

rate, give advise

also, cut or bulk? diel?

Do you lift or do body weight



Bench: 100kg 5x5
Ohp: 60kg 5x5
Squat: 90 5x5
Dont deadlift
Pull ups 5x5 15kg

>Dont deadlift
it shows you dyel faggot.
eat more and increase volume. you look like youve only been lifting for 30 days or less

could you recommend me a routine for volume?

Loose boxer guy, I am waiting.

If you're lifting for pussy this physique makes 99% girls wet as it is. Good work sport.

Weak squat u have back problem or what

You look very bad currently, like me when i started just a bit worse. You need to start training hard and put everything you got into it, focus on your training (5 timrs a week), strict diet (no cheating,no sugars,no extra carbs), do your morning cardio (at least 3 times a week). Its a lifestyle, you need to make sacrifices, like going out having fun or being lazy-thats how i made it,as a natty. If i could do it so can you so go get big and shredded, there. You're welcome for the motivation

my legs are broken bro :(, i hope i can fix it this year,

I feel fat as fuck though, body dismorphia?

roast me

5'7 155 bulking. about to do my first deload next week.


T-thx, any recommandation for a routine?

>roast me
What's the point? Nothing to eat.


Post physique

trying to take a back picture lol. no pump, before bed picture.


Ppl program,do only 1 leg day. Dont get discouraged, it takes time to look good

Here you go

Not bad not bad

Post a picture then mate, like this guy said

nice stats bro, if you lean down a bit you will look amazing, my strength stats are similar

good fram
eat more eat everything

Nice bait faggot, next time change the file name

don't skip leg day and meals

I started doing 5x5 2 weeks ago at a calorie deficit and now all my clothes are too small. what the fuck Veeky Forums

Pro-tip, using a dryer shrinks your clothes

these are clothes I've been wearing for months no problem.

6 months lifting
170 cm, 64 kg
Ppl sucks, need a better routine
155 Bp
205 Sq
255 diddly
135 OHP

to be fair it's more like 3 months realistically

Wtf you look like shit


why does no one eat on this board? obtaining muscle is 80% nutrition for a reason.

trim your pits

not bad for 6 months

slow bulking is way better than flip flopping between fat and cut, he's making good progress and can put on a few lbs of muscle this year while maintaining this bf%


I'm not interested in bloatmaxxing though

even with 10 more lbs of muscle he's going to look like a dyel. his BP is 155 for fucks sake after 6 months and it shows.

too many people are worried about keeping their abs year round so they refuse to eat.

You don't even have to gain much more this is pretty much perfect in my opinion

I just remembered this board is mainly anime addicted teenagers, maybe 20-22 year olds thrown in. The 13 year old body is "in" these days.

Only one in here that looks like he's been lifting for more than a week

I've been eating as much as I can my dude, but my lifestyle doesn't allow me to explode in size at will. I've been focusing on volume to try and break my plateau so I can properly achieve Adonis mode and hopefully keep it that way. I'm not going back to a skeleton, but going full bloatlord or even decently big on Veeky Forums standards would look ridiculous at my height.
I know they're mediocre excuses but hey I'm trying

Starting to get some vascularity, i think that makes me look a little better than i actually am

Why would someone his height go above ottermode?

so he don't look like a twink


63 kg

On PPL atm bulking

Decent body; look like a college chad
Skelly legs/10
Cute twunk bf/10
Nice body. The gloves are kinda kinky
>n-no homo
Nice frame. Work on chest more
Lookin good m8
Nice and bulky. If you ever decide to cut you’ll look aesthetic as fucc
Work your shoulders more bruh

Are you being sarcastic or...?

I look better than you and probably better than what you'll ever look like. You asked for advice and i told you how you can make it, how to get big and cut. It all comes down to discipline and motivation, dont come at me if you're lacking any of them. Wtf are you smoking "you look like shit" , i look great for a natty and probably better than 99% of the population including you, so take notes or stay DYEL

sorry i havent been on Veeky Forums for some time, is this a new pasta?

Taken this morning. 205 lbs. Currently bulking. Any advice?

