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Health #444
Rate my body Veeky Forums
What's the best variation of the deadlift and why?
For what reason do you visit lift? non politic baiting edition
Late night Veeky Forums feels thread
So, give it to me straight...
Sick of lifting
What exercises help someone get thicc on their sides?
What say to this brapphog
What's her routine? biceps looking juicy
Lifting can't help if your face doesn't match
How is this gym?
Is the dark side a meme anakin fell for or its real
Rare lift thread?
What do you guys think about my planning?
What's your excuse now, Veeky Forums?
Is almond milk healthier than soy milk? No pol bullshit please, I asked in Veeky Forums and they ruined the thread
How do i get my test levels up?
Can we end the meme that diet actually matters...
What the fuck is this shit? I've been treating it with antifungal cream and its gone down a but it's been like 2 weeks
This shit is impossible to correct
How fit do I have to be to get a bf like this? where are they?
Is it a meme?
Can Test Boosters make your Dick Bigger?
Movies that raise test
This is why I lift:
What cars do Veeky Forumsizens drive?
Has a girl ever asked you if she could take a picture with you?
Tfw 5'7 but I tell people I'm 5'10 and they believe it
Laying a protein fart down by the gym bunnies
Goals 2018
I just got raped
How to achive the guy on the right mode
Could Veeky Forums survive prison?
Fat people hate /fph/
Could some friendly Veeky Forumsizen post a step-by-step on how to attain an Asian gf with a fat ass...
Besides attention from women. Why do you lift? I'm having a hard time finding motivation being asexual and all
/CBT/ - Not Falling for Gf Meme
How to achieve pewdiepie mode?
Honest question
How to tell if a girl is miring you?
I'm a novice lifter but I'm wondering if the following is normal. I can bench more than 2...
How do I stop being such an angry and bitter person...
How do you stay focused on your goals in life when everyone on this site and real life is always so negative and...
Men on typically reach their sexual peak at 38 years of age
There is not one single aesthetic physique that has been built using Starting Strength. Not one
6 months in! my fitness journey~
Anyone on Veeky Forums into business/finances...
What's your favorite exercise at the moment
Gymnastic rings
Symmetric strength, feels edition
Enter gym
/fast/ #95 Are we there yet edition
Is this enough eggs for my breakfast or should I add more?
Serious SS Criticisms
What do you eat during the day? I want to read what Veeky Forums eats to stay Veeky Forums
Tfw brown eyes
Whats wrong with starting out with the smith machine?
Am I making it, Veeky Forums?
/run/-Running General
How the fuck bolt is 1.94 and 95 kg ?
I hope you fucking die in a car crash
Why didn’t you save her Veeky Forums?
Weed has antiestrogenic effects, why aren't you smoking for the gains?
Would getting jacked reasonably do anything to help Casey neistat's facial aesthetic
/Fraud/: Poor Cunt's in control of this party train now
Be honest
/fitfa/ general
So we can agree that memphis rap is best lifting music?
Decorating all walls of my home gym with posters, care to help with good pics to print? pic related
Daily reminder the genetically predetermined shape of the discs in your spine determine their ability to bear heavy...
What are some Veeky Forums approved wallpapers?
Why do normies get jealous or try to brush off your hard earn gains to feel better about themselves
What's your excuse for staying natty?
Yo, live a little and have a beer bro
Could a man beat a baboon
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Does Veeky Forums sauna/steam after lifting?
How the fuck am I supposed to enjoy working out...
What's it like being on roids?
Day trade cryptocurrency and make tens of thousands a month
/Routine Thread/
What's your excuse for deadlifting at least lmao1pl8
Mobility is important
Crossfit Cringe Thread
Hey white boi, whatcha lookin?
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
Veeky Forums Confessions
Ideals Thread let's go
Like father, like son
Blood donation
Day 11 nofap. Help pls im so horny for titcows ive blocked all porn sites and even instagram
Recently I was jacking off in front of the mirror and noticed I have a Hank Hill ass
What's a good 4 day upper/lower split routine?
Reminder that if you drink crap like this instead of real coffee youre a soyboy
Are there any exercises i need to do for big forearms...
*inhales naturally*
How do I bench without a spotted?
Am i working out too hard?
Hey, I’m Erny, a 23 year old natural bodybuilder from the South-West of England
How much do I have to lift to get a girlfriend like this?
