Powerlifting General -/PLG/

Raise your expectations.

>non crossdressing anime child edition

Other urls found in this thread:


>Your torso is not vertical when you dip
RELATIVELY vertical COMPARED TO dips that involve your chest
I bet you don't even pack your shoulders when you dip

Please don't post retarded Chinese men dressed as women.

This is a place for powerlifting.

bailey lifts me dicc which is probably heavier than your dl 1rm faggot

So how do i do my light squats today? 10x10 or what?
Hip flexor still possibly hurt, godda be careful, would totally suck if it starts hurting again and i need to wait another 6 weeks

Anyone got nudes ?

Your dick is 270 kg?


post your dl and I'll post dick sean

Do you lock your hips back under after each set in the squat or do you keep it more or less hinged for the next rep?

what the FUCK does GDE stand for

genetic dead end

no wonder I couldn't guess it lol I thought it was lifting related

geriatric diseased elderly

>what the FUCK does GDE stand for
It stands for "God damned excrement".

It's a term for pieces of shit that have no discipline.

To the 1.5 bodyweight dip user and the formula guy:
I bench with a medium grip. My dip is stronger, by weight, than my bench. When I could barely bench 130kg x 5 I could dip 100kg bw + 40kg x 8 for sets.

By your logic, that should never happen, because dips are inherently harder. Or was I trolled.

ffs it can't stand for all of these things

>tfw almost forgot to eat whole day again but ordered chinese
crisis averted

I'm gona go drink milk now, thanks for reminding

hope this helps user

This is powerlifting general, not "lifting therapy for mental illness general"

So I was doing -5 reps all along?

shes simultaneously the best and worst thing in my life lads

I actually powerlift tho, opposed to most noobs asking questions here.

no the reps are positive, but because force is a vector and youre pushing up. the direction of the reps are opposite to the force of gravity. sorry if you dont get it, you need a 300 iq

Youre only allowed to bitch about your tranny if your wilks is over 350.

So take your shit to

Can you make the picture but with triangles

maybe later. I have to study for a stats exam rn. if only I was as gifted at stats as I clearly am at mech :(

what? she has a vagina

Yes you truly could have been the Ronald Fisher of statistics

>fix squat form
>add quad accessory
>start gaining 5kg a session on my squat like im a novice again
wew for a couple of months i thought that i was a gde

The fix and assistance are relevant to my interests

Do you or do you not push your hips through after each rep lads?
And why do people brace glutes at the top?? You have to relax them it you want to go down?

>listening to / watching
Update me lads

you forgot about having sex. Very important part of making gains, without that you won't make much gains.

Okay, let's add
>sex life status?

i was squattinf on my heels and doing squat mornings. Fixed that with focusing on midfoot and added belt squats like some guy said here

im still squatting babbyweight did 140kg x3@9 for a top set a week ago and just did 150 for 3@9 today

How to hip drive during low bars? What's the best way to balance between too much quad emphasis (chest coming up early) and not enough quad emphasis (squat mornings)?

Someone redpill me on why you are supposed to touch the bench at or below the nipple line. Seems like it places too much emphasis on front delts and is mechanically sub optimal to the extent that people need leg drive to push the bar back into a mechanically good bar path. What gives?

just focus on keeping the weight on midfoot and go down in a straight line and back up in a straight line

overthinking things led me to worse form and stalling

s-shut up

>need gains to have sex
>need sex to get gains

>need gains to have sex
objectively wrong


red pill me on the floor press

>Go to gym at odd time because still off before going back to work
>bigguy4u comes in
>never seen him before, start chatting
>"oh I only come once a week"
>Go back to my memeburn squats
>proceed to see him load 140kg then 170, 200 and then finally he did 250kgx2 solid TnG reps (ass on bench no bounce)
>ask him if he competes
>Nah I only do this for fun
How do I get this 120kg 250 double raw bincher to compete I know he will need to be in untested but still such a waste of a talent tbqh.

did garagebro forget his trip?

Hill sprints. 20 x 10 seconds on, 50 seconds off.

Squats 6x2 at 405. 2x5 at 325.
Snatch Grip Deadlift 3x5 at 315
Ab rollouts.

Croc pot buffalo chicken.

Eagles of Death Metal

>WAWFT (who are we fucking today)
Might go through the trouble of tossing some dick to a qt if she's available tonight.

>waste of a talent
Powerlifting is a hard sell. It's boring. Maybe pay his entry and take him to a meet.

>need good face to have sex*
ok I fixed it, hehe not happening then


SQ 8x2 165kg
BP 8x2 120kg
JM Press 3x20 (first time doing it really nice tricep workout, only did with the bar)
GM 5x5 50kg
Explosive shrugs 4x20 100kg
Preacher curls 4x15 40kg
8 eggs with a pack of bacon, I got some farm eggs and fresh bacon from farmer friend over xmas
I'm autisitc like oly lifters I don't listen to anything during lifting

make him aware of how good he actually is. maybe he is just lacking reference

Why do you hate him

Holy fuck 8 reps of paused squats is like the gayest shit ever, I'm completely out of breath and have a headache now.
I need to do cardio

lel i doubt even garagbros superhuman gym has a 250kgx2 raw bincher.
good idea might do that if there is any open bench only even
I doubt he wouldn't know tbqh but I still told him that he benches heavier than my diddly

Why would you want to introduce someone you don't hate to powerfatting, the autismal egolifting that no-one cares about: the """sport"""?

all these nyr's make me so mad.
you guys are alright, don't go to the gym tomorrow.