You are perfect

Bulking, finally starting to feel the mass. Strangely my body weight really hasn't gone up by more than a pound in a month or two. Ultimate goal this season is to gain enough chest mass so that when I cut, my pecs are separated down the middle clearly. Just starting to see upper pecs mass recently

Are you retarded or just pretending? I post here from time to time
>how i know you're a new fag

That's what is wrong with you kids, everything has to be a joke with you. No, this isn't a pasta. How can you call someone shit when you look worse and you're asking for advice in the first place? My hips might be a little wide but i still worked around it and even'd it out by getting upper body mass - your waist to shoulders ratio is pretty messed up aswell and you're skinnyfat.

wish I was this vascular

Nice athletic build, perfect for slaying women. Don't go overboard and turn into a muscle freak.

you know we aren't a girl you need to impress? Post a mirror picture from a straight on angle.

Easy to show your lowbody fat pack but how are your delts? Your traps? Your lats?

Too many people post pictures like this.
The lighting in my gym changing room is amazing and with a pump I look fucking incredible in it, I always snapchat girls from there, flexing and with a torso twist etc ofc.

But when I just stand arms by my side, unflexed straight on to the mirror then suddenly the reality is faced

protip don't shave when you cut cause your chest hair is gonna make your pec divide look deeper

>no homo

Yeah I know haha, it's what tricked me into thinking I had chest mass for a while

Be less like you and be more like me

seems like you've actually gotten some mass now though, which is good haha

also when you're tryna show off, take the advice from , especially in regards to lighting. The lighting in your pic is not great desu

Looking strong mate good work
GJ dude but concentrate more on arms/shoulders and less on chest
Not much to rate yet keep lifting
Eat more
Looking strong AF nice job

A side view lol

Thank you. Lookin good too. (I have really good chest genetics)

6,1 168lbs, planning on slow winter bulk.

Lookin good man
i like the front view better haha

Haha thanks mate, I just have most of my body fat on the belly so def not shredded


1.85m / 80 kg

Doing PHUL cutting to get ottermode for the summer.

I Don't know if I have enough mass to make it with out looking skelly.

you already look skelly as is m8


I know.... But if I keep bulking I will only get fatter I have tried .

then you're probably not lifting enough



>japad (jar a penut butter a day)
>gomad (gallon a milk a day)
># squar meals a day

Recovering Skelly here lifting for past 3 months

Was 5'7 110 lbs before and now I'm 135 lbs. Trying to bulk up to 145 before cutting a bit. Any tips?

Killer body; mirin hard

Change your hair tho

My career makes me keep my hair short

Killer back

I'm assuming military?

And what I meant is that from the front your receding hairline is kinda obvious... I'd go full crewcut/buzzcut if your headshape can afford it

I love you user
top kek

Thanks man,
Hair hasn't receded yet, but will in a few years so I'm holding back until then

you made it brother

Fking kek

Back pic, working out for 13 months, height 5'10 weight 161 lbs


2 scales i have say 164 and 170 so im saying that im 167 lol. this is the leanest ive been att his bodyweight, but i've never been super lean so thinking of cutting 7-8 lbs, and hopefully say byebye to my lovehandles

Hahahaha sorry I didn't explain it well. I think that I Don't have time for bulk and cut before this summer and I don't wanna look dyel AND fat.

You guys think I could make enough progress?

just bulk in lift no need to cut man
as long as your hitting the weight hard

Loose boxer guy just got competition, but I will always be loyal to him.

merlin core, routine for it or is it purely compounds?

I wanna see what's behind the skull so i can give judge that killer body fairly
>some homo
if you wanted to be in shape for this summer you should've started working harder last summer broseph

i usually end off lower body lift with either hanging leg raises for sets of 20-30, or L sit holds in a locked out dip position on a dip bar, 3 sets for max time. nothing lights my core up more though than heavy front squats beltless

I’m 3 months in boys, how am I doing?

Ok I will do it, 500kcal surplus a day and hope for the best.

Thanks for the honest advice.

gotta hit those legs

Yeah I know but the last year I move out to another country and my life was a mess.

>vein on hip is visible
>still no visible abs
What to do?