ITT post Veeky Forums nostalgia
ITT post Veeky Forums nostalgia
Eggs xD
Who is that?
It doesn't happen to be some really short guy named Tim right?
Don't remember her. Remember Anorexic chan though
actual infographics posted on fit
No I ment who is that guy on OP's post.
So who is it?
Shes just some whore on gif I found.
It's fucking Tiny trip you mong. Manlet Prince
>no roids
Why did he feel the need to lie?
>Anorexic chan
I knew it ,hes like under 160cm right?
155 if I remember.
He supposedly has chimpanzee face too.
Very unfortunate for him.
That's tiny trip
Anorexic chan and Jenn were chicks
Man where did all the tripfags go? We used to have a shitload, some actually useful
>missing scoobs ;_;
Missing scoobs as well
People don't want to stick around in a dyel/pol/ board
Quite the contrary - with regular, recognizable posters (didn't need to trip necessarily) we got to see people making progrrsss and adjustment in real time
Too soon
This place was actually a lot more /pol/ before Reddit's soft buttholes came over. It's sad that plebbitors act like this place "has become more /pol/" when in 10 years it's never been this PC.
Yeah I'm a woman who's been posting since like 2008 and honestly this is Reddit now. Nobody doxxes me or tries to hurt me or calls me a nigger or fsggot or whatever else anymore
Can you send noods?
reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee roastie nigger faggot
happy now you attention whore?
Please sauce me brother
Thanks guys really brings me back :')
You know the rules, post tits or you're LARPing.
fucking obaa-sans on my board
Naaww, izlee, izlee, izlee...
>inb4 what happend
>inb4 I miss him
Why did we ever get away from squats and oats and SS
god this brings me back
A few weeks ago I was like
>doing 531 was the worst decision of my life
and then some user wrote
>not killing yourself every morning is the worst decision of your life
That made me happy
forgot about the mong
what happened to him?
I don't care what anyone says, tiny tim is still my goal body
Tinytrip, rich manlet looking chimp who simply never made it and an hero'ed
He kind of made it? He was in great shape, but then got really into vidya, got some wageslave job and married some normie British girl and stopped fitness completely.
I don't blame him, I think he lived his life for a while desperate for the approval of Veeky Forums, a place that by it's very nature will never have a consensus on anything. He would've been happier on plebbit where if you don't tow the line, you get down-voted, hidden, banned, erased and executed.
He left after some user found his sister on social media and people kept spamming pictures of her and where he lived
>fist me
Fucking kek
Because this is a bodybuilding forum and SS makes you strong but look like absolute shit.
Thought it was just fitness / health general
Tony come back
Reddit invasion
He didn't lie, at the time he told Veeky Forums about roids. Very nice guy. All the trips were cool.
That guy who stalks and murders tripfags got to them
anyone remember kimbo ?. He also talked about Streets of Rage a couple of times
Hang on let me get my old laptop brb
When we Veeky Forums used to be about aspergers
Oh I made this kind a thread a few days ago and never finished dumping..will continue in a sec
This was a Veeky Forums favorite for a long time
This was so much funnier when Veeky Forums culture was more obscure and less prominent on the internet. Back then people would legitimately think you're retarded. Now they'll think you're trying to be funny and use internet memes.
I agree with you dude. Ive been watching fit go downhill for years.
Do you remember what a huge deal it was when Scooby posted here for the first time and Veeky Forums was his "special friends".
Then he hid a puzzle in his videos for his "special friends" and no one could solve it; he was then the puzzle master.
Then sadly some asshole harassed him. He was a positive influence on here.
I feel old
see my king of Veeky Forums post above
i'm a newfag to this group. is this a true regime? does it work?
All he's saying is to stick to the basics.
yes, it works just don't have a shit diet.
left is my unironic goal body.
ok I gotta go have lunch with my bf now. If this thread is still up later I'll dump more...I have plenty
petite tight ass best ass
oh man just saw that.
There was also some really strong people like the mutant(?), camb(? somehting like that) or doorbrah (never seen him post though)
was anorexic chan that cardio bunny tripfag that used to be on this board. she was blonde. miss those days with her, quad and tiny. the lolz :/
tiny killed himself??? are you serious????
also pls b in london
>doesn’t post tits
After you get stronger, just throw in some auxiliary lifts, it helps a hell of a lot.
he looks like my physics professor
>just a flu shot lol
god old fit was so good.
people were actually helpful and posted infographics to help each other all the time.
tuna was our best trip.