What is the best exercise for 8pack abs?
What the fuck is this?
Can you have great shoulders being a natty lifter?
Is it possible to go from 17%bf to 10%bf in 7 weeks?
Pushup thread
I unironically train to fuck good looking fatties like pic related. The bigger and stronger I get...
Nerves of steel
Sean10mm's stripped 5x5
Perfect Jawlines don't ex-
Remember when Gyms were male only safe spaces?
Redpill me on Judo. Should I take it up? Should I keep lifting if I do? No BJJ memes pls
Protein: 1g x weight or 0.8g x weight?
ITT : Veeky Forums approved superfoods
What mode is this?
Is it me or are pectorals one of the hardest muscles to grow? Literally everything grows faster than them: arms...
/mirin/ general
Veeky Forums approved haircuts
Brosplit vs SS summed up in one picture
Whilst Tyler eats a burger Chad eats chicken and salad with water
3x5 or 5x5 for compound movements?
/inury/ threas
Ok but what routine do I actually do though
How can we end ageing?
CBT No GF Edition
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Veeky Forums Confessions
Blocks your path
Gym rage
Daily reminder to drink more water
I give up... literally cannot make decent chicken, not gonna happen
What’s the shortest time I need to reach this?
/manlet/ general
What's the best source of carbs and easy protein?
Is muay thai a chad sport?
Any success stories for picking up thots at the gym?
Fatfuck here, just wondering if its more beneficial to run night time or mornings...
How do you deal with petite girls? esp if youre a lanklet, im 6'3, gf is 5'1, yeah. still haven't kissed her...
You started lifting for (((her)))
Looks are the only thing that matt-
Why does nearly every guy at my gym wear shorts and leggings?
How do you achieve happiness?
OK Veeky Forumsizens, 7 months into lifting
Ma’am, please pull your pants up in the gym floor
Be me
What are your thoughts on Elliott?
Well Veeky Forums?
Am I going to make it Veeky Forums?
Is reading porn without fapping detrimental to my mental health?
He actually thinks lifting will help him against anyone who trains combat sports
Well my girlfriend of 2 years cheated on me after 6 months of us going to the gym
So what other hobbies do you have besides lifting, user? You do have other hobbies… right?
Do you ski or snowboard Veeky Forums?
Felt cute, might delete this soon
The ideal Veeky Forums gym
Girls want you to be passionate about something
Wtf is this manlet propaganda
Tfw someone notice you're getting bigger
Methods to measure testosterone without an expensive test?
Give me all of your underarmor wojaks
When did you stop growing?
Personal trainers
No wiafu thread
Why do so many fuckers wear this shit in the gym...
How does he do it? tryna escape AIDS mode
Is this a bad idea?
What are some Veeky Forums clothing options?
Am I ready to start taking anavar? Sounds like there's not a lot to worry about for female sides
Push up thread
Anyone use doorway pullup bars? How safe are they for both you and the doorframe?
How to avocado
/fat/ - “Dont Die Fat Edition” Edition
Is Veeky Forums still about SS and SL?
The more I lift, the more I begin to see the complete beta faggotry some of my friends harbor...
CBT - plus your gf
How do I eat 150g of protein per day while being a poor fag...
Tried gaining muscle. Fucked it up, shit diet, not enough protein, gained nothing but fat
How do I get into this mode?
Full body workouts a.k.a. taking squating and deadlifts srsly
Okay, so I'm coming here for information out of desperation. My story:
Veeky Forums was a mistake
Half a year later
Question for you single guys in your late 20s early 30s
I'm retarded
Pre-workout is better than fucking cocaine
Hey /fit are you getting your Vegtables?
Why do girls wear see through stuff and bend over at the gym?
What body does a woman aged 20-26 desire on a mate?
That guy thread
Guys in Monday will be my first day on the gym in my life. Should I say hello to everyone...
Current back thread
Probably a bad idea
What is the best and cheapest cut of chicken when bulking?
Why lift when it's all about the Veeky Forums?
General feels thread
/fast/ #94: We are all going to make it
Is Predator the most Veeky Forums movie of all time?
Powerlifting General - /PLG/
There is no "her"
What Happened To Elizabeth Zaks Voice?
Veeky Forums, hear me out... did I just become weak? is something wrong with me?