Tomorrow is my rest day.
Today the gym is full of numales.
The qt receptionists that let me come and go whenever I wanted were replaced by two hags that bitch when I leave 30 minutes late.
My lifts took a blow due to eating too little and drinking too much during the New Year.
Such cases.

What do you mean 30 minutes late? You can't just leave 30 minutes after the gym closes and expect the employees to like it, what the fuck?


>ynw be like Molly

>The qt receptionists that let me come and go whenever I wanted were replaced by two hags that bitch when I leave 30 minutes late.
tbqh can't blame them they should be able to kick your ass out.

My pass is for a certain time of the day (morning in fact).

Not garagebro but floor presses are great. No leg drive and no arch, just pressing strength. Think i get more transfer out of them than others because i have dinky arms and the bar is only about 1cm away from my chest at the bottom.

Why is Incline bench a good accessory?

it is?

It trains your chest from upside down, while regular bench trains it from downside up.


If you're doing ohp and regular bench, you're training everything that incline would train anyway. I guess some might argue it has more carryover to bench cause you do it lying down, but that's debatable.

>ynw like Molly
What a bitch

Do it and see

Na best i have is 230x1 and i think the 320 eq bencher could probs do 220 raw

Saw a guy doing 5s with 180 earlier

Do your part and vote for a powerlifter as world games athlete of the year!


in for first pb in 13 months on diddys

to be fair the guy was an anomaly, the whole gym is weird all the strong young guys are doing oly lifts (since it's orignally an oly club) and all the older guys doing pling they're strong for 50+ year olds (most squat in 200+ and deadlift in high 200) but nothing impressive like my last strongman gym, so this was a surprise to see this guy waltz in and do 250 for double and then he did he went down to 190 did that 8 and did 160 for set of 15 and he wanted another 15 but he only got 8.

Also what is it with roidaroos and dumbbells the guy spent 99% of his workout with dumbbell (I was still mirin his seated 120kg each hand

black mirror season 4 was dogshit lads


>Also what is it with roidaroos and dumbbells
better for hypertrophy than barbell work.

it isnt

120kg db press in each hand?
sounds like abolute bs desu, theres like a couple strongmen who have the strength for that

I meant to say >ywn as in >you will never be like Molly

eddie hall does 100kg dumbell for a high incline press

Oh my I just finished excreting a NASTY fucking Norman khan into the toilet

it was a LOT

it was borderline Norman KHANARREAH

food didn't agree with me today KEK

What is this new memeburn shit? Is there someone else besides me who took the Hepburn pill?

>tfw drank a bottle of kefir during each of last four seasons
>finished that off with 4 pints of milk when I got home

lol Eddie Hall repped 100kg in each hand easy peasy ages ago.

ye and thats eddie hall
meanwhile this guy claims some random guy is benching with 120s in each hand and casually does a 250 double
although i guess its possible that he just met SSB (rip)

Training - volume everything, 5x5 on all the main lifts; Squats and Bench tomorrow. Doing hanging leg raises, back extensions, pull-downs and some curls for assistance work.

Eating - beef stir fry with a delish fish-chill-yogurt sauce thing and tons of veg.

Listening - meme grips right now, Bottomless Pit is pretty good. Been watching that old Joss W series, Angel - it's campy as fuck, but pretty fun.

Sex - might get some qt twink butt, no homo

what is /plg/'s consensus on gearless training?

Anyone here had stretch marks on the biceps or near the arm pit area? What did you do about them? How the fuck do I make them turn white?

been doing it for 3 months now and just started week 1 of month 4.
tbqh i wasn't in the same room but wouldn't not believe the guy he's pretty fucking strong and he didn't seem the type irl-stat his shit but maybe I misunderstood him and he was referring to 120 in both hands.

gonna start my own private gym, lads. found a basement with plenty of space for all possible lifting needs. according to the landlord throwing shit and burgenhagenesque screams are a go too. just praying to god the rent won't be too high. so excited.

can i train there

Belts and knee-sleeves are good, you should use them. They keep you safe(er).

yes and didnt do anything but there white now

guess time is key

How long?

yeah didnt do shit, they will whiten with time. Same as stretch marks on my ass, quads, thighs.

in CWS new podcast he has a guy on who says that the belt actually makes the obliques weaker if you wear it all the time

if you're german or don't mind traveling a few thousand miles, by all means. come lift with me brah

im dutch

wo in Deutschland brudi

Yeah I guess they pale but I am worried I'll be covered in them entirely if I keep gaining muscle and getting bigger. It's fucking making me paranoid at this point.

Sounds like he was trolling you

well, that's in driving distance. i'm about 70 km from the border.