Wisdom Teeth Removal

Getting my wisdom teeth removed next week. Any Veeky Forumsizens go through this?

I got the top two pulled by my dentist and the bottom will be pulled out by an oral surgeon, they're going to put me under.

My jaw is weird and I can't really move it to the left, and it's also clicking. Shit's got me really bummed out. Anyone have these symptoms?

FUCK this reminded me of the time i had to get mine pulled in high school. my dentist was fucking thick and the day before i jerked off to her fb pics. i think i told her after they woke me up. i've never been to the dentist since she's the only that's not 2hrs driving distance



Had a tooth extracted twice now. First time was okay, the second time was last week. The dentist didn't warn me about the tooth shards and splinters that slowly come to the surface and you have to pull out manually with a tweezer (or go to the dentist for round 2 but who the fuck got money for that).

But all in all the pain is bearable, even with wisdom teeth. Just watch out for infections and bad breath. Also letting your teeth get pulled will alter your jawbonestructure for life.

what kind of a third world country do you live in? I had all 4 out at once and never had splinters or fragments. Idk about the jawbone thing but I think the negative impact of having pain 24/7 when they aren’t removed is much worse than any supposed jaw structure changes

2/10 I replied

I got my bottom ones out because they were making my teeth crooked. My mouth was numb for a few hours and I wore an ice pack around my head for a couple weeks. Didn't experience any clicking though, just had to take painkillers.

not the guy you're replying to, but did you have weirdness in your jaw before getting them out?

how long til you could eat normally?

Fucking resting her breasts on my shoulder and her belly ‘accidentally’ touching my thighs while whispering in my ear.

Prepare yourself.
> Buy a blender
> Eat more fish
> Mashed potatoez
> Juice

Shit is gonna suck. Follow their advice and do the salt water rinse/spray. Don't gargle with the stuff meant to kill gangrene.

I've got an appointment at 7:15 in the morning 7 hours from now AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

I've never gone under before and I have to get 4 removed general anesthesia

>How long til you could eat normally?

I had to eat soft foods after the numbness went away, and I had to be careful when I chewed because it hurt and I didn't want to touch my stitches. The pain went away completely after about 3 weeks, can't have popcorn or anything that can get stuck in your wounds until then. I got a couple bottles of painkillers that helped.

They'll probably also give you a syringe to fill with water so you can spray food out of your gums and let them heal.

> My sister got 3 removed with only local anesthesia.
> I've endured the pain for about 6 months to remove a single one.

I can't believe I'm a bigger faggot than my sister...

I had the army take out all 4 when I was in AIT

fucking lt screwed up and I had dry socket for a month

worst pain of my life. I probably would have gotten addicted to pain killers if I had refilled my pain prescription one more time.

government healthcare sucks, get a good surgeon

It's not always so black and white, if you're in pain it's probably because one of your teeth is growing horizontally into your other ones (srs) causing pain.

If it's just a vertical wisdom tooth that's easy to take out with some pliers and local anesthesia, but the doctor might need to do some real shit to extract a horizontal tooth that may not even be above the gums


Dont be a bitch. I ate pizza the 2nd day. Coward.

>falling for the wisdom teeth removal jew
why do you think they call them wisdom teeth?

I have more teeth than you nigga

>I jerked off to her fb pics
Fucking kek

>being such a jawlet that you don't have enough room for wisdom teeth

My grew in just fine

they took mine out "just in case"

my wisdom teeth grew in perfectly but i'm a dental hygienelet and didnt brush, got a massive cavity and had to have one of my molars pulled

got a big cavity forming in my top left wisdom tooth as well. wonder how long it'll be before i'm back in that office

Got all 4 removed at once after I graduated high school, was put under for it. I have read up about it and was expecting a few days of swelling, pain and eating soft foods.

Had absolutely no pain, didn't even take any anti inflammatory or painkillers. Youn might throw up after coming out of the anesthesia. Barely any swelling either. Just a bit of bleeding for the first day. Don't workout because the pressure on your body may rupture the stitches. If you have pain just use the painkiller prescription they give you

After the dissolvable stitches go away, youll need to use that plastic syringe they give you to flush out the food from the huge holes that will be left in the back of your both for the next couple of weeks. Use it after you eat and go to bed. You dont want food getting closed up in there. Also dont use a straw because the pressure change will fuck up the stitches and youll have to go back to the doc.

How long out of the gym? Have an infected tooth and gettin it pulled soon. Dunno what to do about braces either but we'll see, definitely this year but may be not ASAP.

I got all four out at the same time and went under for the procedure.

It's not all that bad, very little pain. The two days after the surgery kinda suck because you cant eat any real food and you constantly want to rinse your mouth out. Just be sure to always clean out the holes after every meal for like two weeks.

I was only out of the gym the day of the surgery because of the anesthesia.