Is bulking a good idea?
Im a 5'9 manlet, 150lbs
Is bulking a good idea?
post pics. 5'9 150 could be all fat, all muscle, etc. we can't give you advice if we don't know what your body looks like
try growing a bunch of inches in height OP that will help more than anything else
I dont post pics of myself on Veeky Forums, you can use my lifts as a guideline though
ohp 90lbs
bench 180lbs
squat 240lbs
pls no bully
Is gaining excess fat a good idea? Gee I don't know.
Is gaining muscle a good idea?
Lean bulking is by and large a bad meme.
are you a guy(female) ?
Yeah keep telling yourself that. Try to eat clean at around 2700 cal a day and see how much of a meme it is.
Just crop your face. Literally no one will ever identify you from a headless torso
Genetic male
>Genetic male
are you 12 or asian ?
shut up manlet in denial
where you at senpai
Is 5'9 short?
I mean, I almost never se any woman taller than me
wtf 7,10 is 2 meters and 39 cm who the fuck is that tall?
lol look at this manlet
where the fuck do you live lmao
>Not being at least 8' tall
what, are you from north korea or some shit
Your ohp seems too low for that bench