire in between so i'm using it to bump this

they saw me...

Boo! How's life in England, europoor?

when you know you are been mired in the gym by a thot, do you try'n talk? had one recently that looking at me all the time and she didn't realize i knew because i was spying her mires via 4 mirrors. she even came to the bench next to mine when there were other further away available.

Country accent. U filthy red neck

Stop I've already read that one

your mom sucked my red neck

Dumb fucking mutt. Nearly all "acid" attacks are with concentrated bases.

Say hi or ask her something nonchalantly if you see her often at the gym and take it from there.

some guy said "yeah i could take the guy in the hoodie" to his friends tonight.

And... you heard that because you were sucking the hoodie guy off?


About 52% better than life in America

whiter than you muhammed

ah, you get a pass then user. Let me post mine from over Christmas holidays

>be me, 181cm, 84kg
>on christmas trip with my DYEL Asian cousins
>cold day, rainy so we decide to stay on the grounds and not go out
>discover hotel gym, no barbells of course so I do overhead squats with dumbbells, working on mobility and balance
>one of my cousins jumps on the chest press machine and starts repping out sets with something like 30lb, absolute babbyweight

>the next day, hear from my aunt that my cousin woke her up in the middle of the night to complain about chest pain
>turns out he's just sore from his """workout""", and doesn't want to go out the next day either.
>only see him when we go out for christmas eve dinner that night. Asian grandpa heard his grandson was "sick" and so asks what's wrong with deep concern in his voice
>Aunt cuts in and says he hurt his chest lifting weights
>grandpa begins deep hearty laugh
>"You? Lift weight? Why you lift weight??"
>points at me, "Only user should lift weight. He is big, so strong! You are so skinny, very weak! Will only hurt yourself, hopeless!"

later that night grandpa wandered over to roast him some more (and mire)
>points at his extended pinky "Your arm like this"
>points at his own bicep "user arm like this!"
>walks away chuckling, while mumbling "lift weight..." to himself and shaking his head

no i was the guy in the hoddie. felt good cuz i had only been lifting for 2 months too

kek if true

Based Asians, Kek.

How fucking based.


She's mirin' my gains but how do I respond to this?

Easy af, why didn't you ask her to take you on a date first? She would either laugh if she wasn't interested or actually proceed towards the date if she was

none of us really know how to deal with that shit, but check the message before you send it. Real easy to go full retard and fuck this up (speaking from experience)

>Easy af, why didn't you ask her to take you on a date first?
Because I have autism, user.

Old gook bants are legendary status


Whats the point

>get mires ever since gains started to really hit
>even noob gains were flattering as shit
>mfw always scare them off or lose them when they actually talk to me and realize what a complete autist I am

You fucking copy pasted your own story?

You’re a fucking cunt.

>mechanical engineer

wow what a shocker. another 150k a year engineer stud on fit

Oh, I know. Pic related. I tried to be funny with a meme but she never responded.


>doesn't pretype his greentext

how fresh off the boat are you, you newfag

kek, now I want an asian grandpa that roasts my dyel cousins

Grizzly plz go

next life don't major in basket weaving faggot.

its just crazy how on 4chans fitness board so many guys here are ripped wealthy genius engineers fucking everyone

This is fucking gold. Where you/your family from, Asian Chad?

>implying you have to be a genius to get through engineering school

it's called studying you fucking mongoloid you just have to drink one less night per week than the business majors

If you faggots dont have anything new to add just dont fucking post

>someone who is DYEL attempts to start working out in a gym
>gets insulted, mocked, and literally told to not lift weights because he is weak so dont bother
>you guys all think its hilarious, based, awesome grandpa

>then at the same time tell people "if you dont work out you're a faggot" and "dude everyone starts somewhere" and "dude no one is paying attention to you at the gym dont worry"

hmmm really makes you think

>Haven't seen my cousin in about 5 months
>I open my door
>First thing he says is "Damn, you've gotten bigger"

Idk I think something about the format and talking style is attractive to engineers.

t. engineer with other engineer friends who love Veeky Forums


cheers senpai

nobody here told the pussy to quit lifting, and it wasn't us that made fun of him for going to the gym

Lol ur grampa is a dick

Its called tough love, if he gives up any ambitions of being fit over a little banter then he is a weak man.

look at this moron, look at him and laugh

[spoiler]and a half-white hapa, don't tell the others[/spoiler]
was just banter, we're a loving family but we bust that cousin's balls cause he's an actual manchild at 23yo while the whole generation before him were aristocrats who lost everything in the war and fought tooth and nail to make it back to the top of society in a foreign land, very inspiring desu

Hello neighbor

What do you think of notorious HAPA's like Rodgers? Do you think his shooting gave you guys a bad wrap?

Iktf braj

not him, but people actually don’t care about the supreme gentleman
they still think I’m fucked in the head lol


How long have you been lifting for? For motivational purposes

A lot of the best athletes I trained with growing up were hapa like me so I think that helped. Furthermore I have an AMWF cousin who is a true chad, same age as me and has banged 5x as many girls easily.
I also grew up speaking the mother tongue of my European ancestry, eating their food, and visiting Europe every year so I had a cultural anchor to be proud of.
I want everybody on Veeky Forums to TEACH YOUR FUTURE CHILDREN THEIR MOTHER TONGUE, it's so good for young brains and in America at least will make them feel special because they have a cultural legacy, something many Americans do not share

Reputation wise? Haven't had much trouble for it at all, only /pol/ really cares (lots of normies are clueless to him even being hapa, I've met people who don't even know who rodgers is) and lots of girls I've met actually see it as exotic and cool. That is because I'm charismatic though, don't even think I'm very good looking tbhfam

I will fully admit that about 90% of other Asian-mom-white-Dad kids I know are weird (grow up with mommy issues maybe?) but I can't really figure out why. I know they have trouble latching onto an ethnocultural teat but so do ALL Americans when they're so mixed they need to describe their ancestry with tiny fractions. It makes them culturally shallow and materialistic for sure, but it's not like they are all gawky outcasts like the hapas I know.

times? they don't do college sports in europe afaik so do you still compete?

advice for a fellow hapa?