Who notebook at the gym here? Soyphone users need not apply
ITT: we show off our physiques that we gained through weightlifting (fitness) by posting a picture of ourselves from...
VG's """diet"""":
Jordan Peterson benched 225 lbs at age 23
Why does the entire gym look at me like I'm developmentally disabled when I do pendlay rows?
Redpill me on cold showers
Have you been doing your breathing exercises Veeky Forums?
Fat- burning stack
Stalled on all lifts
How’s Veeky Forums‘s dating game?
Went to an appointment with my psychiatrist this morning
Tfw my rows are advanced and just diddly is intermediate, rest novice. ;_;
Things normies say
Can't find the motivation to go to the gym
Whats a good 4 day upper/lower routine?
Jesus christ, this is horrible
Why is every prolific sexual predator always a DYEL manlet?
I had a tooth come out yesterday
Veeky Forumsness by race
Progress thread anyone?
I met this girl in my chemistry class, she is from Poland and looks like pic related...
Are Veeky Forums people in general more insecure about their appearance?
Is Veeky Forums aware of this?
Well boys, I’ve finally gotten to that stage in life where I have enough money to start pursuing my dreams
How can I fix a ugly smile...
Can gains really transform a beta into an alpha?
Does anyone watch porn on their phones in between sets?
You're given a barbell with a large set of weights and NOTHING else, could you make serious gains? No squat rack...
Mode me brahs
How regular are your bowel movements Veeky Forums?
Guys, nofap is real
Alcohol Abuse
Just ate 650 grams of broccoli
Whats on your Plate /fit?
Eat meat
Getting fit
So how much fruit can you eat before it becomes unhealthy?
Only ever get mired by teenage girls
You'd lose in a fight with him
Workout app
Excuse me, miss? Could you please get off the counter?
Is it normal to feel full while cutting?
Soy is bad for y
This is gonna sound silly but, and I'm saying you do, let's say you had a "waifu". If you indeed had a "waifu"...
People you hate at the gym
Does anyone here do martial arts?
What routine comes after SS? One for aesthetics and not T-rex mode please
Why do gym thots think this is acceptable?
Best lighting for Tinder pics and such?
How old are you and how often do you fap Veeky Forums
Anyone else think squats are overrated if your goal is hypertrophy?
UK food shopping & diet critique thread
Post your supplement stack
NO FAP 2018 /NF18/
Does training abs really make a difference?
Injuries that won't heal
What core is dis
Big Thighs
How do you get rid of dandruff?
How do I trick myself into liking squats?
I read going 1 year without sex causes mild brain damage equivalent to a concussion
Veeky Forums why haven't you got yourself a real.... bonafide....thicc... bootydoll?
Tips on increasing conscientiousness?
Keep cutting or Bulk?
Strength vs aesthetics?
/Hair General/
Post Masturbation/Sex Musk
Did I fall for the SS meme???????
My resting heart rate is 92 BPM at 22 years old
ITT: The worst of newyears
I told my wife if she doesn't start attempting to be healthier I will leave her... Am I in the wrong senpai?
Help me
Need to vent
Motivational Thread
Ever been mired/hit on by a girl who was bigger or could lift heavier than you?
Want to use power rack
Who's the most attractive fit grl?
Digestive Health
Mom says i look perfect now and that i don't have to go to the gym anymore
This is the peak female form. You may not like it, but it is. It deserves respect
Getting Older
QT Front Desk
Went to the gym today for the first time, could only bench 40 lbs (20kg)...
/mirin/ thread
I'm Zyzz cunt! I'm making it Bois. We're all gonna make it!
Why do powerlifters who specialize in squats and deadlifts have huge upper-bodies and biceps??
Day 2 of Keto/ Keto general
Any mid 20's fags or older here today?
Post your bed peasants
Be 19 yr old female
Why do you automatically assume you deserve an hourglass figured...
Redpill me on jump ropes
Fat shame me
Massive Barrel Chest
Fat People Hate
/fat/ - smiling thru the pain edition
Gfs kill gainz
How fit do I need to be to get a girl like this?
Hi im seeking some ‘alternative’ health and fitness advice. I’m a 5’6, 185lbs, 18yr old female...
Be me squatting
Are there any natural treatments for bipolar disorder?
Broken Arm Eternally Fucked
Without going to the doctor, how can you tell if you have diabetes?
