/fat/ Put some greens in that protein shake

Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/fucks who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication

>This is not Q,TDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

>Previous Thread

Week two of my proper cut, oddly I've gained 0.3 kg in a week. But I visibly lost fat.

Good to see some fat wojaks

Remember to keep track of your body fat as well as you're weight.

I started at 17% (did a smaller cut back in 2017 from 25% to 17%), I'm tracking my body fat percentage monthly and measure it with a caliper. I might sound like a lazy and ungrateful brat, but the wait is literally the worst part about cuts for me. You can still eat some sweets if you plan it smart but waiting 3-4 months for goal hurts my soul.

I know that feel man. It's not hard to do the right thing. It's about doing the right thing everyday until you get there. You know you'll get there but you just have to keep doing it everyday. The each day part is the hurdle.

Ugh i really need to get back into the gym.

>weigh 300lbs
>start working out and hit 200lbs
>end up moving and having to commute 120 miles roundtrip for work everyday
>working 10-12 hours a day
>no time to workout
>eat like crap
>gain back 30lbs over 4 years
>injure disc in back
>bed bound for 2 months and gain 20lbs
>5 years and 50lbs later move back to my hometown closer to work
>look and feel like a slob
>bad feels

Im working on fixing my diet now thaf im not commuting and have more time during the day.
Cut out soda and sugary drinks, attempting to cut out candy.
I barely touch any fast food now and barely drink any alcohol now.

Getting there hopefully.
Id love to get back into my size 36 Levis again

I make it a point to eat fruit every morning with breakfast and vegetables every evening with dinner. So far so good.

I'm guessing you're a homeowner with disposable income. build a home gym then. you have no fucking idea how much I wish I could do that. workouts would take 1 hour out of my day instead of 3.

I did that losertown thing and I can reach my goal weight by May!!

You got to do it everyday man. Stick with it and you'll get there.

15 pounds down so far, feels good

I wanna drink vodka until my stomach burns. Then i wanna eat mcdicks until I throw up.

I confess, ate over my planed calories but still under my tdee, I feel a bit shitty as I dont want to make it a habbit

I resisted pizza and chocolate chip cookies yesterday. I got to that point where I was laying on my bed in a stupor, with the battle in my mind going on between wanting to indulge in food and wanting to make progress towards my goal. Usually that's the point where I break down and give in. Usually as soon as the battle starts happening I know that a binge is inevitable.

But I brushed my teeth, did some light stretching and went to bed. I can beat my eating disorder and get that flat stomach. Binging is never inevitable. I have agency over my own actions.

I'm not /fat/ but yes, put greens in your protein shake.

Pomegranate, carrots, blueberries, kale, apple, banana, ginger, yogurt, cranberry juice and protein powder - the bomb

Is a 1000kcal deficit too much on the long term?

Lol nope, im living at my buddies atm until i can save up enough to get my own place again.
Dont even want a home gym desu, its easier to socialize and catch bitches mirin at the gym.

Yes brother excellent work! We do have agency over our actions. I have a problem where I binge in a stupor right before bed as well but I resisted last night hoping to go two nights strong tonight!

excellent work lads, you are going to make it

Cutting at -500 calories how long will it realistically take me to go from 20-25% bf to 15%? I just want to build muscle.

What's your goal after you lose all that weight /fat/? What's the next step (of your master plan)?

Fixing the physical first, that’s the easiest. Then the mental, and finally the ethereal. Once in full balance I will achieve enlightenment and be granted 1 anime GF.

Currently I'm about to start SS. I'm 207 lbs and want to get down to 170 by the time I reach 170 I hope I can move on from SS to something more intermediate so I can cut down even more.

>pay monthly membership for gym
>never go

I just want to be a strong, tight hottie. I feel like it's within my means genetics wise since my mom was ripped back in the day, but I've let beer, bread, and a desk job get in the way.

Not anymore, dammit. Lost 5 lbs and 4% body fat since last weigh in and plan on lifting today.

Trying to keep my eye on the prize and staying motivated is the toughest part.

Where's my confessional?
Alzo, is SS really just a meme? I'm a megafat beginner and I want to start lifting. I've got plenty of time as a uni student with no social life.

Hast uno mas

Maintain an even 200lbs and prob put a baby in some good looking broad.
Im 28 so having an oopsie baby wouldnt be the end of the world.

>Alzo, is SS really just a meme?
No, it's not. But as the name says it's Starting Strength.

It means you begin with this routine when you want to build strength. If you eat less, you'll lose weight and gain strength. If you eat more, you'll win weight (muscle too) and strength. Here people just hate it because they've never read the book, which is quite good really.

Make friends. Kill this depression. Finish UNI and get my masters. [spoiler]gf[/spoiler]

SL 5x5 is a great next step

Go Veeky Forums and restock my wardrobe.

