Roidfus can't get preg-

>roidfus can't get preg-

This is a shit tier fetish and you should be ashamed

>roiding for this



Holy shit
I have a preg fetish and muscle fetish.
I've never seen it together. For the love of pete post more.

>roiding for this

Is piano man beig reincarnated?

How jacked is that baby going to be??


I wonder what's worse for babby,
an obese mother with a jacked up endocrine system from diet and lifestyle or a muscle chick host with anavar and whatever else pumping through her placenta

>roiding for this

Your sons won't be low test at least.

what if it's a female son?
also idk what that shit would do to a fetus it might not really translate to higher test levels in life

I just want to fuck that pregnant belly in the missionary position.

Is this the wife of Big Lenny?

>roiding for this

>roiding for this

>muscle fetish

So how should a girl look if you are fit or muscular? Do you want a normal girl that doesnt lift? Of cause, OPs posted girl is too much but wouldn't it be great going to the gym with your gf?

>causing hormone imbalances in your unborn child
If it's not that specific hormone imbalance that causes your son to have two dicks then why even risk it?

>roiding for this

>OPs posted girl is too much
She still looks feminine.

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Noone ever said they can't, and wouldnt taking test when pregnant give a higher chance the baby is a boy?

Why would Veeky Forums lie to me? What else isn't true?!

>roiding for this

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>>roiding for this

>roiding for this

>What are chromosomes

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>roiding for this

If she would inject test in the early development, there would be bigger chance of male baby, right? haha shit imagine a high test baby boy popping out, rocking a stubble, flexing a pec

Nah, it's Lenny himself, post sexchange

>roiding for this

>roiding for this

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>roiding for this

Nigga what? The baby' sex is determined at conception. The egg is always an X, the sperm can be X or Y. XX is a girl, XY is a boy.
You can maybe change the chance if you can effect sperm production, if (hypothetically) injecting test in the week before procreational sex would create more spermazoids with an Y chromosome, then it would influence the chance. Not doing whatever you propose, retard.

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>roiding for this

>roiding for this