This is by far the best match I've ever gotten since I started swiping (quite sad really)...
Why are bodybuilders shamed?
Post ur gym
What's the Veeky Forums approved cheese(s) again?
You have 3.14 seconds to tell me one (1) reason why women who wear makeup while working out shouldn't be banned from gym
How Does It Feel To Be Mogged?
There is literally no downside to a home gym
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
This board has become a pathetic joke. Frog posters and Fucking bloggers are everywhere...
Actual fitness discord
What's your supplement stack Veeky Forums
Push-up thread
/PLG/ Powerlifting General
Veeky Forums humor thread
Eye Health
Does mwilk give you estrogen?
Tfw shoulder impingement
Mental Fitness Thread
Do women find a manbun sexy?
Last rep face thread
This terrifies the soyboy
Sweating ammonia
All those muscles won't help you in a fight
What kind of milk does Veeky Forums like?
Is the consumption of meat truly necessary in order to obtain muscle mass?
Does anyone else lift to anime openings?
People you hate in the gym
Pretty strong argument, to be honest
How much do I need to lift in order to get a cute girl like this?
Is PPL the ultimate routine for natty aesthetics?
How has your week started Veeky Forums?
What do you put in your protein shakes to make them not disgusting?
I told you retards
What Gyms does Veeky Forums use?
Are smith machines bad for you?
You can't get a better jaw from worki-
What to test next?
He doesn't wear short-shorts to the gym
Why he has a gf and i not >:(
Oat Milk General
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
Lifting for 6 months next week
What do you lift for?
How do I climb the male dominance hierarchy?
/fraud/ - tfw still no holo gf edition
Enter gym
>He doesn't listen to RetroWave when lifting
So is Veeky Forums a vegan board now? And did the mablets finally stop taking all the weights?
Kek his progress is shit
Okay, i can barely breath and see when i eat raw red onion
/thicc/ general
No blue lights before bed
What's her name Veeky Forums?
goes to the shower all the way naked with towel on shoulder
Whats the current requirement to get a girl like this?
I just checked my old pictures and I can't believe I let Veeky Forums troll me. I think I actually looked good in 2012
"Are you sexually active?"
Fitness & life goals for 2018
Women powerlifting
What fictional character do you lift for?
Get gf
/fast/ #93: Do it for you
Halp pls
Gym etiquette regarding cute guys
Who here /Wizard/?
Daily reminder to drink more water
/sip/ general
I really want an olympic waifu, how do i achieve this goal?
Lifting shoes
Daily Fappers Thread
Looking at changing gyms
When did u realize that lifting for looks is useless if ur face is ugly brahs?
She sold her soul
Be in gym
How's this for 2 years? Semi decent?
What app do you use to track your workouts/weights?
Is this a correct deadlift form?
Is it possible to get enough gains to stop a blade?
Hi /fi/, Ill gladly welcome you to a new insecurity
CBT Thread
How the fuck do I throw a punch? I feel like its something any Veeky Forums man should know
You have a chance to go back and tell 16yo you anything... what do you tell yourself?
How does one convince his friends to start lifting?
Might go a bit further from the core topic of this board...
Have great workout
Phenibut general
Is smoking really that bad?
What does Veeky Forums think about occasional joints?
/plg/ powerlifting general
I’m currently sick and can’t go to the gym how do I keep my gains /fit
Veeky Forumscooking
He doesn't eat the peel
If you can squat 4pl8 can you jump off a 6 story building and land in a squat?
When I get the money, should I get gyno surgery or a hair transplant?
If time chamber exist in real life would you do stay there for a one year?
Have to lose 2 kg in 11 days for police employment
Do you guys eat after workout or shower after workout first?
How do olympic wrestlers and gymnasts pass the steroid tests? olympic testing is supposed to be really strict
Spotting a Veeky Forumsizen
Breakfast Thread
How do i keep my tesosterone high while eating a vegan diet?
I try to eat vegan but eating vegan is often higher in carbs because you can't eat fatty fish, eggs etc...
How to get this physique?
Blended fruit (can't put smoo.... as subject)
Is OHP even required for muscular development?
Do you have rituals before going to the gym? My ritual is watching while eating a sandwich, srs
How important sleep actually is?
Does anyone know what those red marks are??...
Starting Aesthetics
Soy is okay to drink
What are the top 3 bodytypes...for a 5'4'' MANLET?