Saving a little every month from my pension, so I can go on a shopping spree in all the nice boutiques.

What is considered a healthy body fat percentage to be at to start running. If I do c25k at 28% bf will I destroy my joints?

You mean after SS? I thought it was comparable to SS

The plan was to go extremely hard for 3 weeks then adopt a regular exercise routine and healthy diet.

My question is, is there any danger of physically burning as much as you eat? And i mean excluding the basic metabolic rate, like burning 1200 calories at the gym and eating 1200 calories. The weight is dropping fast and Ive gotten used to eating this little, and I drink water and take a multivitamin every day.
So can you lose weight too fast?

>Burning 1200 calories in the gym
What in sam fuck are you doing

Either an hour and 20 minutes on an elliptical at 150bpm or one of the gyms cycle classes followed by 30 minutes on the elliptical

Fruits full of sugar. If your fat, you want to watch how much sugar your taking in. Keep it at a reasonable level, don't do the "I drink fruit juice because it's healthy" thing, because then you end up drinking a ton of kcals.

Plan for the best, prepare for the worst. You may not be perfect every day. Do your best user, we all gonna make it.

>Plan for the best, prepare for the worst.

I think you mean hope for the best, prepare for the worst.

This. I'm also nearly thirty, so while as a guy I don't really care whether I become a dad at forty or even fifty, I would prefer it be in the next decade.

For me Veeky Forums was something that came from shaking some of the NEET depression that had held me for many years. I'm also starting work soon, a trade, so being fit enough to do manual labor without noping out is a bonus.

I'm actually curious about this myself, though to a lesser degree. Today I ate half of a chorizo sausage, a single piece of boneless southern fried chicken, and two cinnamon rolls. Not the end of the world, but enough to mean I'm closer to maintenance than I'd like.

Then again, I did a brisk walk for 25 minutes, about forty situps, another thirty with resistance, and then spent an hour lifting. Chances are I burned at least a third of that shit I ate.

I'm just hoping that the food I ate will go onto the muscle I'm trying to build, and the deficit will come off of my fat reserves, same as you.

Thanks anons.

A while after I posted that I found out that I might get to meet my ldr partner this summer! So I have extra motivation.

How much should I listen to the MFP community? I wanted to ask a simple question but they got all on me for eating less than 1500 calories a day. I've felt comfortable at what I've been cutting and they make some good points but are they generally retarded? I see some of the threads in there and God damn.

fact check everything no matter where it comes from

>mfp was retarded, better ask the 4chinz
out of the frying pan..

do this.

inb4 heart blows out of his chest and through the fucking wall

I trust you guys over them most of the time, especially considering people here can be more brutally honest with how much you are fucking up. Of course you have to debate something like onions raising T.

I wore a bikini top today after like 5 years. I'm really happy

the beauty of anonymous boards. On reddit people will tell you whatever you want to hear and compete for upvotes. None of that shit here, only brutal honesty.


I try not to hope, so I plan and prepare for both. I'm a cynical person.

You're not going to get jacked on it but you'll get strong. I started when I was 320 lbs or so and am now at 298 and my main three lifts have gone from:
Squat: 195-300
Bench: 130-185
OHP: 75-115
Diddly: 300-365
This is all in a 3 month period and all the lifts are 3x5, minus the diddly, that's a 5rm. I ate at a cut for all of this and made sure to get my sleep.

Ah yes, the multi-function printer community

Does your fat get looser before it goes away? This combined with hunger pangs have coincided with weight loss in my case, I have never lost linearly, I'll stall for weeks and then be a few kilos lighter.

My stomach is definitely looser after going from 340-298

We in the game. Shitposted about getting in it a few days ago, but we're finally in it now.

Did a non-stop 11 mile ride on the bike with medium resistance this morning, first time at the gym ever. Walked in and got some stares in a bad way, 100% from the women, but went right in. Two old men got on either side of me and we peddled like a bunch of faggots in some sort of passive solidarity move.

Think I'm going to make it.

I don't know what to do guys
i started at 260 and am at 195 as of today
i'm 30 pounds to a normal bmi

but i realized i'm still unhappy. i feel better about myself but i'm still lonely, i just don't know how to connect with anyone irl anymore

Nah senpai, I typically eat an apple, a banana, or a small bowl of assorted fruit pieces, typically melons and grapes. I can't even drink fruit juice anyway, due to acid reflux, so.

I would cut the sugary drinks and the candy asap, sadly fast food is something inevitable when you cant eat at home but dont drink you calories in sugar form.

That's not quite what I meant, I am pretty close to a bodyfat % I'm happy with, went from 120+ kg to 85 and am at ~20% right now. What i mean is that the fat feels looser temporarily before dropping, wondering if someone else has had the same experience.

