Yeah Arod is a solid 6'3
The science is settled Veeky Forums
> Not insecure
> Literally sent photo's of his hands next to things for proportion on multiple occasions spanning several years because a nobody tech journalist said they were smaller than he was expecting
Hey look, another Trump thread.
why would a president need to be fit?
golfing is not physically demanding
>keep on living
well not for very long
That was banter. Are you autsistic?
Nobody is denying he's fat. You can be healthy without being fit and in shape. He's 71 with no major medical problem. That's what healthy means you retard.
Except he isn't, is he? He's part of the same group of lefties that made this post in the first place. That Big Bird meme is one of those "le 56%" memes that Correct The Record developed. They're obviously not white, but the insinuation is that all whites in the US are half breeds. They're raiding this board hard right now. I've seen a dozen Trump posts in the last 24 hours.
If you encourage these people you're part of the problem.
u wot
>golf is exercise
The fuck is this shit? He's driving his cart to the holes and balls. It's like 100 meters of actual walking and several dozen swings with the arms.