Im skinny fat should I cut or bulk
Need (user) for cuddling
/30+/ - Oldfag general
The faces the alternative female fitness industry
Am I hopeless?
I now live within walking distance from a CrossFit gym and they are offering a 2 hour small group training session + 2...
Two questions
Jacking it to some nice straight pegging porn
Oh hey, do you mind taking a picture for us really quick?
Just had my first Tinder date and accidentally pissed in her mouth
When will manlets ever learn?
Help me with pic related senpai. I have severe autism
Daily reminder to drink more water
My PT keeps telling me I need to get one of these so he can track my gains online
ITT: post your hometown gyms resident attention whores
Sup fit, new lifter
Will they ever learn?
Feel bar is open, boys
Squat Form
Only dreams now
/bouldering/ general
Hey anons
What music do you like to listen to at the gym? Unironically use the hype from SS3 to help me pull new PRs for deadlift
WTF!?!?!?! The Bugez is advocating the consumption of Tofurky sausages???...
When will you realize that eating raw+vegan is the only and ultimate red pill you can ever swallow?
Haircut general /hct/
How far can normal exercises take me? Eg: Push-ups, Sit ups, no dumbells or barebells...
25 year old kissless virgin
Be a boxing-fag
External Hemorrhoids
Bulking help
Watching southpark with Veeky Forums buddies
Do you eat the same things every day?
How much do I have to be able to dead lift before I can suplex someone to death?
Remember when I won an NFC Championship game
/fraud/ - tfw still no holo gf edition
1RM Thread
Tfw 6'1
ITT we help each other get the fit gym girl we all want...
I have a racist gym problem
How do I lower stress
Will Adderall kill my gains?
Chads, players, and normies: How do you meet gf material girls after college
Sexdoll general
How do i motivate my fatass to workout Veeky Forums ?
THE BOOGZ just recommended tofurky dogs, what now Veeky Forums ?
He lifted that weight
So I was about to go on a date with this girl...
How long did it take u to reach 1/2/3/4?
Weight loss
What's the best way to build bigger biceps?
Wheyfu thread
Here's a list of shit that Veeky Forums keeps doing that YOU NEED TO STOP, NOW:
Is he natty?
Which exercises will help me get a face like this?
What does Veeky Forums think of this guy/story? I happened to find this while scrolling around sc
Post ideal natty bodies itt
Climbing General
Besides sodium (which you can off-set with lots of water) there's nothing wrong with fast-food
Memes aside, why do you guys think it's a good thing to be 6'1+?
What happened to onion man? I remember he was supposed to get his test results back somewhere in January...
QTDDTOT - "Is Water Natty?" Edition
Nobody warned me that deadlifts would wreck my hands like this
Personal trainer fired landwhale even though she's a paying customer
What does coming too fast mean in terms of health?
Which are CHAD'S favorite lifts?
Pics of absolute testosterone for motivation, prepping to destroy monday
How much do I have to lift to get a black Tittycow gf?
How strong do i need to be to be able to defend myself from a leopard attack? They're not that dangerous...
"Hey dude, you need lifting"
Be completly straight
Post what you’ve eaten today Veeky Forums people cutting and bulking both welcomed
Is it possible to have a body like this or is it photoshopped?
Weeb fitness training program
How was my 1 year transformation?
What's the best pickup line for a chick you've never talked to...
How does one bench without a spotter safely?
How many eggs do you eat for breakfast
I did no fap for like a week . The last time I fapped was to some "normal" porn video nothing too extreme...
Drink 300mg+ of caffeine every single day for the last 3 years
What was your fitness life like before discovering Veeky Forums, r/fitness,, etc?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Why do you lift?
What mode is this ?
/fat/ Valentine's Day Is Approaching Edition
Body goal thread?
Juat got gyno surgery to remove my soy boy tits AMA
Soy milk is one of the most common and nutritious dairy alternatives. In addition to its general benefits...
Leg press
Why aren't you mewing? Do you not want to be aesthetic...
Remember when this guy got married in pajamas?
Tfw dick is visible and obvious in athletic clothing
Lifted everyday for years spending rivers of sweat and blood in the gym
Veeky Forums memes you unironically fell for
Moved into my first own home
Veeky Forumss thoughts and opinions on eggs?
