How long did ur Noob gains last for?

How long did ur Noob gains last for?

Other urls found in this thread:

>can do a backflip
>can only somersault-clean 1 pl8

His backflip looks so powerful it almost seems like he can do a double

that's not his max. look up clarence0 on youtube

Im one year in and Im still getting consistent gains
It will probably stop soon...

That's cheating, Omar can't do magic.

I love clarenceeeeeeeeeeeeee

Clarence is my wheyfu

They never ended you faggot. I the hulk.
Too bad you never will.

He;s vegan so no whey

omar is shit tier

Long time ago I hit a rock-hard plateau for .5/1/1.5/2.5
That was when I was 17, 130lbs 6' and ate 1700 or less calories per day
Now I'm stuck at .99/1.25/3/4 and literally cannot budge even a microplate past those weights in a set, I'm thinking of a simple stack to get things moving and progress past my limited humanity

6 months or so.


Tricep volume
Upper hypertrophy

Theres videos of him just about doing doubles, that was on matts into a foam put but is still impressive. Basically hes an explosive cunt that can squat 300kg

name a reason
>inb4 hur dur he said something too sjw for my liking one time.

how do you be explosive like clarence? is it trainable or is it just a gift?

This being my first bulk I feel like I should be seeing them but no. Only lift still progressing is deadlift which is now at 95kg 3x5. Bench increased by only like 5kg before stalling again. I'm now at 65kg from 57. fml.

omg.. clarence looks like a goddamn middle aged man now

i didn't even realize it was him until like 10 seconds in
jesus christ he really did get on the roids

what do canadians call this lift?

define noob gains, it took me a year to squat 4 plates but i still consider myself an intermediate because i cant progress daily. you dont hit a wall bu i would say the gains slow down after 12-18 months

it also depends on how long your'e bulking because im a 110kg 23%BF ss victim

Eat more and do volume

one week down and im up from 2.5pl8 to 3pl8 5x2
how long till i defeat harry potter?

are they mongolian? they have mongoloid faces

>a year to squat 4 plates
>a year
>4 plates
>that feel when 5 months in and not even 2pl8

started at 40kg ohp - 60kg bench - 80kg squat - 100kg dead within 2-3 months my beginner gains have stopped linear progress is over and i am struggling, bought a sbd belt, sleeves wrist straps and at exactly 3 months tomorrow of being in the gym i am at 60kg ohp, 80kg bench, 120kg squat, and 150kg deadlift -why is it so hard to progress with just beginner numbers its been a week since anything has moved

5months lower body (+5lb/session)
7 months upper body (+1lb/session

>being memed this hard

Olympic lifting

try harder
no reason for you to be stuck here

>clarence wears autism shoes
W-w-w-w-what did he mean by this? Is he really autistic like people say?

>feeding the troll

Literally just eat more. You fell for the lean gains meme. Bulk and cut is the true path.

me too bud

eat more, dont think it has much to do with leverages because i have long legs and my back is usually 45 degrees to the ground

>Basically hes an explosive cunt that can squat 300kg
Wait. Is being explosive bad for squatting?

6 months in, no end in sight.

Have been cutting the entire time, and still gained a SIGNIFICANT amount of muscle.

>TFW no Mongolian-tier gains

>1.25pl8 bench
>thinking of a "simple stack"

Never gonna make it. I alos bet your diddly and squat look like shit


>could squat 300kg
He is a lot weaker now off cycle

He was older than me in high school and used to push me into the lockers

No. It's great for it. Explosivity is almost entirely driven by genetics though.

All genetics. There's a reason scouts in every sport refer to vertical jump numbers as a marker for athleticism. Aside from losing weight for the obese there's nothing you can really do to train it.

was able to run starting strength for 4 months. Ended with a 285x5 squat.

too much timbits

the new king



To get swole so you can tear communists in half? That's why I'm here

First thing that came to my mind. He just doesn't stop going up

Wats ur bench

I get swole to BE communist.

This guy was anti communist tho

he just squatted 302 on his patreon