I have been there and i am there again (80 kg) when i started uno I wanted to change my life i was almost 90 in a little bit more than a year i lost almost 30 kg ( mostly starving and turning) I reached 57 kg then I realize that I still looked like moe from the simpson. It seems that I lost the genetic lottery .... A girl will never look at me like they do to most of the guys, never I will have the exitment stares, the respect and kindness that they give to others.

I still managed to get laid...a pretty gold digger screw me over.

Hey /fat/ got a question about food because haha we are all just fat right guys? Anyway, for a while I was using my George Foreman to cook my chicken but I got fucking sick and tired of cleaning that thing every night. I'm considering just boiling the chicken on the stove top like I would boil my veggies, it will go straight from the freezer to the pot, is there any sort of problem with this? Will I "boil out" any sort of nutrient? How retarded am I?

Boiling is just the worst flavor possible. Do you have an oven? Grab a glass pan, quick spray of oil, make sure your chicken breast (ideally thigh) is seasoned. You can look up rubs otherwise just buy one. Set oven to 425, cook for 25 minutes. Delicious every time, serve on bread with mayo for carbs+fats.

It'll taste like garbage. That's it.

I've thought about the flavoring but I usually just chop it up in to little pieces for my salad so I'm eating a bunch of other shit with it at the same time. I'll consider the oven.

You can make soup with it and it tastes ok

>catch bitches mirin at the gym.

I've been doing SL for less than a month and I"ve already quadrupled my lifts. When do the noob gains stop? I don't want them to stop.

I think this is an experience he expects to have in the future, user. He's acknowledged his current fatfuck status

I don't think he realizes how long it is going to take him to loose around 130-140 pounds.

Lost 92 pounds....

I am aiming to push myself to lost 70 more by June. Can’t fucking wait!!!

Who here super motivated?

>tfw 80lbs lost since August
I'm gonna make it.

Nope. I'm on more than that right now, as it happens.

>got 150 calories to go for dinner

Where did everything go so wrong.

Feels good man. Started in November. Can't believe I lost weight like this over the holidays. I'm getting mires in the gym, my lifts are going up on a deficit.

We're gonna make it.

When you didn't stop yourself from stuffing your face earlier.

They stop whenever you're body tells you they are stopping. I'm squatting enough now that after 2 weeks of doing it every other day I get sciatica for 2 weeks so I think my noob gains are over and I need to do deloads. It was great while they lasted.

It's like a video game. I just keep getting my score higher and if I can get a high enough score I get pussy (loot).

Around the same as you
I don't use any app though
Started around 11 November
Dropped from 108 to 93 (kg)
I wish I could have time for some gym
Work sucks

i fucked up with the coconut water, don't drink anons, its a calorie and sugary goblin.

Is 1600 calories a day for a man bad

Learn to cook and control your portions better fatty. Eat the recommended amount according to that meal.

I manage to eat 1,400 calories of extremely healthy /clean/ food a day and increase my lifts. You either want it or you're just too dumb to actually understand the whole process.

Cooking is fun too.

Joining the army and getting laid. Not the American btw.

Depends on what that 1,600 calories is made of. Is it fucking cake or grass fed steak with brown rice and veggies?

Healthy fats, lower the carbs and high enough protein. I try to get 130 grams of protons a day at around 1,400-1,600 calories. Not PERFECT, but I can't eat chicken 3 times a day.

Depends on your height, weight, and age.

This and if you eat clean.

Right, didn't mean to leave that out. As sad above you'll feel like death if you eat 1600 calories of junk food.

>1400 cals

never going to make it bro,. Guess ill just cook 5 egg whites for dinner.

Tfw still working on the mental.
The loose skin isn't helping.
6'11 and floating around 128-130. I should be gaining weight but I can't mentally bring myself to eat more than 1500 a day at the MOST, even if I'm starving in the afternoon.

>he thinks he can make it

run through a field of tall grass and flowers, only stopping until I fall on top of them and blissfully take in the lightness of my body on my back

holy shit
>35 sugar

15 cals lad, 15 fucking cals

Join the Military

Wear pants, bro. Ticks are a real thing

Was going to reply earlier but had some shit come up. Basically this is what I have started doing. I was eating like 1000 before and I felt like shit. I feel better but at the same time feel bad because it seems like I'm eating a lot at night.

Basically it is:
>First snack
>Second snack
>Hit the gym
>Make shake right after gym, cook chicken for salad while eating shake

I've had to tweak my calorie intake this past year but I kind of feel like this is getting to the sweet spot but there is that guilt for going over 100 calories. On fitnesspal it says my macros are 39% carbs, 30% fat and 31% protein. 5'8 male at 237 pounds.

YOu had a cheese stick for breakfast? That’s kinda weird