Tfw you realize face and charisma are all that matters
/SIG/ - Self Improvement General
What’s a good way to make my brain release dopamine?
I no longer get sore from leg day. Does anyone else miss it? What am o doing wrong?
Buzzfeed is making fun of us again
Ask a primordial god of chaos anything? But be warned all prophecies are FINAL!
Do you count calories?
Veeky Forums Universities
You could be me if you wanted to be
Seriously, what's the cause of low-t boys & men?
/fast/ #92: go drink some water
Burpee Thread
Running is boring as fuck why should I do it?
Is it worth getting contact lenses?
What went wrong?
Does your girlfriend lift too or does she just cheer you on from the sidelines?
Goes to the gym, lifting extremely heavy yet dont have a job, or education
This is the reason you lift
Will i see gains training for failure without a routine using dumbbells weights in my bedroom? bare in mind diet is good
Is there such thing as being fat and healthy?
Just read this the past week. Anyone else aware?
Who here has a chad-dad
I managed to bench my bodyweight today
GOMAD actually works
Ever since you made the conscious decision to get off your ass and hit the gym and turn your life around...
Is he autistic?
Anyone know where a poor fag could "acquire" the naturally enhanced pdf for free?
Some friends made fun of me saying i lift only to compensate for being short. Is it true? how short are you guys?
Most effective way to hit 1 pl8
You will never see Zyzz live in the Tinder and Instagram era
High reps with low weight or low reps with high weight for visible muscles?
Why are men so intimidated by women nowadays?
Soy milk vs Cow milk
Okay Veeky Forums let say you made it, and the gods of lifting give you a choice
Is Eric Bugenhagen literally the real life Gigachad?
Past - present - future
Nu Males. What are we going to do?
Workout three times a week
What do you lift for?
Is this achievable natty? He's getting kind of old for this much muscle mass
Has anyone tried this, Veeky Forums?
I'm 177cm and I'm not sure if I'm ecto or mesomorph. Should I cut or bulk...
What techniques are required to steal a weak guy's gf?
Pomegranate bosts test levels
Fit anime?
Depression has set in again
Planet fitness members
Did getting fit help your depression?
Haven't seen you since high school
What sort of witchcraft does it take for someone to mold this sort of body?
How do i fix this?
What's the current manlet cutoff?
What do i say Veeky Forums?
And stilllll
Mountainbike general- Superior Cardio Edition
Whats his routine lads?
Should I go vegan or is it a meme?
What do YOU eat everyday?
Best place to check your blood and test levels in Australia?
What does Veeky Forums think of The Golden One?
Indian Vegetarian Wrestlers
What are these bumps in my forearm? I've had them since I can remember and they're on both arms...
Swimming thread
Carbs: 269 G per day
Recommend a bench
Hey user you've gotten pretty beefy lately
/fph/ - fat people hate
Bacne won't go away :( killing confidence
Anyone sprinter here ?
Is it possible to get a big butt without being fat af?
Who /monkmode/ here?
Who else /fitlit/ here?
It's one of these
Veeky Forums Veeky Forumsshion
Doing cardio without wanting to shoot myself
10/10 thread?
He wastes his time and energy pointlessly lifting for aesthetics
How do you deal with potential stalkers from the gym
How much creatine do you want in your shake, user?
Why the fuck can’t I be fat in peace? So what if I’m 350lbs? Why do normies care about someone else’s health...
What did our lord Klokov mean by this???
Sexy Cheap Outfits
This is what girls want
Pushup Thread
Poorfag here
Is just consumed 11g of sugar, will that kill my gains?
Why do normies like to make jokes about the gym or mock weightlifters?
What's your origin story Veeky Forums?
Let's go to Starbucks. I literally NEED a double mocha latte! cuz I'm SO OBSESSED with COFFEE!
Meal rate thread
/run/-Running General
What is the most Veeky Forums animal?
Bet with the boss
/fraud/ - tfw still no holo gf edition
Why are black people first thought, is violence? He could have settled that like an adult
How the fuck do you get rid of the thin layer of fat over your stomach/rest of your body?
Socail Anxiety
Gf went to a party last night and apparently "got too drunk...
Why aren’t tighty whities popular nowadays?
Creamy or chunky Veeky Forums?
All meming aside, is soy milk good for you?
At the gym
Whats the best Veeky Forums breakfast for someone who hates prepping meals and cooking in the morning?
How do I get arms bigger than my waist?
/PLG/ - Powerlifting General
I'm a beginner, 178cm and 75kg. Is this routine any good?
Body fat estimation thread
75lb Front Squat x3
Tfw no muslim-only musclefu thread
/fat/ Do the things that will make you better
Is it true that if your ring finger is longer than your index finger you were exposed to high amounts of testosterone...
Why does Soros have better looking legs than me?
Saturday Veeky Forums drinking thread
What are some good keto options at the chinese buffet?
Start mewing
How much protein should i get every day? Is 3 eggs a day enough?
Guys... I think.. I think.. a nigger in the gym looked at my ass. AND IM A MAN
Why do you lift? Do you like it? I've noticed everyone in my environment hates it
Is ramen bad for you, should I stop eating it? as a broke college kid this shit is great
are we humans doomed to be a physically pathetic species?
Go on okcupid in my local area
Is Sabaton's Ghost Division the best workout song ever?
Do I have a shot at looking good or am I fucked? Former skellies, please chime in
The most overlooked estrogen source
Meatcucks BTFO forever
What are yor favorite foods and dishes for a pretty clean and medium to slow bulk?
No Fap?
NOFAP is a fucking meme
What does Veeky Forums think about it?
What kinda pics should I use on tinder? We all know that hookups boost test and help lifts
Daily reminder that natty lifting is a waste of time
Baby dick
Mirin thread
What the fuck is NoFap?c
From /FAT/ To Veeky Forums tell us your story
Chose wisely Veeky Forums
What is a realistic progress in 1 year of lifting without roiding?
Sprints at you
Who or what do you lift for?
Who here unironically enjoys sardines?
What's the best thing to do if you suddenly can't lift the bar anymore while benching?
What do you do when your progress stalls? pic related. i've been lifting for a year...
Why are girls such shit at upper body lifts?
Flaxseeds have 800 times the estrogen levels of any other food...
How much do you spend on food each week?
Can I get shredded if I do 5x5 pull-ups everyday? I would eventually progress to weighted ones
How do you stay focused on your goals and being positive when everyone on this site is so pessimistic?
Tfw can't do any chest exercises because it hurts my left shoulder too much
>tfw no cutie Japanese girl to spot me in the gym
Good Feels Thread
Post Your Most Alpha Quality
ITT post Veeky Forums nostalgia
Do I have wide hips, or is that just in my head?
Lose the weight
Counting the bar
Has this face but is steel considered by most girls as hot
Have you learned to stop caring about what other people, in particular women, think about?
/ O N I O N G E N E R A L /
Tinder /thread/
Is 2 plate OHP
Bread is just empty calorie-
I just drank 4 monsters, am gonna make it?
Body language general
Be me
Be 6'1
I need the actual graph for this
What is the male equivalent of thicc?
Anyone still do full body?
Living hygiene bread
Symmetric Strength
How much i gotta lift as a white man to beat this nigger
Reminder that face is everything and no matter how hard you train you'll never be as attractive as someone with a...
Has anyone tried pic related?
Will 50 crunches a day with a balanced diet get me a six pack?
If you can't do that, you're not fit
2018 - How's it going?
Remember: if you're the first to look away, your testosterone levels go down
/fast/ #91
Name my band /fit
Would you let him sleep with your gf it meant you could have all his gains?
Can you be a Veeky Forums alcoholic?
Tfw haven't slept in 24 hours and can't fall asleep
No memes
Do you need roids to be like pic related
Meme workouts
What is your reaction when you see qt couples? For some reason it motivates me
Fat fuck
What do you guys eat?
Bench is bad
Do you friends lift? Whats it like to be the Veeky Forums one of your friend group?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
How tf do I offset these wide ass hips?
"what do you mean you don't want any garlic bread user, that piece of chicken you had probably had waaay more calories!"
That first post-workout joint
Childhood is shilling keto online. Adulthood is realizing that a high carb diet makes more sense...
The Fat Brain
What happened to the nofap threads ? Did everyone just give up ?
Get after it
How do i stop being a mute fuck?
Hey Veeky Forums, I need some help from those who aren't complete shut in NEETs...
Anyone else here work out because you have a small cock?
Doctor told me guys height stop growing at 16. is this true? I'm 19 and I've been 5'9 forever
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games